Thursday, March 31, 2011
March 31 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: You Didn't Want Boots So How About These Loafers - The CIA, Obsolete Spies And America's Wars
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128kbps MP3 10:18 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
» Radiation has been detected in milk and water in California and Washington state from the Fukushima reactor disaster. The US government says the level is 1/5000 of what we consider dangerous. Do you feel better about it now? There are traces of radiation 40 km from the wreckage of the EX-Nuclear power generating facility. That's two times the distance called for by the evacuation zone. So what can be done to make it better? NOTHING! The #2 reactor has melted down and all that remains to be done is bury it under a huge mound of dirt for the next 100 years or so... then you can go play golf.
» In the War... The Libyan War... the town of Brega is back in the hands of al Gadaffi's army and the fighting in Misrata continues with the government forces engaged in a full-blown artillery assault which is evading NATO bombings if they occur by positioning their artillery in buildings, where it can be rolled out for use and rolled back in, effectively hiding it from surveillance. The Libyan Foreign Minister has defected and flown from Tunisia to London where he was given political asylum, but NOT protection from criminal charges. He was in charge of some Libyan 'pogroms', perhaps the assassinations of Libyan dissidents overseas, but was also responsible for negotiations which successfully caused the removal of Libya's weapons of mass destruction.
» In regard to the commentary... The CIA IS NOT just standing around waiting for intel to come to them... As a matter of fact, they're coordinating OUR operations with the 'rebels'.
One must consider that U.S. Army Special Forces are a DeFacto arm of the CIA in wartime, and according to reports they're already in-theatre despite Congressional confusion as to whether or not there are 'boots on the ground in Libya'...
United States, Britain and France send hundreds of “defence advisors” to train and support rebelsThis is the guy they came to assist: A CIA Commander For Libyan Rebels. McClatchy has more: Libyan rebel leader spent much of past 20 years in suburban Virginia (Vienna... Where all the CIA expats live)
The United States, Britain and France have sent several hundred “defence advisors” to train and support the anti-Gadhafi forces in oil-rich Eastern Libya where “rebels armed groups” have apparently taken over
According to an exclusive report confirmed by a Libyan diplomat in the region “the three Western states have landed their “special forces troops in Cyrinacia and are now setting up their bases and training centres” to reinforce the rebel forces who are resisting pro-Qaddafi forces... [Reuters sourced from, More]
"Big Media" Matt Yglesias @ ThinkProgress connects those same dots:
Good Morning Libya» Maybe it will be replaced with nuclear power, whose technology in the U.S. is monopolized by oil industry players... President Obama gave a little-covered energy policy speech yesterday where he called for a 33% reduction in the use of oil 2025. That would leave the US still using 6.5 million gallons of foreign oil.
Today’s New York Times features Mark Mazzetti and Eric Schmitt reporting that America’s no boots on the ground humanitarian intervention in Libya features ground-based CIA agents (presumably wearing tennis shoes) coordinating with Libyan rebels so as to better be able to assist them with tactical air support. Chris Adams for McClatchy also has a story out headlined “Libyan rebel leader spent much of past 20 years in suburban Virginia”, which is presumably because he really liked the Tyson’s Corner mall and has nothing to do with the location of the CIA or the Pentagon.
Reuters also had it that Obama had signed a secret order to provide the Libyan rebels with weapons, but that presumably meant humanitarian weapons rather than the kind you use to kill enemy soldiers and resolve post-revolutionary political disputes with... [More @ ThinkProgress]
» According to Vice President Joe Biden Congress is 'making progress' on the 2011 budget with a target of $33 billion dollars in cuts. The Republicans target is $60 billion dollars with a vote due next Friday. Currently there will be cuts in entitlements like Social Security, Medicare, and the biggest entitlement of them all, the the defense budget, which unlike the former items has LOTS of things to cut out of the federal budget. Details @
In OTHER Current & Upcoming News:
The brothers and sisters are NOT happy:
No, Barack Obama isn’t white, but he may as well be. He is president precisely because he assured voters that he would not change the complexion of their belief systems. If he didn’t fulfill the deeply ingrained belief that might makes right as long as America, a country thought of as white, is in charge of world affairs, he would never have become the president.
Black Agenda Report
News, analysis and commentary from the black left
Attack of the Cruise Missile Liberals
Freedom Rider: Liberals Love War
Americans are warlike – as long as they think they can be victorious. These nominal Democrats and Republicans “differ only on who they want to see doing the dominating.” Today, a Black Democrat is the head killer in charge, allowing the likes of Ed Schultz, Bill Maher and Juan Cole to endorse the criminal assault on Libya. When the chips are down, fraudulent anti-war liberals show their true racist, Manifest Destiny-loving colors. “The true anti-war movement must reawaken itself and hit the streets in the hundreds of thousands.”
by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley
“The desire for America to dominate the rest of the world is prevalent among most of its citizens, regardless of party affiliation.”
Peace loving Americans are few and far between. The vast majority of our citizens see nothing wrong with their government killing masses of people as long as the rationale sounds high minded and noble.
The love of bloodshed is generally connected with the right wing in this country, but nothing could be further from the truth. The desire for America to dominate the rest of the world is prevalent among most of its citizens, regardless of party affiliation. Those citizens differ only on who they want to see doing the dominating. Republicans are ecstatic when a Republican president drops bombs, sends drones on killing missions or occupies other nations. Democrats are equally enthusiastic when one of their own does the same... [More @ Black Agenda Report]
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011
March 30 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: There's Nothing 'Free' About It - Medical Marijuana 'Free Enterprise' And Economic Fascism
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128kbps MP3 15:21 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary Laura Love sings a song of Sativa. Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG radio Freedom California... Earth.]
» The big debate now is whether and who among the Invade Libya Alliance will give weapons to to the Libyan rebels. Some say they already have...
United States, Britain and France send hundreds of “defence advisors” to train and support rebelsSo the issue must be whether to do it publicly. Brega, an oil center, has been retaken by al Gadaffi's army and Misrata is still under siege.
The United States, Britain and France have sent several hundred “defence advisors” to train and support the anti-Gadhafi forces in oil-rich Eastern Libya where “rebels armed groups” have apparently taken over
According to an exclusive report confirmed by a Libyan diplomat in the region “the three Western states have landed their “special forces troops in Cyrinacia and are now setting up their bases and training centres” to reinforce the rebel forces who are resisting pro-Qaddafi forces... [Reuters sourced from, More]
More from Foreign Policy Magazine:
Pro-Qaddafi forces have reportedly captured the refinery town of Ras Lanuf. The rebels' westward advance, aided by international airstrikes and a mandated no-fly zone, appears to have stalled since Qaddafi's forces counterattacked on Tuesday. However, by advancing westward, pro-Qaddafi forces are exposing themselves to western airstrikes, and indeed warplanes and explosions were reported near Ras Lanuf on Wednesday. The government forces are also now reportedly deploying anti-personnel mines.Other worthwhile readings: A Debate on U.S. Military Intervention in Libya: Juan Cole v. Vijay Prashad
Meeting in London, British Foreign Secretary William Hague and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, did not rule out the possibility of arming the rebels. "UN [Security Council Resolution] 1973 allows all necessary measures to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas, and our view is this would not necessarily rule out the provision of assistance to those protecting civilians in certain circumstances," Hague said.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov disputed that interpretation of the resolution.
Members of of NATO, the Arab League, and the African Union met in London to discuss the ongoing events in Libya. The participants agreed to set up a contact group to coordinate political efforts that will hold its first meeting in Qatar. [Source, Foreign Policy Magazine]
» About the Libyan Rebels... We need to get something straight here folks... They ARE NOT revolutionaries... The people of Libya may be hoping for a revolution, but that's NOT what's on the agenda.
See: A CIA Commander For Libyan Rebels. McClatchy has more: Libyan rebel leader spent much of past 20 years in suburban Virginia (Vienna... Where all the CIA expats live)
Meanwhile, "...fears about the rebels surfaced publicly on Capitol Hill on Tuesday when the military commander of NATO, Adm. James G. Stavridis, told a Senate hearing that there were “flickers” in intelligence reports about the presence of Qaeda and Hezbollah members among the anti-Qaddafi forces." (Source, NY Times)
Even though those 'Flickers' 'reported' to the Senate have been long-reported by the European press:
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda linksAdd that together with the just reported longstanding CIA connection to the commander of the Libyan rebel forces and you have the CIA STILL consorting with Osama bin-Laden's friends.
According to an article in the Telegraph one commander of rebel groups in Libya has links to Al Qaeda and fought against the coalition in Iraq. If these people see any foreign troops on the ground they will be the first to shoot them if Gadaffi forces miss. But then we can be assured these rebels will be sure to recognize their responsibility to protect innocent civilians. (Source, Telegraph UK)
For that matter so was Raymond Davis, the drone targeting Xe/CIA operator in Pakistan recently ransomed from that country for a double murder of alleged muggers whom the Pakistani press claimed had a flock of al Qaeda affiliated phone numbers on his cellie.
(Source, International Herald-Tribune).
I'll repeat that in short form... The US State Department and Pentagon are consorting with al Qaeda to further their own interests militarily and diplomatically in the region. Our elected representatives MUST know as well. It's all in the major daily newspapers.
The question must be asked... "Are their interests and the average American citizen's the same?"
If so, why whine about a 'pesky' few thousand people killed in 'terrorist attacks' when we HIRE and WORK WITH the 'terrorists' so our consumer lifestyles can continue with oil flowing freely 'from Libya to China to the soles of the jogging shoes we wear'?
Aren't a few thousand dead American civilians and larger numbers of soldiers killed in our ongoing un-declared wars worth it?
If not... If you don't agree with that murderous hypocrisy... What ARE you going to do about it?
» Congresss is back and we'll see what they break as the Democrats fold, allowing another $20 billion dollars in spending cutsd to get yet another continuing 2011 budget resolution passed. But there are contentious issues still attached to the bill such as the funding of NPR (Don't panic... The feds only fund about 2% of NPR's budget), winter heating fuel subsidies for people who live in the North East U.S., and Planned Parenthood. There are nine days left until the US government financially shuts down and it's unlikely the Senate will pass it as it's currently written.
Jimmy Carter is on an unofficial mission to Cuba for a meeting with Raul Castro. He's there attempting to obtain the release of Alan Gross, a USAID contractor, recently convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison, for bringing computer and telecom gear into the country illegally. More at the LA Times.
» Jerry Brown has balanced the California budget but whether the Republicans, with whom he cut off talks, will allow it's passage remains to be seen. Governor Brown said the Republicans "...were unwilling to support his plan unless he yielded to "an ever-changing list of collateral demands.".
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011
March 29 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: 'It's A New World Order' - Fascism Is On The Rise Worldwide & Australia Is It's Latest Victim
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128kbps MP3 17:45 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary David Icke with a musical primer on propaganda and disinformation using the Hegelian dialectic:
Problem Reaction Solution (NWO Destruction Mix 2009)» The invasion of Libya continues as the "Invade Libya Alliance" and interested diplomatic parties meet in London to discuss their ideas for Libya's (Westernized) political future. The rebel offensive outside the city of Sirte appeared to have been stalled or stopped by government tank and artillery fire.
"What happens in terms of creating wars is a mind-manipulation technique called "Problem-Reaction-Solution"... and it works like this:
Let's say you want to centralize power into fewer and fewer hands through the UN or NATO. If you did that openly and said, "This is what we want to do", there'd be a reaction against that. People would say, "Hey, this is a fascist state you want to create. Were not having this."
But through this technique of Problem-Reaction-Solution, you can actually manipulate people to demand you do what you want to do anyway.
So it works like this...[Visual aids and more @ YouTube]. Courtesy of David Ickes and NufffRespect
» President Barack Obama, spoke at the National Defense University yesterday where he defended the invasion of Libya in a nationally televised speech. It was reminiscent of Bush administration officials tendency to only speak at friendly audiences in well controlled environments.
The US president spoke of "potential genocide" and the "the international community"... touted the POSSIBILITY of a massacre in the rebel held headquarters city of Benghazi if we had not intervened, saying that the city could have "suffer(ed) a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world." unlike the continual drone strikes killing large numbers of civilians in Pakistan which tend to go unnoticed by the same countries so quick to claim 'humaitarian intervention' into a civil war where both sides are heavily armed by Western powers... SPECIFICALLY the US, Britain, and France, all of whom armed both sides of the conflict, and are still covertly arming the 'rebels' who are more and more looking like a colonial proxy army.
Also note another attempt to keep Gadaffi's forces from reclaiming territory... NOT part of the UN resolution, as the naval action in Libya's waters begins with US aircraft firing on Libyan ships off the port of Misurata. Also see: High 'O,' high 'O' -- off to war he goes @ the New York Post and Libya: Another War We Shouldn’t Believe In by Ted Rall.
» In Syria president Assad has called out the troops as his entire cabinet resigns. There may be a military takeover of the government or a coup coming up shortly.
» Australia's Labor Party grasp on New South Wales has been lost to the right wing of the country's politics using the Tea Party philosophy and Right Wing sloganeering and literature. More on this in the commentary.
» An ambush in Pakistan has killed fifteen 'elite' Border Corp soldiers including the platoon's commander and another officer. These border police/soldiers are being trained by US "advisors".
In OTHER Current & Upcoming News:
» The Fukushima nuclear reactor catastrophe in Japan has fallen from the front page but this little item contributed by a friend in Canada should restore to the public eye a grave global problem none of our governments would care to discuss:
My friend wrote "To be on the safe side i'd not send my children out to play in the rain...just to be on the safe side don'tch ya know... and forget about fresh harvest seaweed for the time being.
If you are on your bike, ride between squalls...if you can't, call a cab."
Radiation from Japan reaches B.C. shores
Simon Fraser University, British Columbia
The rainwater tested was collected at SFU’s campus on Burnaby Mountain and in downtown Vancouver, while seaweed samples were collected in North Vancouver near the Seabus terminal.
Researchers began monitoring rainwater earlier this month but did not see the signature for iodine-131 in samples taken March 16 and March 18. However, they did detect the radioisotope’s signature in samples from March 19, 20 and 25.
Here are the results from the tests (measured in decays of iodine-131 per second per litre of rainwater – Bq/l):
March 18: 0 (2) Bq/l
March 19: 9 (2) Bq/l
March 20: 12 (2) Bq/l
March 25: 11 (2) Bq/l
“The only possible source of iodine-131 in the atmosphere is a release from a nuclear fission," [In Full]
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Monday, March 28, 2011
March 28 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Kill Teams and Other Atrocities - EVERY War Has 'Em... Then They Come Home
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128kbps MP3 11:55 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
Due to time constraints just the shortest of synopses this morning... Listen in.
Riots in Syria. More than 50 people killed in Democracy demonstrations.
In Yemen transfer of power talks break down and the president says he's not leaving.
In Libya the Gadffi forces have been bombed to a standstill and the rebels harden their positions in the interim. They have also taken al-Gadaffi's home town of Sirte. Tomorrow NATO takes over command and control of the Invade Libya Alliance and the interested parties meet in London. President Obama will address the nation in regard to our invasion this evening.
Tomorrow The Senate Armed Services Committee will hold hearings and Dennis Kucinich will introduce a bill in the House to de-fund the invasion... despite the Pentagon having already said they don't need any special funding to do it, unlike the rest of the US government's infrastructure they HAVE the money.
In Afghanistan, Rolling Stone magazine follows up on last week's Spiegel report and has 'outed' a US military "Kill Team" which hunted, killed, and mutilated innocent Afghanis for sport. They are in A LOT of trouble, and the whole thing reeks of problems later for every American. More on that in the commentary.
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Recorded & transcribed by Razer Raygun @ Razed By Wolves
Postings Auntie Imperial, Razer Raygun, and Da' Buffalo Have Done Lately Are [Here]
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 and The Berne Convention on Literary and Artistic Works, Article 10, the news clippings, audio, and images used in this posting are made available without profit for research and educational purposes.
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Friday, March 25, 2011
March 25 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: A Hipp History, Yemen - The Politics Of 'Place' (Where You Live Leads To How You Live)
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128kbps MP3 17:44 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary ride the Caravan with Loreena McKennitt. Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG Radio Freedom California... Earth.]
» Bonus audio today! A real live KPIG DJ (Ralph Anybody with Aileen the Traffic and Weather Queen) gives a traffic incident report and talks to Travus about the local weather... because the local California weather is in the news with power outages, flash floods, and heavy rain in, but not limited to, the San Francisco and Monterey Bay areas. There is a traffic jam everywhere you go. Take the day off.
» Yemen's president has said he'll step down but wants someone with "clean hands" to replace him. Most likely meaning his top minister who recently joined the protesters or other already sitting officials wouldn't be his choice of successors.
» Operation Odyssey Dawn continues to slog through Libya's airspace. NATO is taking over the the command and control operations and the rebels may have cut off al-Gadaffi's army in the city of Ajdabiya as bombs fall on the presidential compound and military bases around the country. A French air squadron even found ONE (count 'em "ONE") Libyan military jet which was then summarily blown up on the runway.
» There are 'allegedly' U.S. Special Forces on the ground in Libya, which of course the Pentagon is denying, but it's just not that 'alleged' and it's undeniably obvious we're being LIED TO considering Reuters reported early this month before the invasion that the:
United States, Britain and France send hundreds of “defence advisors” to train and support rebels» Secretary of State Clinton will be in London on Tuesday for a meeting of the "Invade Libya Alliance" group of countries to discuss strategy and tactics. Every one of them is claiming to be hoping they can stand down in a couple of weeks, but they are soooo wrong, if not, again, lying to the press (search yesterday's synopsis with the terms "Doug Feith" for more on that).
The United States, Britain and France have sent several hundred “defence advisors” to train and support the anti-Gadhafi forces in oil-rich Eastern Libya where “rebels armed groups” have apparently taken over
According to an exclusive report confirmed by a Libyan diplomat in the region “the three Western states have landed their “special forces troops in Cyrinacia and are now setting up their bases and training centres” to reinforce the rebel forces who are resisting pro-Qaddafi forces... [Reuters sourced from, More]
» Protests are continuing in Syria with at least 25 people gunned down according to DemocracyNow!, a USAToday summationreports 20 killed. About 20,000 Syrians marched in the city of Daraa on Thursday and a mass protest are due today in the capital Damascus. More. al Jazeera has more still.
» In the region and related to the unfolding Libyan invasion, the Turkish parliament will apparently allow the NATO Libya alliance to use facilities in their country and will probably contribute troops and aircraft to the invasion force.
» Governor Jerry Brown of California signed a budget bill with $11 Billion dollars in cuts and there may still be a special election in June to borrow money perhaps via the state's taxes or other financial maneuver... or else there will be massive teaching staff layoffs as Californians kiss their educational system goodbye, or at least 'bon voyage' as it take a journey to 'third world' status. The rest of the state's facilities (except the police state apparatus) would follow shortly thereafter.
» The Fukushima #3 reactor in Japan has breached it's containment vessel. There is radioactive material entering the Pacific Ocean and fires are still burning at the EX-nuclear power generation plant.
» Who's afraid of nuclear radiation? The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and all of it's support vessels that were stationed near, or berthed at Japanese ports in the region near the reactor site have moved to sea and are going to be hand scrubbed with soap and water. That operation has been going on for three days. The Ronald Reagan is 1,200 feet long and they have to clean every single surface on it including the aircraft and... well...everything.
A reminder of how Technocracy responds to disaster...
...Here's how BP responded to a coffee spill in their boardroom, courtesy of the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre
More on that HERE
In OTHER Current & Upcoming News:
» I didn't write this parody but I wish I had:
Foreign Workers Ask For Cuts In Pay To Serve USA Better
"Low paid workers exalt in happiness as they lower their pay further to help arrogant Americans afford lavish products," a spokesman says.
Meanwhile, THIS IS NOT A PARODY (although a few years ago I would have thought so...):
The AFL-CIO calls for a U.S. Workers General Strike April 4 2011Also let it be noted The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers recently created a union for the unemployed... mimicking the organizing strategy of the I wobble U wobble U.
(You read that right!)
On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, where he had gone to stand with sanitation workers demanding their dream: The right to bargain collectively for a voice at work and a better life... [More at the organizing site] (The link @ the bottom of the page is to the AFL-CIO's "Community Affiliate")
It's called "UCubed". They're also plugging the general strike on their site.
heh heh heh... sounds like a commieunionconspiracy
» Meanwhile, The Rethuglicans Say 'Starve Them If They Refuse To Be Slaves!':
All around the country, right-wing legislators are asking middle class Americans to pay for budget deficits caused mainly by a recession caused by Wall Street; they are attacking workers’ collective bargaining rights, which has provoked a huge Main Street Movement to fight back.Maybe it was this little move on the part of US workers which caused that reaction...
Now, a group of House Republicans is launching a new stealth attack against union workers. GOP Reps. Jim Jordan (OH), Tim Scott (SC), Scott Garrett (NJ), Dan Burton (IN), and Louie Gohmert (TX) have introduced H.R. 1135, which states that it is designed to “provide information on total spending on means-tested welfare programs, to provide additional work requirements, and to provide an overall spending limit on means-tested welfare programs.”
Much of the bill is based upon verifying that those who receive food stamps benefits are meeting the federal requirements for doing so. However, one section buried deep within the bill adds a startling new requirement. The bill, if passed, would actually cut off all food stamp benefits to any family where one adult member is engaging in a strike against an employer... [More @ Alternet]
A Public Service Message From U.S. Labor Against War:
Democracy Won’t be Delivered by a No-fly Zone» You KNOW Scoobie Doo would say "Ruh Ro! Rottsa spooks!"
"Within the social justice movements, it is natural for people to want to come to the aid of a beleaguered people seeking to overthrow an oppressive dictatorship. But good impulses alone are not a basis for making sound policy.
The greatest help we can provide to democratic forces around the world is to end the U.S. role as global cop, global bully and arms merchant to every autocrat, despot, tyrant and authoritarian regime that is willing to do our government’s bidding.
The resources our government now squanders playing super-power to the world should be invested in creating jobs, restoring the social safety net, and meeting the myriad needs of people here and around the world." (There's More)
331 US officials may leave Pakistan under secret deal over (Xe operative Raymond) Davis» Last but certainly not least "Southwest Airlines has apologised to a head-scarf-wearing Muslim woman it booted from a flight after a crew member thought the woman said something like "It's a go" into her cell phone before the plane doors closed.
A total of 331 US officials in Pakistan, most of them suspected of engaging in espionage under diplomatic cover, have been "identified to leave the country" under a secret deal between the two sides for release of American national Raymond Davis, a media report said on Thursday.
Pakistani authorities have agreed not to declare these US officials "persona non grata" if they voluntarily leave the country within a stipulated time, 'The Express Tribune' quoted unnamed sources as saying.
Islamabad was almost ready to summarily expel these persons who have various levels of diplomatic immunity as most of them were issued Pakistani visas without getting prior no-objection certificates in line with standard operating procedures, the daily reported.
Davis, a 36-year-old former Special Forces soldier, was arrested in Lahore in January after he shot and killed two armed men. He was recently pardoned and freed by a court under a "blood money" deal whereby over USD two million were paid to the families of the dead men. [More]
The passenger says she said "I've got to go," because she was hanging up because cell phones aren't allowed during takeoff.In OTHER travel news according to the Economist UK, one should NEVER pretend to be an Air Marshal on an airline flight...
Southwest offered the passenger a flight voucher, but she says she gave it away and won't fly Southwest again.
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Thursday, March 24, 2011
March 24 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The Civilians Are 'Pretty Much Safe' - The Practical Tactical Realities Of War... And Libya
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128kbps MP3 15:28 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary Promoe and the Looptroop Rockers want to remind you It's Not A War It's A "KKKampaign" (if freedom can be bought it's a brand name). Courtesy of the respective artists. If you need lyrics click the song link.]
» The Coalition of the Confused AKA the 'Invade Libya Alliance' - Have you ever seen a football game where the quarterback is looking for someone to pass to as the offense closes in for a 'sack' and there's no one to receive? That's the current situation for the U.S. which spewed 160+ missiles at Libyan government and military infrastructure targets and now wants SOMEONE in NATO to take over the command & control operations. Germany and Turkey walked out of the NATO meeting yesterday and the Italians are indicating that they may not allow the 'Invade Libya Alliance' to use their country's facilities because it looks very much like NATO is 'taking sides' in a civil war(Really? Naaah!). NATO requires a unanimous vote. The Norwegians are sending an air squadron but it will not fly missions until the command and control issue gets straightened out.
Further, as the cities of Ajdabiya and Misrata came under siege from Libyan government armor and tanks, the 'Invade Libya Alliance' air attacked them as 'targets of opportunity' causing the armor to retreat into the cities for protection by buildings and the civilians still in the cities, where they most likely take revenge by killing civilians. More.
...and just in case you're wondering, the 'diplomatic' tactics used in the Iraq War have been used as a model.
» 'That’s pressure. It worked in Iraq.’ (NOT!).
The Invade Libya Alliance has tried to coerce Libyan military staffers.
March 22, 2011In the run up to the Iraq war Neocon propagandist Doug Feith actually believed the war on Iraq would be over 'in a couple of weeks' due to the U.S. having bribed and coerced members of Saddam Hussein's government and military. He thought 'they'll simply step into the vacuum and take charge'.
British intelligence is warning Colonel Gaddafi’s generals that it could be fatal to remain loyal to the Libyan leader.
MI6 spies and military officials are contacting commanders in Tripoli trying to persuade them to defect, the Daily Mail can reveal.
Their message is blunt: 'General, we’ve got the GPS co-ordinates of your command post. They are programmed into a Storm Shadow missile. What do you want to do?’
As Gaddafi vowed to wage a long war with the 'crusader alliance’, British officials said the intelligence services had the telephone numbers of many key military officials in his regime.
A senior source said: 'They will be doing their best to get in touch. This is a situation where success breeds success. Once you get air superiority it becomes suicidal for Libyan army commanders to want to move tanks or to use artillery.
'That’s pressure. It worked in Iraq.’
Former Army chief Lord Dannatt said: 'If I was a Libyan military commander I’d be thinking very closely about my loyalty. [Daily Mail (UK)] H/t: UrukNet
Loyalties are not to be taken lightly however, and the West barely understands the cultures and societies they're invasive to, no less the possible interactions, and reactions. The end result of Feith & Co.'s arrogance is obvious eight years on and counting.
Also see "The Daily Dish" at The Atlantic for Andrew Sullivan's response to 'Public Intellectuals' who act "As If Iraq Never Happened". He's...
"...just asking for some accountability from public intellectuals - some reckoning with their previous misjudgements in the face of this new adventure in intervention. But they feel no need to account for their past. In fact, they never mention it. To debate a new war in the Middle East without any reference to Iraq and Afghanistan, even as those two wars continue, is amnesiac to the point of delusion." [In Full]More Libya commentary:
The American Dilemma in Libya: To Bomb, Invade, Partition, Or All of the Above by Black Agenda Report executive editor Glen Ford
Allied strike on Libya is about oil, not lives saved
"If History has taught us anything time and time again it is that regime change looks good going in – but it rarely -- if ever, does, looking back. And by Historical standards we don’t even need to look back 50 years, not even a full decade. Our memories should be intact with the ongoing eight year of the mess that is Iraq since the US invaded it in March 2003." [More @ 972mag (EU)]
Finally, a short story about what No-Fly zones mean to civilians who live under those skies...
"Paying the Price" - Again.» The Fukushima #3 reactor in Japan is still billowing black smoke and two technicians have been pulled out of their work details with severe radiation burns from radioactive water. Other workers have been pulled out as well. There is electricity to the reactors now so at least the technicians won't have to work in the dark. The radiation spike in Tokyo's water supply has receded but women and children are still being provided with bottled water.
March 22, 2011 - Now Libya's people are "paying the price", for being, well, Libyan, I am reminded of another people that, to use the words of the appalling Madeleine Albright, then US., Ambassador the the UN., were : " ... a price worth paying." She was talking of the deaths of half a million Iraqis due to sanctions... [More @ UrukNet (Turkey)]
Even as the odds for another nuclear nightmare increase daily.
The Economist, UK has an interactive map called "Going nuclear (An interactive map of current and future nuclear-power producers)"
H/t to the Anonymous News Network, a report on the situation in Yemen from the Committee to Protect Journalists:
Al-Jazeera raided in Sana'a; attacks in Libya, Syria, Bahrain - Committee to Protect Journalists» The situation between Israel and Gaza is deteriorating rapidly as well. There have been rocket volleys exchanged and yesterday someone set off a bomb at a downtown Jerusalem bus stop so today the Israelis attacked Gaza's train facilities.
Plainclothes gunmen raided Al-Jazeera's Sana'a bureau early this morning, confiscating equipment and obstructing operations, the Qatar-based news channel reported today as a drumbeat of anti-press attacks continued in the region. Arrests, attacks, and harassment were also reported in Libya, Syria and Bahrain in recent days.
Al-Jazeera said around 20 armed men, their faces obscured by head scarves, forcibly entered the Sana'a offices before dawn. The station said some gunmen remained on the roof of the building housing the bureau late today, obstructing Al-Jazeera's local operations. The gunmen's identities were unclear, although Al-Jazeera said uniformed police witnessed the raid and did not intervene... [More @ CPJ]
» In California the Ninth Circuit Court has ruled that the gay marriage ban will not be stayed until the court rules on it's validity.
In OTHER current and upcoming news:
» Tomorrow, March 25, marks the 100th Anniversary of the "Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire" in which 146 people died when the Triangle Shirtwaist Company located in Manhattan caught fire. The exits had been locked to prevent the workers from leaving. It is
"...the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city of New York and resulted in the fourth highest loss of life from an industrial accident in U.S. history. The fire caused the deaths of 146 garment workers, who either died from the fire or jumped to their deaths (some from eighth floor and higher). Most of the victims were recent immigrant Jewish and Italian women aged sixteen to twenty-three." (src)Never forget what happens when workers have no rights or protection.
The bosses are hoping you will.
Wear Black to show that we will never forget the lives lost as a result of the callousness of industry and corporations, which put profit before life.
» Leonard Weinglass Presente! Another "Lion of the Left" passes
A report from Cuban Media:
Lawyer Leonard Weinglass Passed Away in New YorkUnderstated, compared to Weinglass' history in the corrupt arena of US 'law'.
Havana - US lawyer Leonard Weinglass, who represented Antonio Guerrero (one of the five Cubans incarcerated in US jails) died Wednesday, March 23, in New York after he did not recover from a cancer surgery, cubadebate reported. Weinglass would have turned 78 today, since he died on the same day he was born back in 1933. The outstanding lawyer graduated from Yale´s Law School in 1958. Some of his cases are still being studied in all American law schools at present. [More]
From Wikipedia:
Along with attorney William Kunstler, Weinglass represented the Chicago 7 in their 1968 trial. He also participated in the defense of Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo, who were charged with leaking the Pentagon Papers and whose trial ended in a dismissal of all charges. In 1970, he represented and won the acquittal of Angela Davis who was charged with participation in the abduction and murder of a local judge. Other prominent clients included Kathy Boudin, a member of the Weather Underground charged with felony murder for her participation in an armed robbery; anti-war activist Ron Kaufman; Bill and Emily Harris (kidnappers of Patty Hearst); Jimi Simmons; and Skyhorse and Mohawk. He was for several years the lead defense attorney for Mumia Abu-Jamal. [Much More...]
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011
March 23 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The Northern European Missile Defense Program - Like The Abrams Tank A Useless Piece Of Crap
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128kbps MP3 11:32 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
» In Libya, the civil war complicated by a Western invasion continues as NATO takes control of the UN's action against Libya. al-Gadaffi's army is currently in control of the crossroads town of Ajdabiya and whoever's NOT in control travels in sand. Government forces have also made forays into city of Misrata which is problematic for the invaders supporting rebel forces as it's hard to commit to an air strike on, let's say a tank, when there's a day care center sitting right next to it. An aviation academy and a vacant lot next to a hospital under repair have been bombed...
...but it's only a matter of time till uninvolved civilians begin getting killed, and that time is now.
Yesterday your truly conjectured that the so-called 'humanitarian intervention' in Libya would end up killing and injuring more civilians than Muammar al-Gadaffi's army ever would. It has begun:
March 22, 2011 - Six Libyan villagers are recovering in hospital after being shot by American soldiers coming in to rescue the U.S. pilots whose plane crash-landed in a field. The helicopter strafed the ground as it landed in a field outside Benghazi beside the downed U.S. Air Force F-15E Eagle which ran into trouble during bombing raid last night. And a handful of locals who had come to greet the pilots were hit - among them a young boy who may have to have a leg amputated because of injuries caused by a bullet wound... [Daily Mail (UK)] H/t: UrukNetAnd just in case you're wondering where the Libyan government got all those weapons they use to kill civilians... They got them from the same people who invaded them and as seen will also be killing civilians by the score soon.
"In 2009 alone, European governments -- including Britain and France -- sold Libya more than $470 million worth of weapons, including fighter jets, guns and bombs. And before it started calling for regime change, the Obama administration was working to provide the Libyan dictator another $77 million in weapons, on top of the $17 million it provided in 2009 and the $46 million the Bush administration provided in 2008." [Source]Here's an excellent analysis of the "state of the Libyan internal state" and the West's so-called "democracy" which is bought with bombs, unmarked money delivered by the pallet-load, and corrupt dealings with ruthless people:
STRATFOR's analysis: Libya, the West and the Narrative of Democracy» In Tokyo the entire municipal water system contains twice the nuclear radiation as previously noted due the ongoing nuclear crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant where there is now electricity to all of the reactors but no pumps are running yet to cool the burning rods or shield the atmosphere from radiation.
"The West has been walking a tightrope of contradictory principles; Libya became the place where they fell off."
As we have pointed out, the Libyan uprising consisted of a cluster of tribes and personalities, some within the Libyan government, some within the army and many others longtime opponents of the regime, all of whom saw an opportunity at this particular moment. Though many in western portions of Libya, notably in the cities of Zawiya and Misurata, identify themselves with the opposition, they do not represent the heart of the historic opposition to Tripoli found in the east. It is this region, known in the pre-independence era as Cyrenaica, that is the core of the opposition movement.
United perhaps only by their opposition to Gadhafi, these people hold no common ideology and certainly do not all advocate Western-style democracy. Rather, they saw an opportunity to take greater power, and they tried to seize it. [More @ Stratfor] H/t: UrukNet for the tip and the link in the excerpt.
» In Yemen the puppet Parliament has voted for martial law as two more government officials join the 19 generals who have defected to the democracy movement. Yemen's president says there will be civil war, but the people of Yemen don't pay much attention to the government.
» Congressman Dennis Kucinich will introduce a bill on Monday in an attempt to cut off funding for the US invasion of Libya but the Pentagon says they can do it with the funds already available... Unlike federal programs for social services which have been cut so dramatically over the years that the programs often don't even have enough money to make it through the year without unforeseen events (The federal program to help low income folks with their electric bills often runs out of funds half way through the allocation period, and it's been that way for years). Those 160+ missiles fired at Libyan forces and ground installations cost approximately $1.2 million dollars each, not to mention the literally 10s of millions of dollars a day just to have an operational military presence there.
In OTHER current and upcoming news:
» In Afghanistan
Hamid Karzai names areas to be handed to Afghan forcesAbout Lashkar Gah... There was a US presence there a long time ago:
Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai names the areas of the country expected to be handed over by foreign troops to Afghan forces in July.March 23 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The Northern European Missile Defense Program - Like The Abrams Tank A Useless Piece Of Crap Your Tax Dollars Pay For
They are the relatively peaceful provinces of Kabul, Panjshir and Bamiyan, the cities of Herat and Mazar-e Sharif and the town of Mehterlam.
But he also named Lashkar Gah, capital of the volatile Helmand province. [More @ BBC]
“Little America” in Afghanistan: Is the US Repeating a Failed 1950’s Experiment in Social Engineering?» So much for the U.S. 'stand up' for women's rights. Malalai Joya, despite having visited the United States numerous times as a former female member of Afghanistan's Parliament, with five failed assassination attempts in her history, was just denied a visa which would have allowed her to tour the United States for her newly published memoir "A Woman Among Warlords" and speak in the US.
When you look at footage of the fighting in Helmand today everyone assumes it is being played out against an ancient background of villages and fields built over the centuries.
This is not true.
If you look beyond the soldiers, and into the distance, what you are really seeing are the ruins of one of the biggest technological projects the United States has ever undertaken.
Its aim was to use science to try and change the course of history and produce a modern utopia in Afghanistan.
The city of Lashkar Gah was built by the Americans as a model planned city, and the hundreds of miles of canals that the Taliban now hide in were constructed by the same company that built the San Francisco Bay Bridge and Cape Canaveral... [More, with links, @ Firedoglake]
The reason? "...because she was “living underground” and “unemployed.”. "Think about it: As a female political activist in Afghanistan, how could she possibly live a “normal” life?".
Or perhaps it could be due to her role as "a vocal critic of the Taliban, the administration of President Hamid Karzai and the U.S.-led war in her country." Naaaah! More at AllGov.
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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