Tuesday, October 18, 2011
October 18 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Cabale News Service Farm Report - Mold Epidemic In NorCal Affects Marijuana Harvest
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 9:40 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
«o» Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, captured by Hamas in the 2006 invasion of Gaza, was released last night in a historic prisoner swap. "Before being transferred back to Israel, Shalit told Egyptian television that “I very much hope that this deal will advance peace."
«o» President Obama is out on a "Jobs Caravan" despite the fact the Jobs Bill will be dismantled in congress and forced into committees. It will also force the Republicans to take credit for not continuing tax cuts for the middle class. There WILL be a vote today on a measure to retain teaching and police jobs in the US. They are notably two of the most authoritarian jobs to be had in the modern American job market.
«o» The #Occupy street demonstrations now occurring across the world are having their cost. Manhattan has claimed $310 million just in police overtime alone.
«o» The Republicans will hold their eighth presidential candidate debate tonight at a... wait for it... casino.
«o» Hugo Chavez president of Venezuela is back in Cuba for post-operative exams in the wake of his surgery for abdominal cancer earlier this year.
"I took an Oath that I live by. I am NOT anti-NYPD. I am anti- Police Brutality.
I am no longer under contract with the USMC so I do NOT have to follow military uniform regulations. I DON'T affiliate myself with ANY GROUPS or POLITICAL ORG. I affiliate myself with the AMERICAN PEOPLE that's it.
I REFUSE to affiliate with anything that SEPARATES.
There is an obvious problem in the country and PEACEFUL PEOPLE should be allowed to PROTEST without Brutality.
I was involved in a RIOT in Rutbah, Iraq 2004 and we did NOT treat the Iraqi citizens like they are treating the unarmed civilians in our OWN Country. No one was brutalized because our mission was to "WIN the hearts and minds", why should I expect anything less in my OWN Country." ~~Sgt. Shamar Thomas USMC Veteran
5 of my friends are dead
1 of my friends is missing his arm
1 of my friends killed himself
I've been blown up 2x by roadside bombs
Hearing fireworks makes me nervous
I can't sleep at night
All so bankers and war profiteers could get richer
I am the 99%
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011
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