Friday, August 26, 2011
August 26 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The FBI Gets Wood At Gibson - If You Give Law Enforcement A BIG Budget They WILL Use It
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 11:49 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
There has been a follow up to the raid on Gibson Guitar Co. Here.
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
» The Libyan War has turned into a manhunt with a $2 million dollar bounty for the capture of Muammar al-Gadaffi. If he manages to make it to the tribal areas of the country it may be a long time, and a long dirty war, before he's found.
To wit, yours truly stands corrected... For the last few days I referred to what is to come in Libya as "Algeria 1960", but perhaps it will turn out more like Sarajevo 1992... Particularly "Sniper Alley":
Civilian casualties mount in TripoliJournalists are also making that comparison in relation to THEIR circumstances.
By Portia Walker
August 25 2011
TRIPOLI, Libya – Adel Mohammed waited patiently outside the morgue on Zawiyah Street. His bearded face turned a little gray as he held out his mother's identity card. She had been shot in the forehead by a sniper as she leaned out a window to call to her 13-year-old son in the street below, telling him to come into the house.
Wael Abdu Salam is treated after a gelatin bomb exploded in his hand, costing him three fingers. Mohammed, 40, was there to claim her body. He waited outside to avoid the overwhelming stench of the morgue. As Libya's rebels fight to consolidate their hold on Tripoli, civilian casualties are mounting.
Snipers on rooftops fire down into the streets, and gunbattles continue in neighborhoods around the city. Inside the morgue, bodies lay on the blood-streaked floor, waiting to be taken off in the rough plywood coffins piled up against the walls.
Abdul Razeq Ramadan, the morgue supervisor, said 170 bodies had been brought in this week... [More, USAToday]
Meanwhile... The bounty money on al-Gadaffi's head will be much easier to come by:
UN Security Council Frees Libyan Assets for RebelsThe freed up funds will also help finance the protection of what's REALLY important to us in Libya: Libyan rebels task a "small army" with protecting oil fields (NYTimes)
August 25, 2011
UNITED NATIONS — The Security Council committee that monitors sanctions against Libya agreed on Thursday to unfreeze $1.5 billion in Libyan assets for emergency aid to the country, where rebel forces that have ousted Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi are confronting a humanitarian crisis as they attempt to establish security and form a new government.
The committee’s decision came after South Africa, a committee member that has enjoyed close ties with Colonel Qaddafi and expressed doubts about the credibility of the rebel forces , dropped its opposition to releasing the assets. Unanimous consent by committee members was required.
Western diplomats said South Africa agreed to go along with the move after language in the decision was revised to state that the assets will be disbursed to the “relevant authorities” instead of the Transitional National Council, the opposition group in Libya that has been leading the struggle against Colonel Qaddafi. South Africa has not recognized the Transitional National Council as the legitimate government of Libya... [More @ The NYTimes]
» Hurricane Irene is on the way to the East coast of the US with an expected landfall on Friday or Saturday. Many of the seaboard states and cities are already requesting emergency funds from the federal government, but Eric Cantor... Republican, has mentioned that those funds, like the funds for relief of damages in the recent East Coast earthquake, will have to be offset by budget cuts. More.
» China is intending to support Palestinian statehood in the upcoming session of the UN general assembly next month. Expect a MAJOR diplomatic dust-up.
» The FBI has raided the Gibson guitar company... You read that right. Apparently they have been investigating the use of exotic wood from India that may have been illegally imported. Gibson's management says it has all documentation to prove their purchases were legal. More in the commentary.
Join the San Francisco Chapter of World Can't Wait to welcome arrivals to his talk in a fitting manner. Ann Coulter will be there too!
Friday, August 26
Marines' Memorial Club Hotel
609 Sutter Street, San Francisco
The California Young Republican Federation hosts University of California's premiere Torture Advocate, JOHN YOO
Join us to "welcome" guests.
Berkeley Law (Boalt Hall) has expanded its alliance with the US Torture State through promotion of professor Yoo as faculty director and spokesperson for "law and human rights".
This shift from silence to official sponsorship of America's war OF terror has great significance for the public at large. The citizens of Berkeley have taken steps to repudiate the crimes against humanity occasioned by the "Torture Professor"; San Francisco should do the same.
Come out on August 26 to tell those that attempt to sell illegal, immoral War and the attendant repressive domestic policy required, in the name of Fear, that we say NO! to torture in our name. [More @ WorldCantWait SF]
Remember... Class War means you fight back!
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Friday, August 26, 2011
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