Monday, January 9, 2012
January 09 2012 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The Gold Ran Out Before The Canal Was Built & Other Thoughts On The New Middle East Pipeline
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 11:53 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
A Synopsis Of This Morning's News...
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
«o» There were two Republican debates within twelve hours over the weekend. Saturday evening's debate was polite, but the Meet The Press debate on Sunday morning was, in political terms, a free for all. Details and itinerary for their dog and pony show.
«o» Fort Lewis Washington is on full lockdown with no one entering or leaving the base after it was discovered over the holiday that a large amount of high tech infantry equipment including the latest in night vision goggles are missing from inventory.
«o» In Yemen the cabinet has voted immunity from prosecution for the reluctant-to-vacate former president Saleh and all of his cabinet. Meanwhile a full scale civil war rages in the streets of towns and villages throughout the country.
«o» Another Afghan soldier has killed a NATO soldier. That makes eleven such incidents this month. One a day. Some say it's a tactic by the Taliban or the al-Haquanni network, but this exchange on yours truly's twitter feed the other day is more telling:
abumuqawama: RT @SubMedina: Shit White Girls Say to Arab Girls @thehoopoeCould it be ABUSE of the Afghan soldiers by their NATO advisors and counterparts that has this effect?
AuntieImperial: @abumuqawama @SubMedina @thehoopoe Shit White Boy U.S. Ambassadors say to Afghan tribal elders
spacer01: @AuntieImperial @abumuqawama @thehoopoe @SubMedina you don't even want to know about shit USMIL say to/about Afghan dudes ....
AuntieImperial: @spacer01 Here's an example from Iraq. I'll bet these guys wonder why their parents were shooting at them:
Note the jock-like arrogance by a regional analyst in regard to the Iranian claim that they would prevent another US aircraft carrier from entering their territory and apply it to soldiers in the field:
abumuqawama Be scared, USN: these two are bullet magnets. RT @cjchivers: w/ @TylerHicksPhoto aboard the USS Stennis, the carrier threatened by Iran 4 JanMy response:
AuntieImperial @abumuqawama @cjchivers @TylerHicksPhoto Doesnt underestimating your 'enemy' (with the emphasis on YOUR) seem a bit Sophomoric... dangerous?I received no reply...
«o» Abu Dhabi and the Sultan of Oman have cut a deal for a pipeline to the Indian Ocean which would allow 25% of the oil in the region to bypass the Straits of Hormuz... controlled by the Iranians. Oil refineries are planned as well. More in the commentary
In OTHER News:
Local homeless issues in the news. Let it be noted that last year's census of the local homeless showed MOST of them were working and housed here at the time they became houseless:
New Santa Cruz mayor urges more permanent housing for homeless
Don Lane also pledges to maintain economic development
By J.M. Brown - Santa Cruz Sentinel
SANTA CRUZ - Mayor Don Lane says the biggest step the community can take to reduce homelessness is to fund more low-cost permanent housing rather than focus primarily on providing temporary shelter, treatment programs and meals.
After returning to the mayor's seat for the first time in 20 years, Lane told a packed City Council Chamber in December he would make ending homelessness his top aim in 2012. Coming on the heels of a year marked by his predecessor's economic initiatives, Lane said his push would not come at the expense of business development, budget balancing, environmental issues, public safety and other concerns shared by council colleagues.
Now, a month later, Lane has outlined how he'll go about tackling homelessness while still leading the seven-member body toward raising revenue and grappling with the loss of redevelopment funding. [In Full]
Unfortunately, without jobs to match that housing, the best that could be hoped for is 'warehousing' the homeless, which the new mayor believes would get them off the streets, but most important to the local businesses and government, it MIGHT keep them away from the rapidly failing downtown shopping area. That will not happen. Without work they will STILL go where the potential for earning some money by panhandling or street performance exists.
The comments on that Santa Cruz Sentinel article show a disgusting level of hatred for these poster's former neighbors and other forms of ignorance... claiming that a local police officer told the poster that '90% of the local homeless were hard drug addicts' and other such propaganda.
And remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive
Until you're too hungry to fight back
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Monday, January 09, 2012
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