Tuesday, November 15, 2011
November 15 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Mexico's Drug War - You Get THIS 'Revolution' Because Your Governments DO NOT Want The
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 43:54 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
[After the commentary, in light of the commentary, here's the OTHER Revolution. It's gonna be LOUD.... It's gonna get 'nice and friendly' too, and it's not really going to be 'SFW' if your boss is a Republican.
Zack del la Rocha and Rage Against the Machine want to speak with you about the modern re-origination of the Mexican Autonomous movement... The Zapatistas, and their ongoing connection to the the global movement for social justice in the US and overseas. Brought to us by Rage Against The Machine and Skidmark Bob @ PoP dEFECT Radio, where you can find the one hour RATM special he did in February the clip was drawn from.
The cuts between Zack's words spoken in "The Battle of Mexico City" documentary... People Of the Sun Evil Empire/Live At The Grand Olympic Auditorium 2003, Zapata's Blood/Live & Rare 1998, Take The Power Back/Live & Rare 1998... Zack comments on police abuse at the Democratic Convention in 2000, Live At The Grand Olympic Auditorium 2003, then he gets 'nice and friendly'... Fuck Da Police/Live & Rare 1998. Finally, Zach exhorts us... Know Your Enemy!, Live At The Grand Olympic Auditorium 2003].
«o» It's probably one of THOSE coincidences. Last night the #OccupyOakland camp was cleared by police and the protesters are beginning to reassemble even as Berkley students go on Strike. But the BIG story is the NYPD moved on Zuccotti Square in New York last night, clearing the protesters, who are also planning a re-assembly today. The Portland, Atlanta, and Denver #Occupies were also shut down last night. Details.
«o» Two Russians and the first American since the Space Shuttle program ended have been launched from Kazakhstan in a Soyuz capsule for a rendezvous with the International Space Station. The Chinese may send a couple of resupply missions next year.
«o» The US Supreme Court will hear five hours of testimony and arguments in March as to whether it's constitutional for the Obama administration to force citizens to purchase health care from private companies. Two Appeals Courts have ruled that it IS constitutional. Twenty six state Attorney Generals are invoking the constitutional suit. More.
«o» President Obama is on his way to Canberra Australia and then on to the SEATO conference.
«o» The Mexican political party, the PRI, kicked out of power due to previous corruption issues has regained power in Michoacan Mexico, beating out the president's sister using a coalition of local interests and the Zetas... The only NON-CIA (to the best of my knowledge) drug gang operating in Mexico. Much more in the commentary.
In OTHER News:
You're so smug in your 'environmentally friendly' car
You're In Denial... Your Prius Is EVIL!
...and your children hate you.
Your Prius' Deepest, Darkest SecretMuch More from the Daily Mail (UK)
By Kiera Butler
Mon Nov. 14, 2011
So you're considering buying a hybrid car. Or maybe you already have. Good for you! You're saving a bundle on gas and reducing your environmental footprint at the same time. But fuel isn't the only natural resource that your car requires. Its motor also contains a small amount of neodymium, one of 17 elements listed at the very bottom of the periodic table. Known as the rare earths, these minerals are key to all kinds of green technology: Neodymium magnets turn wind turbines. Cerium helps reduce tailpipe emissions. Yttrium can form phosphors that make light in LED displays and compact fluorescent lightbulbs. Hybrid and electric cars often contain as many as eight different rare earths.
[IMAGE] This hockey-puck-sized hunk of the rare earth neodymium is currently worth about $350This hockey-puck-size hunk of the rare earth neodymium is currently worth about $350.And the stuff is good for more than just renewable energy technology. Walk down the aisles of your local Best Buy and you'll be hard-pressed to find something that doesn't contain at least one of the rare earths, from smartphones to laptop batteries to flat-screen TVs. They're also crucial for defense technology—radar and sonar systems, tank engines, and the navigation systems in smart bombs.
A few rare-earths mines are slated to open in the United States in the next few years, the most hyped of which is a facility called Mountain Pass in California's Mojave Desert. (It's actually been around off and on since the '50s, but a company called Molycorp has given it a major makeover.) When it's running at full capacity, Mountain Pass will be the largest rare-earths mine in the world, producing upwards of 40,000 tons of the stuff every year.
Which means Molycorp will also have to deal with a whole lot of waste. Rare earths occur naturally with the radioactive elements thorium and uranium, which, if not stored securely, can leach into groundwater or escape into the air as dust. The refining process requires huge amounts of harsh acids, which also have to be disposed of safely. Molycorp claims that its new operations are leak-proof, but the company's ambitious plans have raised a few eyebrows among environmentalists, since the site has a history of spills.
But no matter how quickly new mines open, the United States won't be able to produce enough rare earths on its own—it's thought that North America contains only 15 percent of the world's supply. A recent Congressional Research Service report (PDF) recommended that the US seek reliable sources in other countries.
And that's where the real environmental problems begin. Mines in China have a particularly terrible record of contamination. Communities around a former rare-earths mining operation in Inner Mongolia, for example, blame hundreds of cases of cancer on leaked radioactive waste from the mine, and local people complain that their hair has gone white and their teeth have fallen out.
Right now, our most likely nondomestic rare-earths source is an Australian company called Lynas. Although the company will mine its materials in Australia, it hopes to build its refinery in Malaysia. This idea is controversial among Malaysians, to say the least. [In Full @ Mother Jones]
In China, the true cost of Britain's clean, green wind power experiment: Pollution on a disastrous scale
By SIMON PARRY in China and ED DOUGLAS in Scotland
26th January 2011
[IMAGE, lake of toxic waste at Baotou, China] This toxic lake poisons Chinese farmers, their children and their land. It is what's left behind after making the magnets for Britain's latest wind turbines... and, as a special Live investigation reveals, is merely one of a multitude of environmental sins committed in the name of our new green Jerusalem.
On the outskirts of one of China’s most polluted cities, an old farmer stares despairingly out across an immense lake of bubbling toxic waste covered in black dust. He remembers it as fields of wheat and corn.
Yan Man Jia Hong is a dedicated Communist. At 74, he still believes in his revolutionary heroes, but he despises the young local officials and entrepreneurs who have let this happen.
‘Chairman Mao was a hero and saved us,’ he says. ‘But these people only care about money. They have destroyed our lives.’
Vast fortunes are being amassed here in Inner Mongolia; the region has more than 90 per cent of the world’s legal reserves of rare earth metals, and specifically neodymium, the element needed to make the magnets in the most striking of green energy producers, wind turbines... [In Full]
For more on the topic see these posts at Auntie Imperial's News & Blog Review
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
You're Gonna Have To Kill Someone For Your 'NIMBY' "Green"[tm] Lifestyle
Friday, April 2, 2010
Does Buying Green, Environmentally Friendly Products Make Us Better People?
No... not really...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
"Green"... It's Not JUST A Lifestyle... It's The Color Of Money
Did you know that many of Greenpeace's directors and staff have gone on to work for the timber, whaling, and other commercial interests that rape the environment?
...and be VERY Afraid!
"Nietzsche argues that the deus ex machina creates a false sense of consolation that ought not to be sought..." [Wikipedia]
Remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011
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