Thursday, September 22, 2011
September 22 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: AmeriKKKa's Killer Kulture - On The State Sanctioned Killing Of Troy Anthony Davis
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 22:57 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary... Welcome to Hell... Mumia Abu-Jamal gives us the guided tour. Followed by Rage Against the Machine, who want to Testify as hostile witnesses against those state-blessed killers, You'll Never Silence The Voice Of The Voiceless. Courtesy of the respective artists.]
» President Obama is on the campaign trail on the Ohio-Kentucky border where he's speaking about the Job Bill at a bridge over a river between the states, explaining how his bill will create thousands of jobs like the repair and servicing of the dilapidated structure he was speaking near. Ohio and Kentucky respectively elect the two most adamant Republican opponents of the Job Bill, Ohio-elected Speaker of the House Boehner, and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. It might be noted that even if the vote on the Job Bill happened today it would take at least till 2014 to begin 'tightening the bolts' on that bridge, but it's VERY embarrassing and potential upsets the incumbent's re-election chances to have all those jobs held up by their own votes.
» The president gave a speech at the UN yesterday asking for a negotiated solution on a Palestinian state and apparently convinced the Palestinian Abbas government, ie. the US backed government, to not take their statehood request directly to the General Assembly but give the Security Council a chance to hash something out. That would take at least a week to a couple of months. But it will STILL be a 'hot potato' even after that delay.
» The Republican Party will have another debate tonight at 6pm in Orlando Florida with Fox and Google co-sponsoring the event.
» Then there's the sory of the continuing Tea Party created budget crisis. With all the FEMA and disaster relief funding tied up with demands for budget cuts to match those expenditures an amendment has been added that would have also extended loan programs for the repairs and reconstruction using 'green' techniques. The TeaTards, allergic by birth to anything green, want it cut or they'll vote against the whole thing.
The whole thing is a continuing resolution to keep the federal government running after the first of next month.
Yesterday, the house voted down a bill that would have kept the US government running.
You read that right... More.
» #OccupyWallStreet begins to make news even if the news is "it isn't making news" as it enters it's sixth day with thousands of police and security continuously assigned to protect Wall Street's Golden Calf's balls from a continuing flash mob and tent city protest. Reinforcements have been requested by the protesters and carpools are available (FaceBook link).
More information, including way you can participate in bringing a Tahrir Square moment to Wall Street no matter where you are, at #OCCUPYWALLSTREET. More tactics, strategies, communiques, celebrations at this site.
» NATO has signed on to continue supporting the CIA-army "Libyan rebels" in their hunt for Muammar al-Gadaffi and his family. Expect more destroyed Libyan cities:
Meanwhile... from a Charismatic-ally led Islamo-Anarcho-Syndicalist state, to Criminal and Terrorist CIA-backed state, to:
Interview: Libyan royal offers to help homelandBut remember... certain players in the 'grand' Libyan 'game' have familial connections that are in the ex-Monarch's line of descent, which is SAUDI descent, not Libyan or even African.
Associated Press
September 21, 2011
The great-nephew of the Libyan king ousted by Moammar Gadhafi said Wednesday his countrymen should be allowed to decide if they want the return of the monarchy, offering his family as a "servant of the Libyan people."
Leaders of the rebels who ended Gadhafi's 42-year-long dictatorship have said they don't envision an institutional role for Prince Mohammed el Hasan el Rida el Senussi or his family, but that isn't discouraging the prince.
Just 7 years old when Gadhafi ousted then-King Idris in a 1969 coup, the prince insisted to The Associated Press during an interview in Rome that the Libyan people should chose what form of democratic government they want - including having a royal head of state. [More ROTFL Here]
Just-Us in the news..."When I got to the 'Halls of Justice, that's what I saw there... Just Us." ~~Dick Gregory
Troy Anthony Davis, from gurney, proclaims innocence before execution
Amnesty International:
"The U.S. justice system was shaken to its core as Georgia executed a person who may well be innocent. Killing a man under this enormous cloud of doubt is horrific and amounts to a catastrophic failure of the justice system."Prisoner Troy Anthony Davis was executed last night by lethal injection in the state of Georgia after a last minute US Supreme Court appeal failed. That killing occurred despite the fact that 7 of 9 witnesses recanted their testimony saying they were pressured to 'finger' Davis in a police officer shooting 20 years ago during a robbery, and one of the other witnesses was heard bragging that HE had killed the officer.
Davis refused a 'last meal' and his last words were:
The struggle for justice doesn't end with me. This struggle is for all the Troy Anthony Davises who came before me and all the ones who will come after me. I'm in good spirits and I'm prayerful and at peace."Here is a list of exonerated death row inmates, courtesy of Wikipedia. In other words, these are people who were sentenced to die, and later found to be innocent.
NO MORE 'MISTAKES'! End the death penalty because it has been repeatedly proven to be as terminally flawed as the systems and individuals who proscribe it's use... and it should not be a candidate for 'rehabilitation' in some more allegedly 'humane' manner.
Much Much more in this morning's commentary
Meanwhile, in the case of Kelly Thomas, a well known street person in Fullerton California beaten to death by a group of uniformed police officers:
"Fullerton Officer Manuel Ramos was charged with one count each of second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter in the death of 37-year-old Kelly Thomas after a violent confrontation with officers on July 5, Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas said at a news conference.Wherever you are today, walk up to a police officer, ANY police officer... smile, and say,
Police Cpl. Jay Cicinelli was charged with one count each of involuntary manslaughter and excessive force." [In Full]
"Justice for Kelly Thomas is coming, and for corrupt municipal governments that would allow armed thugs on their police force... ...Do you understand that officer?"There IS some good legal news though...
Santa Cruz California 'Sleeping Ban' Under FireThis should have been done much sooner but I'm glad it's getting done. PeaceCamp2010 was a PROTEST. not an attempt to camp simply for sleep sake, or the people assembled could have slept soundly someplace not subject to constant surveillance/harassment/arrest by the authorities.
Judge Accepts Writ of Habeus Corpus
Under pressure from attorney Jonathan Gettleman in an extensive Writ of Habeas Corpus brief, Superior Court Judge John Galllagher postponed the scheduled misdemeanor trial of long-time homeless activist Linda Lemaster for at least a month. Before the trial, Gallagher will hear the Habeas Corpus motion, which claims that Lemaster cannot even be tried for Cal Penal Code 647(e) "lodging" because the case is really one of political dissent being suppressed by authorities... [In Full]
California Penal Code 647(e) appears to make it illegal to be in the state without 'lodging', traditionally meaning a welcoming place to rest.
In my opinion, unless the California law is severely restricted it appears to violate the U.S. Constitution which has numerous safeguards that would prohibit the restriction on free travel from state to state.
The law seem to imply if your transit through the state takes longer than your ability to stay awake, and you have no recourse to 'lodging', at some point you would be in violation of the law.
Can a state proscribe how long it might take one to pass through it's jurisdiction?
Probably not... and this appears to be a rehash of the "Vagrancy Laws" long ago declared unconstitutional.
Remember... Capitalism is holding a loaded gun...
...And the target is ANYONE who gets in the way of their profits.
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Thursday, September 22, 2011
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