Wednesday, October 19, 2011
October 19 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The Republican 'Bottom Line' Tactic In The Upcoming Elections Is A Collapsed Economy
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In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
«o» Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Tripoli this morning, delivered by a C-130 military aircraft, to meet and greet the new CIA fronted government of Libya with aid packages including military aid.
«o» The Senate has voted to ban any 'trace' operations like the "Fast & Furious" operation by the ATFE where they allowed thousands of weapons to be smuggled by what yours truly believes to be Sinaloa drug cartel operators into Mexico, and then simply never bothered to actually follow up and trace where they went.
«o» A 48 hour general strike in Greece has begun and buildings are already burning. There have also been violent confrontations between protesters and the police outside the Greek parliament, and I DO mean violent:
Much of the country was shut down by the 48-hour general strike, the largest since the outbreak of the crisis two years ago with government departments, offices and shops closed and at least 100,000 people taking to the streets of Athens.
But the mood was furious among demonstrators, fed up after repeated doses of austerity and increasingly hostile to both their own political leaders and international lenders demanding ever tougher measures to cut Greece's towering public debt.
"Who are they trying to fool? They won't save us. With these measures the poor become poorer and the rich richer. Well I say: 'No, thank you. I don't want your rescue'," said 50-year public sector worker Akis Papadopoulos." [Reuters (images from June '11)]
«o» Meanwhile, the European banks are using freight flats of US currency to bail out European banks and in essence, the Euro... Using currency that is almost valueless as well.
«o» After three years of being told the Cost Of Living has not gone up, the COLA payment for Social Security recipients has gone up 3.6%... Literally enough for a couple of hot lunches for seniors over the coming year.
«o» NATO has begun a new offensive in Afghanistan which is intended to seal off the Waziristan border and also go after the al-Haqanni clan's fighters. Just a week or so ago we were told NATO was only interested in 'specific individuals' belonging to the clan. Apparently we've been lied to again... Or NATO is just flailing about in the theatre of operations without any intel that would inform them where those 'individuals' are... or perhaps both. The Pakistanis are warning the US NOT TO go into their sovereign territory of Waziristan. But you know we will.
«o» President Obama is wrapping up his electioneering bus tour based on Jobs Jobs Jobs in Virginia today. He'll be in Norfolk, the location of a massive US naval base today, talking up Veteran's benefits due to come up for a vote shortly.
Meawhile here's proof positive for naysayers that the Senate CAN get something done: "Potatoes Get Senate Protection on School Lunch Menus" despite attempts by President Obama to control their consumption by millions of schoolchildren around the country. Expect more obese, carbohydrate buzzed children in America's classrooms. You see? They CAN get something done! They regulated what kind of light bulbs we can use too! Now About that 2 year overdue budget?
Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh's family's has purchased Washington DC luxury condos for $5.5 million dollars.
Shortly after being named one of the three winners of the Nobel Peace Prize this month, Yemeni activist Tawakkul Karman said that if embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh is driven from power, investigators should immediately begin searching for assets held abroad by members of his government. The money "plundered" by the regime, she (note that... SHE -ed) said, should be "brought back to the Yemeni people," according to an account on an opposition website.
If Saleh is forced out -- he has held power for more than three decades -- the asset hunters might want to begin their search in Washington, D.C. Real estate records show that in 2007 a man named Ahmed Ali Saleh bought four condominiums in a luxury building in Friendship Heights, right near one of the capital's swankiest shopping areas. He paid $5.5 million -- in cash -- for the condos. He also owns a property assessed at about $220,000 in Fairfax, Virginia, bought in the 1990s.
Saleh is a common name in Yemen, and the Yemeni embassy in Washington won't comment on the matter, but substantial evidence indicates that the Ahmed Ali Saleh who owns the condos is the eldest son and longtime heir apparent of President Saleh.
He also heads the elite Republican Guard, which has allegedly led many of the attacks on the country's largely peaceful protesters at Change Square in Sanaa.
Yemen, the poorest country in the Arab world, erupted in revolt against the Saleh family's rule in February, soon after the fall of Tunisia's Ben Ali. Tribal fighters, young pro-democracy activists, and government security forces have been vying for control ever since. [More with links at Foreign Policy]
5 of my friends are dead
1 of my friends is missing his arm
1 of my friends killed himself
I've been blown up 2x by roadside bombs
Hearing fireworks makes me nervous
I can't sleep at night
All so bankers and war profiteers could get richer
I am the 99%
(PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
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