Wednesday, August 31, 2011
August 31 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: American 'Patriots' Did It - $60 BILLION Stolen In Our War And 'Reconstruction' Efforts
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."
[Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 10:38 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[An Associated Press article about the commentary's topic is HERE]
» If you don't lie... We can't expose you (Anonymous' communique to NATO) - WikiLeaks is back with a few hundred thousand more documents from the US government, the Pentagon, the CIA and the State Department. The US media is not ignoring the story but THEY ARE attempting to ignore the contents of the documents unlike the rest of the global community. The dox dump was in response to the Homeland Security ordered confiscation of their US server containing a mirror of the docments, logs showing (IP) information about people who have visited and more. No worries, there are other mirrors all over the planet and yesterday, despite an apparent hacking attack on one of their other main servers, yours truly had no problem whatsoever visiting (Germany). The cable viewer works just fine.
Here's one of the new leaks:
120 Chinese children disappear from Swedish immigration centers within a period of 18 months.Any question about the newsworthy value of these formerly unavailable documents? More on that story HERE.
Human Traffickers suspected.
The children -- ages 10 to 18 -- arrived in Sweden unaccompanied and, oftentimes, without travel documents, to seek political asylum. They all claimed they had relatives who were victims of religious persecution and seemed "very professionally coached" during questioning, according to a Swedish official.
Shortly after their arrival, police believe the children escaped to locations in Denmark, Germany, Italy, France or the Netherlands.
Then there's this... Noted by Eric Verlo @ Not My Tribe:
2006 #wikileaks cable: US forces raid Iraqi family: execute man, 4 women, 2 children, 3 infants. Then apologize. Because it was wrong FAMILYIt begs the question... Who was left to accept the apology?
» The Libyan rebels are apparently about to open negotiations with elements of the Libyan government. The UN will potentially observe as well in the discussions over what to do about the city of Sirte, Muammar al-Gadaffi's home town with about 100,000 resident civilians and an unknown number of Libya's 32nd battalion soldiers among others tasked with defending the not-quite-deposed leader of Libya. The deadline for a decision is Saturday, the end of Ramadan. IF there IS a battle for the city, NATO will be seriously limited in it's ability to assist because airstrikes on a city with that many civilians is bound to cause massive amounts of collateral damage among the non-combatant population.
» The Yemeni army is on the offensive in the South of the country against what they (and the US) refer to as al-Qaeda linked insurgents... meaning almost everyone in that region considering the government of Yemen effectively controls the capital Sanaa, and not much else.
» No one ever gets fired - The head of the ATFE has been reassigned to the Justice Department's legal research offices in the wake of revelations that the ATFE allowed guns to be smuggled to Mexico ostensibly to track their movement to the drug gangs, and then no oned bothered to track them. It's been revealed that 74% of the guns are still missing.
» Former Sectretary of Defense General Petraeus retires from the US military today after thirty seven years of service despite many pundit's belief he would continue on to chair the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon. Petraeus was tapped to to be Director of the CIA recently, and CIA chief Panetta was swapped to the Sectretary of Defense position
A movie worth seeing... Coming in October, from the National Film Board of Canada, a glimpse of your Mental Environment:
[Their site]
Remember... Capitalism is holding a loaded gun...
...And the target is you.
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
August 30 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Assassination As Warfighting Strategy - It Kills The Target... But There IS A Downside
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."
[Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 16:47 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
After the commentary. What's missing from our assassination wars? A US forces casualty count. Whether it will prevent a US CIVILIAN casualty count somewhere down the road... as a soldier might say, SIR NO SIR! Courtesy of Tom Morello (Rage Against The Machine) and OuterNational. The dubout and a historical reminder of the ineffectiveness of our attempts to assassinate our way to 'victory' courtesy of the Asian Dub Foundation, Rivers of Dub, from Adbusters Live Without Dead Time. If you need the visualsThey're here.
» Bad Republicans... No votes for YOU! As we all know (and many of you are undoubtely experiencing effects of) The Republicans have been cutting federal funds... and one of the major cuts was disaster relief funds for FEMA which left many hurricane Katrina projects hanging. Now with just a few months left in the federal budget there isn't enough funding to cover the $4.5 billion dollars needed to foot the tab for hurricane Irene. There will also be a $5 billion dollar shortfall in next year's funding. Meanwhile Vermont, upstate New York, New Hampshire, Massachussetts, New Jersey, and other Eastern seaboard states are having major flooding problems due to the storms.
» Sometimes we say they're separate groups, sometimes we don't - US intelligence agencies have confirmed that the second in command of al Qaeda for the Afghan/Pakistan/Yemen/Somali theatres (They say at other times the Yemeni and Somali groups are different 'franchises') was killed in a Waziristan drone strike the other day. More about drone assassinations in the commentary.
» Muammar al-Gadafi's family, his #2 wife, two of his sons and a daughter about to give birth have been allowed to enter Algeria on humanitarian grounds. The rebel government has demanded their return for trial... despite the fact they've committed no crimes as anyone in the West understands 'crime'. Three other sons are still at large along with their father.
» President Obama will speak to a mostly friendly non-protesting crowd about our foreign policy and wars at the VFW convention today.
» The Muslim holiday season of Ramadan ends today. Expect renewed protests and violence in Syria and more fighting in Iraq, where (Thanks to us) a civil war appears to be in progress.
Muammar al-Gadaffi would have undoubtedly sent aid. The Libyan CIA government won't... They work for people who WANT co-dependence from Africans. Major corporate profits for Western nations DEPENDS on disasters like these they help create.
No, the West didn't cause lack of rainfall, but it HAS sabotaged any independent infrastructure development efforts in Africa since at least WWII.
African summit raises fraction of $1.4bn famine fund
African leaders have come under fierce criticism after a much-delayed African Union summit to tackle the food crisis in the Horn of Africa raised less than 4 per cent of the shortfall needed. Only four heads of state – from Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti and Equatorial Guinea – attended the meeting, [More @ Independent UK]
Republicans and their TeaTard ilk in the news...
According to CBSNews, 'Kinder and Gentler' Republican shill Ron Paul says he doesn't believe in the 'theory' of evolution. Do you suppose he bucks the fundamentalist trend and believes YOU have a choice in what to believe about the origins of life?
Texas Governor Rick Perry is, for the moment, the tea party frontrunner. Perry has apparently had a change of 'heart' about a few things since his rise to the top of the Texas political S*itheap and concurrent grasp at the presidential 'straw':
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has, at least for the moment, coalesced the various elements of tea party support behind his candidacy — providing himself with a support base that has propelled him to the top of the field. [More at the Washington Post]A letter from Rick Perry when he was Texas Agriculture commissioner thanking First Lady (1999 right?) Hillary Rodham Clinton for her efforts on National Health Care Reform. No Rick... You CANNOT haz a cheezburger now.
"A properly functioning system of indoctrination has a variety of tasks. Its primary target are the 'stupid and ignorant masses'. They must be kept that way; marginalized, and isolated. Ideally, each person should be alone in front of the TV screen watching sports, soap operas, or comedies, deprived of organizational structures that permit individuals lacking resources to discover what they think and believe in, to engage in interaction with others, to formulate their own concerns and programs, and to act to realize them.
This hapless multitude are the proper targets of the mass media and a public education system geared to obedience and training in needed skills, including the skill of repeating patriotic slogans on timely occasions." ~~Noam Chomsky
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Monday, August 29, 2011
August 29 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Listen Teabagger - There ARE Things Governments Do You Wouldn't Want To Go Away
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."
[Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 14:34 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary, Carlos Santana, with a remake of the Classics IV song "Stormy" (band history, wikipedia). Courtesy of the respective artists.]
» It was a pretty good rain storm but the billing as a disasterous hurricane was not lived up to in any of the major Northern cities. There was some damage on Cape Hatteras where 2,500 people are stuck the due to the one causeway going to the island collapsing... But in Vermont and upstate New York where everyone seems to live by a creek or a river it's more problematic. There are dams needing water released to prevent overflow leaving Montpelier and a number of other towns and hamlets in the region under flood threat.
» The biggest Sunni mosque in Baghdad was hit with a suicide bombing yesterday leaving nineteen dead and thirty six wounded. One of the dead was a Sunni MP who may have been the target.
» A drone strike in Waziristan has apparently killed al-Qaeda's second in command... Their operational leader, if you believe there is such a thing as an operational leader of al-Qaeda, or for that matter any real organization called that. A reminder here that the Pakistani population is not only outraged at the CIA's war in their boondocks with the tacit consent of the government which has led to civil disturbances in the cities currently being put down by deputized Pakistani Frontier 'police' who are technically part of the country's army, and the civilian:combatant kill ratio as calculated by the Pakistani government is 50:1. Not much better than carpet bombing, but a LOT less expensive in Dead:Dollars spent.
» The UN headquarters in the capital of Nigeria was hit with a car bombing by an Islamic rebel group over the weekend. It's part of the war on the oil companies who are stripping the country of it's resources while the people live in poverty... amidst the pipes, making them easy targets. When the rebel group MEND chases ShellOil out of the Niger Delta a number of years ago, within the year the company's mercenaries weren't there, 435 miles (approximately the distance from San Francisco to Los Angeles) of pipeline vanished into the jungle... and then probably loaded onto ships headed for metal recyclers.
'Check Yourself' Means Look In The Mirror And Ask: "Who the F**k Do You Think You Are?"
Addicts... Any kind... From the 'depths and degradations' of Heroin addiction to the typical American compulsively consuming 'Stuff' they're told they must have.
As they spin out of control they attempt to micromanage, control, assign responsibility to, and blame everyone but themselves.
Responsibility-for-their-own-actions while simultaneously maintaining the addiction is not possible.
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Friday, August 26, 2011
August 26 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The FBI Gets Wood At Gibson - If You Give Law Enforcement A BIG Budget They WILL Use It
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 11:49 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
There has been a follow up to the raid on Gibson Guitar Co. Here.
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
» The Libyan War has turned into a manhunt with a $2 million dollar bounty for the capture of Muammar al-Gadaffi. If he manages to make it to the tribal areas of the country it may be a long time, and a long dirty war, before he's found.
To wit, yours truly stands corrected... For the last few days I referred to what is to come in Libya as "Algeria 1960", but perhaps it will turn out more like Sarajevo 1992... Particularly "Sniper Alley":
Civilian casualties mount in TripoliJournalists are also making that comparison in relation to THEIR circumstances.
By Portia Walker
August 25 2011
TRIPOLI, Libya – Adel Mohammed waited patiently outside the morgue on Zawiyah Street. His bearded face turned a little gray as he held out his mother's identity card. She had been shot in the forehead by a sniper as she leaned out a window to call to her 13-year-old son in the street below, telling him to come into the house.
Wael Abdu Salam is treated after a gelatin bomb exploded in his hand, costing him three fingers. Mohammed, 40, was there to claim her body. He waited outside to avoid the overwhelming stench of the morgue. As Libya's rebels fight to consolidate their hold on Tripoli, civilian casualties are mounting.
Snipers on rooftops fire down into the streets, and gunbattles continue in neighborhoods around the city. Inside the morgue, bodies lay on the blood-streaked floor, waiting to be taken off in the rough plywood coffins piled up against the walls.
Abdul Razeq Ramadan, the morgue supervisor, said 170 bodies had been brought in this week... [More, USAToday]
Meanwhile... The bounty money on al-Gadaffi's head will be much easier to come by:
UN Security Council Frees Libyan Assets for RebelsThe freed up funds will also help finance the protection of what's REALLY important to us in Libya: Libyan rebels task a "small army" with protecting oil fields (NYTimes)
August 25, 2011
UNITED NATIONS — The Security Council committee that monitors sanctions against Libya agreed on Thursday to unfreeze $1.5 billion in Libyan assets for emergency aid to the country, where rebel forces that have ousted Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi are confronting a humanitarian crisis as they attempt to establish security and form a new government.
The committee’s decision came after South Africa, a committee member that has enjoyed close ties with Colonel Qaddafi and expressed doubts about the credibility of the rebel forces , dropped its opposition to releasing the assets. Unanimous consent by committee members was required.
Western diplomats said South Africa agreed to go along with the move after language in the decision was revised to state that the assets will be disbursed to the “relevant authorities” instead of the Transitional National Council, the opposition group in Libya that has been leading the struggle against Colonel Qaddafi. South Africa has not recognized the Transitional National Council as the legitimate government of Libya... [More @ The NYTimes]
» Hurricane Irene is on the way to the East coast of the US with an expected landfall on Friday or Saturday. Many of the seaboard states and cities are already requesting emergency funds from the federal government, but Eric Cantor... Republican, has mentioned that those funds, like the funds for relief of damages in the recent East Coast earthquake, will have to be offset by budget cuts. More.
» China is intending to support Palestinian statehood in the upcoming session of the UN general assembly next month. Expect a MAJOR diplomatic dust-up.
» The FBI has raided the Gibson guitar company... You read that right. Apparently they have been investigating the use of exotic wood from India that may have been illegally imported. Gibson's management says it has all documentation to prove their purchases were legal. More in the commentary.
Join the San Francisco Chapter of World Can't Wait to welcome arrivals to his talk in a fitting manner. Ann Coulter will be there too!
Friday, August 26
Marines' Memorial Club Hotel
609 Sutter Street, San Francisco
The California Young Republican Federation hosts University of California's premiere Torture Advocate, JOHN YOO
Join us to "welcome" guests.
Berkeley Law (Boalt Hall) has expanded its alliance with the US Torture State through promotion of professor Yoo as faculty director and spokesperson for "law and human rights".
This shift from silence to official sponsorship of America's war OF terror has great significance for the public at large. The citizens of Berkeley have taken steps to repudiate the crimes against humanity occasioned by the "Torture Professor"; San Francisco should do the same.
Come out on August 26 to tell those that attempt to sell illegal, immoral War and the attendant repressive domestic policy required, in the name of Fear, that we say NO! to torture in our name. [More @ WorldCantWait SF]
Remember... Class War means you fight back!
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Thursday, August 25, 2011
August 25 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Doing The 2nd Fleet Scramble - It's What Ships Do When There's A Storm Brewin'
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."
[Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 14:32 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary... Neil Young... organ and harmonica... apropos. Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG radio Freedom California Earth.]
» You think "Lumber in the roadway" (as reported by the DJ before the news) is a problem? It's still not exactly the Vogon Constructor Fleet but... The Russians launched a multi-stage rocket with provisions for the International Space Station and apparently something went wrong with the third stage leaving the two and a half ton pantry and maintenance shed somewhere in space... a low-earth orbit, and where it may come down, no one quite knows yet.
» Begging his corporate 'constituency' (dast we call it 'pander'?)... President Obama is still at Martha's Vineyard vacationing as the US economy crumbles but he IS holding meetings with executives from American Express, General Electric, and ComCast attempting the get some sort of job program hammered together before the speech on the topic he's scheduled to give sometime in September.
» The sixteen nation committee at the U.N. tasked with economic sanctions enforcement is trying to free up the frozen Libyan funds that the West insists should be turned over to the new CIA-fronted government. South Africa, which has a long standing relationship with Libya is resisting and a unanimous vote IS required.
Maybe that's because they like the idea of other African nations besides their own paying the full allotment of dues to the African Union and suspect the West's new 'government' not only won't do that, but intends to cripple or destroy that organization's operations by the US backed 'government' of Libya's refusal to pay it's dues.
The new bosses of Libya probably won't be interested in assisting the nations the al-Gadaffi government had been supplying with funding and projects because that funding was dependent on the other nation's ridding themselves of corruption, and in Africa as elsewhere 'corruption' IS DEFINED AS Western business influence.
More on that at Auntie Imperial's New & Blog Review.
For what it's worth, the Italian government... Known for it's own endemic and deep-seated corruption, HAS cut loose with the $500 million dollars in Libyan funds it was holding despite the lack of a committee decision.
It's also interesting to note that the disinformation machine works even when it says nothing... NONE of the newsletters yours truly received this morning had the word 'Libya' in the headlines.
Not only don't they want you to know about the continued fighting and deaths of the civilians at the hands of a Western funded army in violation of the UN resolution and international law, they just don't want you to remember Libya at all, so they 'vanish it' from the news cycle.
That tactic was used to lead Americans believe the war in Iraq was no longer existent... And the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism noted it at the time.
Also see: June 30 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Lets Celebrate 'Iraqi Sovereignty Day' Because The War In Iraq Is Over... Right?
(Courtesy of The Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism)
Iraq: The Incredible Shrinking (News) Story... Interactively Charting a 92% Drop In Reporting From 2007-2009
» Hurricane Irene currently rated at category 3 has done extensive damage in the Bahamas. It is expected to hover along the North Carolina coast South of Cape Hatteras picking up energy from the shallow warm waters and is expected to be a category 4 hurricane by the time it visits Virginia and Washington, D.C. Evacuations are already in progress along the coast. More.
» But do we plan it to happen like this? There have been more drone attacks on villages in Yemen causing anger at the U.S. and more support for 'al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula'
After DDoS and Patriot Act order, WikiLeaks opens floodgatesAs a public service, all of here @ Razed By Wolves and Auntie Imp's N&BR recommend one doesn't depend on browser 'incognito' modes, but instead use a free online proxy service, software and add-ons such as UltraSurf Web Proxy or, for more complex internetting tasks, a VPN, for safer surfing on the web in the new digital millennium.
Californian DNS host gets served
25 Aug 2011 - WikiLeaks made public thousands of US diplomatic cables on Wednesday hours after its Californian DNS host was ordered to hand to authorities everything it had on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. The order to US DNS host Dynadot was issued under the Patriot Act and demanded it hand over all subscriber and payment information of the accounts WikiLeaks held since November 1, 2009, according to a copy of the order released by Wikileaks Wednesday. "Our Californian DNS hoster, Dynadot, has received a PATRIOT act production order for information on Julian Assange. It has complied," WikiLeaks Tweeted on Wednesday afternoon. More
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 and The Berne Convention on Literary and Artistic Works, Article 10, the news clippings, audio, and images used in this posting are made available without profit for research and educational purposes.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
August 24 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Global Climate Change Causes Earthquake Seasons? Brick & Mortar America Is In Trouble
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 13:56 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary, it may very well be! Great Big Sea. Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG radio Freedom Califonria Earth.]
» One third of the US population felt the Earth move yesterday (but a Californian wouldn't even get up from the table for it) - There was a 3.5 earthquake near San Leandro California (SF Bay area) last night, but yesterday at midday there was a quake in Virginia just outside Washington DC that registered a 5.9 Richter scale reading. Given the geology of the East Coast that shaker was felt from Toronto to Chicago to Detroit to Atlanta... In other words 'from Maine to Georgia'. No reports of deaths but there was damage reported. A water pipe at the Pentagon broke, cracks appeared in the Washington Monument near the top which has caused it's indefinite closure and the National Cathedral lost a couple of it's baroque spires.
» In Libya, the "Rebels" finally succeeded in taking Muammar al-Gadaffi's headquarters in Tripoli on the fourth try. Funny... They were met by an intense firefight which held them at bay for quite a while and then the firing stoppped. When they entered the facility there was no one there. As yours truly stated yesterday. Don't expect liberation, expect Algeria 1960.
A little background and a projection...
For the record, we bombed Osama & Mullah Omar's Jalalabad homes and they weren't there either. Damn 'terrorists' and 'dictators' they're just never at 'home' when you come for a visit.
But no worries, the Western press will just focus on the doings of the new illegitimate government and ignore all the dead civilians, nor will the West EVER take responsibility for those deaths caused by their CIA-fronted destabilization operators.
Here's how their disinformation machine works... and please pay careful attention because it's about to happen in Syria too.
First, you create the "problem". You finance and arm what could only be termed 'thugs' or mercenaries to get involved with and intermingle among legitimate government opponents (ie. Syria WAS about to start multi-party talks with their opposition elements until recent events). Street demonstrations happen and the thugs do their part as provocateurs at a number of events over a period of time, and civilians inevitably get killed.
Second, You get a "reaction". The Western press plays up the killing of innocent protesters and gets a reaction of "What are they going to do about this?"
Third, you provide a preplanned "solution".
They already have the solution. "Humanitarian Intervention"
It might be worthwhile noting at this point that the first civilians killed during the initial NATO air incursions into Libya was a family who came out of their home to aid a downed NATO flier. The Search & Rescue team gunned them down.
"Humanitarian Intervention" at it's finest.
But I digress...
What I was just defining is called Hegel's theory. More succinctly referred to as "Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis".
Problem... Reaction... Solution.
It goes like this:
More news about the Libyan invasion below the fold.
» It's not a US military action so they aren't required to tell you squat - The CIA killed thirty people in Yemen yesterday with drone and air attacks. They're after Anwar al-Awlaki, the American Muslim cleric with a 'death warrant' issued by the US government but it's not apparent from any reports they got him. However you can bet they killed mostly civilians as the known civilian to combatant "kill ratio" in Pakistan, where they kept track of such things, was reported a while back to be 50 civilians killed for every one alleged combatant.
» Hurricane Irene, currently rating a Category 3.1 from the National Weather Service and losing steam is due to make landfall sometime around Friday near Cape Hatteras. Once it travels up the currently warm waters of the Altlantic seaboard it could recoup that 'steam'.
» One final piece of news that's been overlooked as everyone cheers over the non-exit of Muammar al-Gaddafi and the continued door-to-door, street-to-street fighting in Libya.
Daily TelegraphIn light of that last item, you might note that we will probably NOT be able to pay for that presence OR, despite what Richard Haass, president of the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations believes, a Libyan "presence" on the ground as well.
19 Aug 2011
US troops may stay in Afghanistan until 2024America and Afghanistan are close to signing a strategic pact which would allow thousands of United States troops to remain in the country until at least 2024, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.By Ben Farmer, Kabul
The agreement would allow not only military trainers to stay to build up the Afghan army and police, but also American special forces soldiers and air power to remain.
The prospect of such a deal has already been met with anger among Afghanistan’s neighbours including, publicly, Iran and, privately, Pakistan.
It also risks being rejected by the Taliban and derailing any attempt to coax them to the negotiating table, according to one senior member of Hamid Karzai’s peace council.
A withdrawal of American troops has already begun following an agreement to hand over security for the country to Kabul by the end of 2014.
But Afghans wary of being abandoned are keen to lock America into a longer partnership after the deadline. Many analysts also believe the American military would like to retain a presence close to Pakistan, Iran and China.
Both Afghan and American officials said that they hoped to sign the pact before the Bonn Conference on Afghanistan in December. Barack Obama and Hamid Karzai agreed last week to escalate the negotiations and their national security advisers will meet in Washington in September.
Rangin Dadfar Spanta, Mr Karzai’s top security adviser, told The Daily Telegraph that “remarkable progress” had been made. US officials have said they would be disappointed if a deal could not be reached by December and that the majority of small print had been agreed.
Dr Spanta said a longer-term presence was crucial not only to build Afghan forces, but also to fight terrorism... [More]
You'd think SOMEONE doesn't consider the CIA-fronted 'rebels' legitimate enough of a government...
Security for the new Western-backed government is the hot topic, NOT peace and prosperity:
'Libyan nation-building after Qaddafi'For what it's worth, BBC has published the composition of the NTC Libyan government on line. According to sources who looked the list over the main government posts seem to be covered by pro-West pundits, many of them lecturers in US universities, and even a close friend of the al-Sanusi family (the clan of King Idris toppled in 1969 by Muammar al-Gaddafi)
(James Dobbins & Frederic Wehrey,Foreign Affairs)
"Security should be the first priority. The United States' experience in Iraq shows that a critical window exists for the rebel leadership to establish its legitimacy, [More]
The al-Sanusis, originally, were NOT Libyans but a branch of the House of Saud. They came from the Gulf. And they ruled Eastern Libya under the Ottomans, under the Italians, AND UNDER THE BRITISH.
But keep telling yourself "It's NOT about the oil...
As Fighting Continues in Tripoli, A Look at Role of the U.S., NATO and Oil Firms in Libya Uprising
There’s now talk of releasing frozen Libyan assets that are in U.S. and European banks, in the billions of dollars, billions of euros. And if that money is immediately released and turned over to this unrepresentative TNC, it’s going to empower them, disempower other forces within the opposition movement, and set the stage for ongoing and very serious chaos, which doesn’t necessarily mean it will look like Iraq. It may or may not take an internal military form. But it’s certainly not something that we can assume will not happen. This is now a highly armed country. Everyone on all sides now is armed. And with that kind of exacerbating features that happens when one faction of a multi-faction movement is adopted by the West, given not only credibility and credentials of the West, but given billions of dollars to determine how to rebuild the country, in whose image, you’re setting the stage for a very difficult, very contentious period, assuming that a post-Gaddafi period is even in the works right now. [More @ DemocracyNow!]
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
August 23 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The Oakland Raiders - A Reflection On Their History And Their 'Hood... And A Solution
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."
[Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 14:56 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary (and a rather brutal critique) Scott Miller & The Commonwealth confess... I Made A Mess Of This Town. Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG radio Freedom California Earth.]
» Despite the fact that many Western governments are now recognizing the Libyan 'rebels' as the legitimate government the announcement yesterday of the fall of Tripoli Libya and an alleged liberation of the city was more than a little exaggerated. Saif, one of Muammar al-Gadaffi's sons allegedly captured appeared in the middle of Tripoli with a cheering crowd.
The CIA fronted rebels appear to have walked into a trap... an urban ambush. Door to door fighting is in progress right now but without close air support it's common knowledge that the defender has the advantage in urban warfare. Without the willingness to lose a large number of fighters, one of two things will happen now. Protracted urban warfare (so much for the UN mandate on civilian protection) with many casualties taken by the invading army, or the rebels will have to hole up, or withdraw. Expect NATO close air support because... Look below the next two pullquotes from Foreign Policy for an explanation of the West's desperation to the point of being absolutely outside ANY modern convention or treaty on warfare in urban environments.
From Foreign Policy's Middle East Channel:
Rebels faced a setback in the reappearance of Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, the son of Muammar al-Qaddafi, who was seen in the center of Tripoli taunting the rebels and boasting to foreign journalists that Qaddafi is still "in control" and safe. This has raised questions as to the credibility of rebel claims and confusion amid the opposition forces. [More]More from Foreign Policy Morning Brief:
Just in case you happen to wonder why the West is so intent on taking out Muammar al-Gadaffi...Confusion reigned in the Libyan capital of Tripoli after Muammar al-Qaddafi's son Saif al-Islam made a surprise visit to a hotel housing foreign journalists, and pro-Qaddafi military units remained in control of pockets of the city. The disorder was so great that the International Organization for Migration delayed a mission to rescue hundreds of foreigners stranded in Tripoli. Its ship, which left from the eastern port of Benghazi, plans to remain at sea until it receives some guarantee of safety to dock in Tripoli.
Leaders of the Transitional National Council (TNC) claimed that the rebels had made progress to secure Tripoli, but it appears clear that large areas of the city still remain out of their control. The appearance of Saif al-Islam, who TNC chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil had confirmed was captured by the rebels, raised significant questions about the reliability of the rebels' pronouncements.
The rebels, however, continue to make important gains on the diplomatic front. Oman and Bahrain formally recognized the TNC as Libya's legitimate government on Aug. 23, following Egypt, which did the same on Aug. 22.
Obama administration urges Libyan rebels to quickly restore order: U.S. officials conferred with TNC representatives on plans to distribute humanitarian assistance throughout Tripoli and restore law and order in the capital. [More]
At the top... For the Keep It Simple Silly crowd.
Muammar al-Gaddafi put $97 billion of his country's money 'where his mouth is' to keep Africa from needing Western Imperial assistance on the condition that the African states receiving the aid rid themselves of corruption and nepotism.
Consider that Western "Assistance" looks something like this...
Contractors And Others Steal Half Of Food Aid To Somalia
"New York - At least half of the World Food Programme's food supplies to Somalia's needy people has been diverted by unscrupulous contractors, radical Islamist militants and even UN staff in the country, the New York Times reported Wednesday.
The Times said an unpublished report by the UN Security Council would recommend that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon launch an investigation into WFP's operations in Somalia considering the severity of the food aid diversion."
In case you need a catch-up on 'corruption' there's a whole other piece Auntie posted, including a discussion of "Why DOES Somalia NEED "food aid" in the first place?" Here.
So it's sort of obvious that, in a very real way, the War on Libya is being fought because Libya was attempting to bring down an African network of corruption, and attempting to foil the continued maintenance by the West of an ongoing status quo... You can call it 'economic war', being pursued against most all the nations of Africa.
Here's how Libya's aid to Africa is being/has been spent:
Source: Reuters, Factbox: Libyan aid and investment projects in Africa
» And for the next 'Humanitarian Intervention' - A UN human rights committee meeting has begun on the abuses by the Bashar Assad government of Syria.
» There has been a 6.5 magnitude earthquake outside of Trinidad Colorado... It was felt all the way to Santa Fe.
» The National Football League may cancel all pre-season 49er/Raider football games until further notice after a mayhem-filled event over the weekend. More in the commentary.
» The foxes take the henhouse back - Standard & Poors, under fire from EVERYONE in the wake of their downgrading has had their CEO resign. He will most likely be replaced by an executive from CitiGroup
» That's the way it is when you have lots of money - Today the New York DA is expected to ask for the dropping of rape charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn billionaire former head of the International Monetary Fund despite significant evidence that the rape did occur.
Elective readings on the commentary topic... The "Hells Angels of Football", the Oakland Raiders by Doctor Hunter S. Thompson... The Great Shark Hunt:
You'll just have to go to your local library and read it (Hint: 'SuperBowl').
Hunter S Thompson - The Great Shark Hunt
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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