Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15 2012 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Endnotes On Empire - Technological Equivalence Means War Just Ain't What It Used To Be

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Cabale News ServiceFebruary 15 2012 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Endnotes On Empire - Technological Equivalence Means War Just Ain't What It Used To Be

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Razer Raygun Says:
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A Synopsis Of This Morning's News...

H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
«o» Is the end of the combat role in Afghanistan sneaking up on us? Talks are scheduled for the beginning next month in Qatar between the Talban, the Karzai government and the US, with the US potentially having agreed to release five Guantanamo prisoners. More.

Foreign Policy's AfPak channel puts it in a less optimistic way even as Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta vacillates on the release of Taliban prisoners at Guantanamo:
Afghan Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told CNN in an email on Tuesday that the Taliban refuse to negotiate with President Hamid Karzai's "puppet" government, considering these talks pointless as "everyone around the world knows that the one who has got the authority in opposition to the Mujahideen [Taliban] is America" (CNN). Mujahid also confirmed that the Taliban have met with U.S. officials in Qatar, but that trust-building measures -- such as the release of Guantánamo Bay detainees -- must be completed before talks can proceed. [In Full]
«o» The international conference on 'what to do about Somalia?' goes into session even as no agenda or expectation is set and Pan-African forces begin to pull out of the country. al-Shabab, the rebel Islamic movement fighting a counterinsurgency war against the Ethiopian army working in conjunction with the CIA and DynCorp is going to be excluded from the talks, so expect more mayhem in Mogadishu and elsewhere around the country.

«o» What-to do-two... The European countries along with the US are holding conferences on 'What to do about Syria?'. Without the excluded-from-talks China and Russia's agreement... That's pretty much nothing.

«o» New Jersey's senate has passed a gay marriage bill but the governor is threatening to veto it. That makes eight states with same sex marriages... for now.

«o» The vice president of China has finished his White House and Senate visit. Now he is off to Iowa where he will visit with a local family he had stayed with a number of years ago while temporarily residing in the US. Then he's off to L.A. and a return to China.

«o» The Republicans have caved in to not only the withholding tax relief, but the unemployment extension and funding for doctors taking supplemental medicare payments.


This is Razer Raygun saying 'Happy Motoring America...' Enjoy it while you can.

And remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:


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