Thursday, March 24, 2011
March 24 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The Civilians Are 'Pretty Much Safe' - The Practical Tactical Realities Of War... And Libya
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128kbps MP3 15:28 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary Promoe and the Looptroop Rockers want to remind you It's Not A War It's A "KKKampaign" (if freedom can be bought it's a brand name). Courtesy of the respective artists. If you need lyrics click the song link.]
» The Coalition of the Confused AKA the 'Invade Libya Alliance' - Have you ever seen a football game where the quarterback is looking for someone to pass to as the offense closes in for a 'sack' and there's no one to receive? That's the current situation for the U.S. which spewed 160+ missiles at Libyan government and military infrastructure targets and now wants SOMEONE in NATO to take over the command & control operations. Germany and Turkey walked out of the NATO meeting yesterday and the Italians are indicating that they may not allow the 'Invade Libya Alliance' to use their country's facilities because it looks very much like NATO is 'taking sides' in a civil war(Really? Naaah!). NATO requires a unanimous vote. The Norwegians are sending an air squadron but it will not fly missions until the command and control issue gets straightened out.
Further, as the cities of Ajdabiya and Misrata came under siege from Libyan government armor and tanks, the 'Invade Libya Alliance' air attacked them as 'targets of opportunity' causing the armor to retreat into the cities for protection by buildings and the civilians still in the cities, where they most likely take revenge by killing civilians. More.
...and just in case you're wondering, the 'diplomatic' tactics used in the Iraq War have been used as a model.
» 'That’s pressure. It worked in Iraq.’ (NOT!).
The Invade Libya Alliance has tried to coerce Libyan military staffers.
March 22, 2011In the run up to the Iraq war Neocon propagandist Doug Feith actually believed the war on Iraq would be over 'in a couple of weeks' due to the U.S. having bribed and coerced members of Saddam Hussein's government and military. He thought 'they'll simply step into the vacuum and take charge'.
British intelligence is warning Colonel Gaddafi’s generals that it could be fatal to remain loyal to the Libyan leader.
MI6 spies and military officials are contacting commanders in Tripoli trying to persuade them to defect, the Daily Mail can reveal.
Their message is blunt: 'General, we’ve got the GPS co-ordinates of your command post. They are programmed into a Storm Shadow missile. What do you want to do?’
As Gaddafi vowed to wage a long war with the 'crusader alliance’, British officials said the intelligence services had the telephone numbers of many key military officials in his regime.
A senior source said: 'They will be doing their best to get in touch. This is a situation where success breeds success. Once you get air superiority it becomes suicidal for Libyan army commanders to want to move tanks or to use artillery.
'That’s pressure. It worked in Iraq.’
Former Army chief Lord Dannatt said: 'If I was a Libyan military commander I’d be thinking very closely about my loyalty. [Daily Mail (UK)] H/t: UrukNet
Loyalties are not to be taken lightly however, and the West barely understands the cultures and societies they're invasive to, no less the possible interactions, and reactions. The end result of Feith & Co.'s arrogance is obvious eight years on and counting.
Also see "The Daily Dish" at The Atlantic for Andrew Sullivan's response to 'Public Intellectuals' who act "As If Iraq Never Happened". He's...
"...just asking for some accountability from public intellectuals - some reckoning with their previous misjudgements in the face of this new adventure in intervention. But they feel no need to account for their past. In fact, they never mention it. To debate a new war in the Middle East without any reference to Iraq and Afghanistan, even as those two wars continue, is amnesiac to the point of delusion." [In Full]More Libya commentary:
The American Dilemma in Libya: To Bomb, Invade, Partition, Or All of the Above by Black Agenda Report executive editor Glen Ford
Allied strike on Libya is about oil, not lives saved
"If History has taught us anything time and time again it is that regime change looks good going in – but it rarely -- if ever, does, looking back. And by Historical standards we don’t even need to look back 50 years, not even a full decade. Our memories should be intact with the ongoing eight year of the mess that is Iraq since the US invaded it in March 2003." [More @ 972mag (EU)]
Finally, a short story about what No-Fly zones mean to civilians who live under those skies...
"Paying the Price" - Again.» The Fukushima #3 reactor in Japan is still billowing black smoke and two technicians have been pulled out of their work details with severe radiation burns from radioactive water. Other workers have been pulled out as well. There is electricity to the reactors now so at least the technicians won't have to work in the dark. The radiation spike in Tokyo's water supply has receded but women and children are still being provided with bottled water.
March 22, 2011 - Now Libya's people are "paying the price", for being, well, Libyan, I am reminded of another people that, to use the words of the appalling Madeleine Albright, then US., Ambassador the the UN., were : " ... a price worth paying." She was talking of the deaths of half a million Iraqis due to sanctions... [More @ UrukNet (Turkey)]
Even as the odds for another nuclear nightmare increase daily.
The Economist, UK has an interactive map called "Going nuclear (An interactive map of current and future nuclear-power producers)"
H/t to the Anonymous News Network, a report on the situation in Yemen from the Committee to Protect Journalists:
Al-Jazeera raided in Sana'a; attacks in Libya, Syria, Bahrain - Committee to Protect Journalists» The situation between Israel and Gaza is deteriorating rapidly as well. There have been rocket volleys exchanged and yesterday someone set off a bomb at a downtown Jerusalem bus stop so today the Israelis attacked Gaza's train facilities.
Plainclothes gunmen raided Al-Jazeera's Sana'a bureau early this morning, confiscating equipment and obstructing operations, the Qatar-based news channel reported today as a drumbeat of anti-press attacks continued in the region. Arrests, attacks, and harassment were also reported in Libya, Syria and Bahrain in recent days.
Al-Jazeera said around 20 armed men, their faces obscured by head scarves, forcibly entered the Sana'a offices before dawn. The station said some gunmen remained on the roof of the building housing the bureau late today, obstructing Al-Jazeera's local operations. The gunmen's identities were unclear, although Al-Jazeera said uniformed police witnessed the raid and did not intervene... [More @ CPJ]
» In California the Ninth Circuit Court has ruled that the gay marriage ban will not be stayed until the court rules on it's validity.
In OTHER current and upcoming news:
» Tomorrow, March 25, marks the 100th Anniversary of the "Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire" in which 146 people died when the Triangle Shirtwaist Company located in Manhattan caught fire. The exits had been locked to prevent the workers from leaving. It is
"...the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city of New York and resulted in the fourth highest loss of life from an industrial accident in U.S. history. The fire caused the deaths of 146 garment workers, who either died from the fire or jumped to their deaths (some from eighth floor and higher). Most of the victims were recent immigrant Jewish and Italian women aged sixteen to twenty-three." (src)Never forget what happens when workers have no rights or protection.
The bosses are hoping you will.
Wear Black to show that we will never forget the lives lost as a result of the callousness of industry and corporations, which put profit before life.
» Leonard Weinglass Presente! Another "Lion of the Left" passes
A report from Cuban Media:
Lawyer Leonard Weinglass Passed Away in New YorkUnderstated, compared to Weinglass' history in the corrupt arena of US 'law'.
Havana - US lawyer Leonard Weinglass, who represented Antonio Guerrero (one of the five Cubans incarcerated in US jails) died Wednesday, March 23, in New York after he did not recover from a cancer surgery, cubadebate reported. Weinglass would have turned 78 today, since he died on the same day he was born back in 1933. The outstanding lawyer graduated from Yale´s Law School in 1958. Some of his cases are still being studied in all American law schools at present. [More]
From Wikipedia:
Along with attorney William Kunstler, Weinglass represented the Chicago 7 in their 1968 trial. He also participated in the defense of Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo, who were charged with leaking the Pentagon Papers and whose trial ended in a dismissal of all charges. In 1970, he represented and won the acquittal of Angela Davis who was charged with participation in the abduction and murder of a local judge. Other prominent clients included Kathy Boudin, a member of the Weather Underground charged with felony murder for her participation in an armed robbery; anti-war activist Ron Kaufman; Bill and Emily Harris (kidnappers of Patty Hearst); Jimi Simmons; and Skyhorse and Mohawk. He was for several years the lead defense attorney for Mumia Abu-Jamal. [Much More...]
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Thursday, March 24, 2011
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