"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."
March 29 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: 'It's A New World Order' - Fascism Is On The Rise Worldwide And Australia Is It's Latest Victim
In The News: Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary David Icke with a musical primer on propaganda and disinformation using the Hegelian dialectic:
Problem Reaction Solution (NWO Destruction Mix 2009)
"What happens in terms of creating wars is a mind-manipulation technique called "Problem-Reaction-Solution"... and it works like this:
Let's say you want to centralize power into fewer and fewer hands through the UN or NATO. If you did that openly and said, "This is what we want to do", there'd be a reaction against that. People would say, "Hey, this is a fascist state you want to create. Were not having this."
But through this technique of Problem-Reaction-Solution, you can actually manipulate people to demand you do what you want to do anyway.
»The invasion of Libya continues as the "Invade Libya Alliance" and interested diplomatic parties meet in London to discuss their ideas for Libya's (Westernized) political future. The rebel offensive outside the city of Sirte appeared to have been stalled or stopped by government tank and artillery fire.
»President Barack Obama, spoke at the National Defense University yesterday where he defended the invasion of Libya in a nationally televised speech. It was reminiscent of Bush administration officials tendency to only speak at friendly audiences in well controlled environments.
The US president spoke of "potential genocide" and the "the international community"... touted the POSSIBILITY of a massacre in the rebel held headquarters city of Benghazi if we had not intervened, saying that the city could have "suffer(ed) a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world." unlike the continual drone strikes killing large numbers of civilians in Pakistan which tend to go unnoticed by the same countries so quick to claim 'humaitarian intervention' into a civil war where both sides are heavily armed by Western powers... SPECIFICALLY the US, Britain, and France, all of whom armed both sides of the conflict, and are still covertly arming the 'rebels' who are more and more looking like a colonial proxy army.
Also note another attempt to keep Gadaffi's forces from reclaiming territory... NOT part of the UN resolution, as the naval action in Libya's waters begins with US aircraft firing on Libyan ships off the port of Misurata. Also see: High 'O,' high 'O' -- off to war he goes @ theNew York Post and Libya: Another War We Shouldn’t Believe In by Ted Rall.
»In Syria president Assad has called out the troops as his entire cabinet resigns. There may be a military takeover of the government or a coup coming up shortly.
»Australia's Labor Party grasp on New South Wales has been lost to the right wing of the country's politics using the Tea Party philosophy and Right Wing sloganeering and literature. More on this in the commentary.
»An ambush in Pakistan has killed fifteen 'elite' Border Corp soldiers including the platoon's commander and another officer. These border police/soldiers are being trained by US "advisors".
In OTHER Current & Upcoming News:
»The Fukushima nuclear reactor catastrophe in Japan has fallen from the front page but this little item contributed by a friend in Canada should restore to the public eye a grave global problem none of our governments would care to discuss:
My friend wrote "To be on the safe side i'd not send my children out to play in the rain...just to be on the safe side don'tch ya know... and forget about fresh harvest seaweed for the time being.
If you are on your bike, ride between squalls...if you can't, call a cab."
Radiation from Japan reaches B.C. shores
Simon Fraser University, British Columbia
. . .
The rainwater tested was collected at SFU’s campus on Burnaby Mountain and in downtown Vancouver, while seaweed samples were collected in North Vancouver near the Seabus terminal.
Researchers began monitoring rainwater earlier this month but did not see the signature for iodine-131 in samples taken March 16 and March 18. However, they did detect the radioisotope’s signature in samples from March 19, 20 and 25.
Here are the results from the tests (measured in decays of iodine-131 per second per litre of rainwater – Bq/l):
March 18: 0 (2) Bq/l March 19: 9 (2) Bq/l March 20: 12 (2) Bq/l March 25: 11 (2) Bq/l
“The only possible source of iodine-131 in the atmosphere is a release from a nuclear fission," [In Full]
This is Razer Raygun saying 'Happy Motoring America...' Enjoy it while you can. (...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
Hi! I'm Razer Raygun. Welcome to Razed By Wolves, Just another BloggerBlog consisting of news and other media about local, national, and global events, and the people who, by their actions and words, create those events, making the world around us a more dangerous, nastier place to live.
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