Monday, November 14, 2011
November 14 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Sociopaths Each & Every One - The Republican Presidential Campaign Foreign Policy Debates
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 14:58 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
[After the commentary the John Butler Trio presents a song that represents the best of Republican Family Values and the morals-ethics of the 'religion' that drives those values. Courtesy of the respective artists.]
«o» Government will be slow... but sure - Oakland has struck back. The #OccupyOakland protesters in the park across the street from city hall are being arrested and their encampment is in the process of being demolished. There have been about sixty arrests so far after written notification and an order to disperse. Again, there are officers from agencies all over the Bay Area involved in the operation, and one day, SOMEONE is going to have to take resposnibility in public for the bill.
Meanwhile, in Santa Cruz, about 90 miles South:
The Siege Of #OccupySantaCruz
A Move To Get The City Injunction Into A Court Where "Constitution" Is Spoken... Federal Court
Update November 13 2011
The upper encampment and the Geodesic Dome Information Center by the court house steps are still under threat of removal.
[Type of tent given by local Veterans groups to homeless Veterans]
THAT confrontation may occur as early as tomorrow morning.
[Dialogue - No warranty expressed or implied]
The #OccupySantaCruz General Assembly achieved consensus this afternoon to kick the legal 'football' into federal court, with filing fees already voted and appropriated, to seek relief from a Santa Cruz city injunction against their city park encampment, on undisclosed evidence, presented in a closed door session of Santa Cruz Superior court after a secret city council meeting.
There MAY BE further consensus on a counter-suit against the city of Santa Cruz California for attempting to violate the first amendment rights (among others) of the people at the encampment considering that legal counsel has informed the General Assembly federal court decisions consistently support camping as an exercise of the First Amendment right to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.
We HAVE grievances!
The city of Santa Cruz IS attempting to deny #OccupySantaCruz that right to peaceably assemble, and considering the secrecy of the process that caused the delivery of the injunction, that attempt to deny MAY HAVE occurred under circumstances that could be described as fraudulent, or perjured.
More @ Auntie Imperial's News & Blog Review
«o» The Italian parliament met over the weekend, passed the impoverishment reforms for their economy, and prime minister Berlusconi, whom many Italians had wished to be gone for decades now has gone into retirement... leaving the leadership of the Italian government, as with Greece, in the hands of technocrats. There IS a notable and longstanding problem with technocratic governments though... a certain Lack Of Democracy in their ethics.
o As I said to someone the other day, Technocrats and their world view are EXACTLY how we've gotten into the mess our environment and global economy are in. AND IT'S EASY TO SEE the LACK of Democratic Principles in the end result.
More from BBC: Can technocrat leaders save Greece and Italy - or will they fail the democratic test?
«o» The Arab league has suspended Syria for their attempt to suppress a rebellion suspected to be fomented by the US and Britain, in which about 4,000 civilians have been killed so far.
«o» The Russians and Chinese did not cooperate with President Obama in a meeting at the APEC conference in Hawaii about the U.S and other Western power's attempt to demonize Iran AGAIN over their nuclear program... They are also questioning the veracity of a recent IAEA report on the topic.
«o» President Obama is still in the Pacific at the APEC meeting attempting to monger together a Pacific Rim Free Trade Agreement. In other words we want them to buy what little we make in return for favored nations status so many of the countries in the Pacific can attain the same trade status with the US as Saipan... ie. "Sweatshop Nations" with the ability to put "Made In America" labels on their slave and indentured worker made products. Obama will also meet with SEATO, the South East Asian Military Alliance, while in the Pacific.
While Obama was being entertained in Hawaii... ROTF!
Buy this guy's music even if you don't care for Hawaiian. He deserves it:
Hawaiian singer surprises Obama summit with ‘Occupy’ song
HONOLULU, Hawaii — A popular Hawaiian recording artist turned a top-security dinner of Pacific Rim leaders hosted by President Barack Obama into a subtle protest with a song in support of the “Occupy” movement.
Makana, who goes by one name, was enlisted to play a luau, or Hawaiian feast, Saturday night for leaders assembled in Obama’s birthplace Honolulu for an annual summit that is formulating plans for a Pacific free-trade pact.
But in the midst of the dinner on the resort strip Waikiki Beach, he pulled open his jacket to reveal a T-shirt that read “Occupy with Aloha,” using the Hawaiian word whose various meanings include love and peace. He then sang a marathon version of his new song “We Are The Many.” [In Full]
Remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Monday, November 14, 2011
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