Friday, July 29, 2011
July 29 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: There's democracy And There's Democracy - What? You Expected Stakeholdership In Your Democracy?
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 13:42 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary, Bruce Cockburn want to speak with us about "Democracy"... At least that what they call it. Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG Radio Freedom California... Earth.]
» The debt ceiling talks are stalled in congress and the Republicans cannot get enough votes to pass their bill. Harry Reid will enter a 'give-away' bill just so the poor overpaid babies in congress don't have to rehash this whole mess six months from now. You read that right... Reid will concede to most of the Republican's demands on cuts to social services and everything else just so congress doesn't have to do the job right... with four days left until the U.S. goes into financial default
» A PFC at Fort Hood who had applied for Conscientious Objector status has been arrested in a bomb plot.
From Foreign Policy's Legal War On Terror blog:
U.S. Army Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo was arrested on July 28 in possession of bombmaking materials near Ft. Hood, and has reportedly confessed to plotting to attack soldiers outside the base (Fox, AFP, CNN, LAT, Politico, Guardian, Reuters, Post, NYT, AJE). Abdo, who went missing from his post in Kentucky over the July 4th weekend, is said to have purchased six pounds of smokeless gunpowder and ammunition from a local gun store, prompting the clerk to alert the authorities (Post, Politico). A Muslim who was granted conscientious objector status in May for his refusal to fight in Afghanistan, Abdo's release from the army was put on hold after he was charged with possession of child pornography. [In Full With Links]SOMETHING about that story has a stench to it... But in these days of the Global War On Terror, we're unlikely to find out that this person was set up to keep him captive in a controlled environment simply because he was Muslim, and wanted out.
» The North Koreans have agreed to resume multi-party talks with South Korea and all interested parties.
» The White House is going to announce new CAFE fuel mileage standards for automobiles produced in the US. The goal being getting the average fuel mileage of the manufacturer's fleet of vehicles being produced above 30mpg. That means SOMEONE still gets to have an eight mile a gallon Escalade.
» In Libya the rebels have captured two towns along the Tunisian border along with Libyan military vehicles and tanks.
But the real news in Libya this morning is...
Maybe he ran afoul of the CIA's whore/henchman Khalifa Hifter?
From the Anonymous News Network:
Libyan rebel commander killedHere's Foreign Policy Magazine Morning Brief's (Neoliberal) take.
Al Jazeera reports the head of the Benghazi-based rebel military forces has been killed by gunman.
The case is unusual, because he was apparently arrested by rebel security forces and was being escorted to questioning for any remaining ties he had to the Gadaffi regime.
While in transit, he and his two aides also in custody were gunned down. No official connection has been determined between the gunmen and Gadaffi, although officials were quick to curse Gadaffi for trying to "break the unity of rebel forces." Al Jazeera also notes that there are still many armed groups in the east that are not associated or coordinated with the Benghazi-based National Transitional Council... [Anonymous News Network, More at al Jazeera]
(Note the misleading headline. These people REALLY BELIEVE these CIA-led tools are the legitimate Libyan government and are PROPAGANDIZING Americans by headlines such as this in the US media.)
Libyan military chief killedAlbeit Dave Kenner at FP's Passport blog DOES note the intrigue:
Abdel Fatah Younis, the military chief for Libya's rebel forces, was assassinated along with two aides in the de facto rebel capital of Benghazi yesterday. Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the head of the rebel Transitional National Council (TNC), said that arrests had been made but gave few details regarding the identity of his killers.
Younis had been a trusted lieutenant to Qaddafi until defecting to the rebels in February. However, he was distrusted by many rebels for his long relationship with Qaddafi, and hated by the Qaddafi regime for what it viewed as his act of betrayal.
Reports before Abdul Jalil's press conference on Thursday indicated that Libyan security forces had arrested Younis for allegedly maintaining ties with Qaddafi. Abdul Jalil said that he had been called back to Benghazi for questioning related to a "military matter," but did not provide for any specifics... [Foreign Policy Morning Brief]
It is no secret that the rebels' military hierarchy has long been in turmoil. Younis himself feuded for months with Gen. Khalifa Heftir, who is said to enjoy a long relationship with the CIA, over control of the rebel forces. The New Yorker's Jon Lee Anderson wrote that, even after defecting, Younis was still "distrusted by the shabab [Libyan youth] and by many council members." To this day, the TNC's military hierarchy remains largely a mystery. [Foreign Policy Passport]And just in case anyone's wondering, THIS is why NATO and the West want Muammar al-Gadaffi dead... The West needs a dependent Africa.
Gaddafi placed $97 billion on table to free africa from imperialism
Source: Reuters, Factbox: Libyan aid and investment projects in Africa
Edited By: Quoriana
Posted: 2011/07/27
In 2010 Gaddafi offered to invest $97 billion in Africa to free it from Western influence, on condition that African states rid themselves of corruption and nepotism. Gaddafi always dreamed of a Developed, United Africa and was about to make that dream come true - and nothing is more terrifying to the West than a Developed, United Africa.
Here is a selection of the initiatives Libya has already put in place in Africa, as well as some of the projects it is planning, explaining why the West's illegal war against Libya also is a war against Entire Africa.
AFRICAN UNION: Libya is one of the biggest contributors to the budget of the African Union. A Libyan diplomat told Reuters Libya is one of five countries -- the others are Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa -- which cover 75 percent of the Union's budget. "Libya makes its full required contribution to AU funds. Not all countries do and that buys it influence," a senior African Union official said.
More, and details
In OTHER News:
#AnonOps Please note... Anonymous IS the ultimate affinity group but you can still assume you've been infiltrated. Since day one. Protect yourself.
Security Culture for Activists
A resource by The Ruckus Society, written by Jess Bell and Dan Spalding.
While opponents (like governments and corporations) use technology to snoop, spy and test our effectiveness, this guide walks activists through security measures we can take to safeguard ourselves against those dirty deeds.
Go to Ruckus Society's site and download the PDF
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Thursday, July 28, 2011
July 28 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: They Say DON'T PANIC! But I Say Why Not? - A Cabale News Primer For Our Looming Debt Default
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 16:27 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary PF Sloan, Bill Miller, and Frank Black ask why " don't believe we're on the Eve Of Destruction", a song originally performed by Barry McGuire of the New Christy Minstrels, written by PF Sloan when he was 19 years old, "It became the rallying cry for supporters of the 26th Amendment to the Constitution, which changed the voting age from 21 to 18" and he wants you to know we're STILL on that 'Eve'. Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG Radio Freedom California... Earth.]
» If we're not careful we might find out what's going - The Boehner 2.0 re-written version of the 'balanced budget debt limit bill' should be delivered in the house today but there's dissension in the Republican ranks and it might not get the 217 votes needed to get it passed. If the bill DOES get approved it will be dead in the water in the Senate according to Harry Reid, and even IF it did manage to miraculously get enough Aye votes in the Senate President Obama will veto it. Many Democrats are urging the president to exercise his 14th Amendment privilege to act unilaterally. In other words there's lots of posturing over a bill that will not pass, with five days left till the US "maxes out it credit card".
» Meanwhile, House Speaker Boehner attempts to get control of his party, infested with a new sort of creature... Teabaggers:
The current impasse is the starkest illustration yet of that tension as the speaker labors to persuade House Republicans, who find the notion of increasing the debt limit repugnant, to do so in order to prevent what Mr. Boehner, a former businessman himself, knows could be a disastrous default. [In Full, NYTimes]
WASHINGTON -- Legendary U.S. legislator Sam Rayburn once said: "Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a good carpenter to build one."» In Afghanistan, an Afghan government compound in Uruzgan has been attacked and seventeen killed even as Kandahar's recent spate of assassinations leave US war planners wondering whether our war on Afghanistan's society and culture is indeed lost.
It's an oft-repeated Capitol Hill adage that's making the rounds anew this week as the Tea Party, a political movement that didn't exist three years ago, continues to exert control over Republican legislators trying to come up with a viable proposal to reduce the country's massive $14.3 trillion debt and avert a potential financial calamity in less than a week.
"The entire political dynamic has been changed by the Tea Party movement," Mark Meckler, the founder of one of the biggest Tea Party groups, the Tea Party Patriots, said."The core values of the Tea Party Patriots -- fiscal responsibility, the constitution, limited government and free-market capitalism -- are now defining the debate around virtually every issue in the nation."[Winnipeg Free Press]
From Foreign Policy's AfPak 'Channel':
Analysts continue to assess the impact of the suicide bombing that killed Kandahar mayor and dual Afghan-American citizen Ghulam Haider Hamidi Wednesday, as TIME offers a profile of Hamidi, a staunch anti-corruption figure, and the Telegraph looks at the most recent adaptation in Taliban tactics, hiding bombs in turbans (AP, Reuters, ABC, TIME, Tel, LAT, Post, BBC, Globe and Mail). At least 17 people have been killed in an assault involving suicide bombers and gunmen on a government compound in the Uruzgan town of Tarin Kowt (BBC, AP). And the AP reports on the toll the war in Afghanistan has taken on Afghan police, who suffered more than twice as many casualties as Afghan soldiers or U.S. and foreign forces last year (AP). [In Full, with links]Foreign Policy also points out indirectly another way the West is attempting to destroy Afghanistan: "Afghanistan is set to get its own version of the popular British and American television series "The Office," when "The Ministry" premiers on Afghanistan's largest network,". Also see: Afghan gameshow brings relief, and a chance of cash (Reuters, Oct 24 2010)
» In our OTHER war, Vice President Joe Biden has been on the phone to prime minister al-Maliki of Iraq pressuring him to accept US troops, alleged 'training troops', in the country after the December 31st deadline... IF that happens, expect the Shiites of Iraq led by Muqtada al-Sadr's Medhi Army, to immediately declare war on the 'government' of Iraq and US troops assisting them. There will also be a meeting between VP Biden and his national security advisors today in regard to Iraq.
» Ayman al-Zawahiri, the new leader of the original al-Qaeda under Osama bin-Laden has issued a video calling for the removal of Syria's Baathist regime... Which is like a former CIA operative calling for the removal of a CIA installed government. According to the US intelligence community the threat is no longer the original group but al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, said to be led (at least in a public relations sense) by America's most wanted (dead...not alive), Anwar al-Awlaki, and based in Yemen.
» Ex-Legislator Newt Gingrich, who recently had his entire campaign staff abandon him due a variety of reasons has a new campaign t-shirt. When it was displayed at a press conference, it was noted by a reporter that the shirts were made by El Salvadorian sweat shops. It wouldn't be a far (but it would be an un-confirmed) stretch to conjecture that Gingrich has investments in those sweatshops
In OTHER News:
They don't forgive... They WON'T forget, and SOMETIMES they even operate legally - As of yesterday morning, in response to an economic boycott request by Wikileaks and the 'shadowy hacker groups called Anonymous and LulzSec', at least 35,000 PayPal accounts were cancelled by their owners as a 'spanking' for cutting off WikiLeaks' access to the site and their account.
It is understood that at one point the action knocked PayPal's parent company eBay stock value down over 2% and PayPal was 'forced to' unlink their 'account closure' page from the site, leaving users wishing to cancel having to call on a phone to do so. According to ZDNet #Anonymous and #LulzSec have moved from hacktivism to activism. Anonymous' statement in regard to the #OperationPaypal action here.
We're ALL absolutely fed up, but the BIG question is:
Is America Ripe for a Tahrir Moment?
Imagine … it's the dawn of the 13th day of the occupation … you're tired, not sleeping or eating too great … you've been harassed, maybe tear gassed and beaten. But when you look at your compatriots you see emancipation burning in their eyes. Bloomberg is threatening to call in the National Guard, Obama is hemming and hawing, but you are sitting tight because much of the nation is cheering you on. Al Jazeera and BBC are beaming your struggle to a captivated world and the tension is building for Obama to break his silence. It feels much like it did in Tahrir Square moments before Mubarak caved. More @ Adbusters
Early planning... Get involved!
August 2nd General Assembly on Wall StreetLast but not least... In light of the above manifestos and statements... The REST OF YOU, the ones who bank on the status quo should note, because time are going to get harder for you soon, that Prozac, used by 40 million people, does not work.
Published 2011-07-26 04:44:01 UTC by OccupyWallSt
From: New Yorkers Against Budget Cuts
The people who brought you the Bloombergville Occupation.
[email redacted, see site]
In response to the Sept. 17th Occupy Wall St. call, we decided to incorporate the organizing for the event with a New Yorkers Against Budget Cuts General Assembly on Wall St. on Aug. 2nd. In order to build the Sept. 17th call, we will use this opportunity to have the first NYC meeting for the Sept. 17th event.
Here is the link to the facebook event:
Plan For The September 17 Occupation Of Wall Street
Gather at 4:30: Meet At The Bull, Just South Of Broadway And Morris Street, At The North End Of Bowling Green Park
As the two U.S. political parties unite to dismantle Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security, it’s clear:
The bankers are looting decades-old peoples’ programs and the Democrats can’t help us.
Obama can’t help us.
Elected officials can’t help us.
It’s time for the people to meet and take the bull by the horns!
Go To OccupyWallStreet, News and Logistics for September 17th, for more
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
July 27 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The First Premise Of Afghanistan's Socio-Politcal System (Kleptocracy) Comes Undone In Kandahar
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 10:48 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
» Little has changed in the deadlock over the federal debt limit. Senator Boehner's bill was found by the OMB to be low-balled by about a half trillion dollars and pulled from the floor for a re-write. If it doesn't get to the floor by tomorrow he might have a hard time getting it on the agenda for next Tuesday.
From CQ Roll Call:
The green eyeshades at CBO are proving their nonpartisan bona fides again today. This morning they announced that the Reid plan would save $2.2 trillion during the next decade — fully $1.3 trillion more than the Boehner plan. It’s not exactly as much or in the same way as the Senate majority leader has said he was after — but, crucially, the official budget scorekeepers said it was fair for Reid to claim 45 percent of the projected savings from the winding down of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Republicans, even though they made the same claim in some of their own proposals, had derided that as a gimmick.) The CBO also said Reid would save $840 billion in other spending by government agencies and would reduce interest payments by $375 billion over a decade.» In the House, fifty six year old congressman Wu of Portland Oregon with fourteen years in congress has become the second Democratic congressman to resign. In this case over accusations of having pressured an eighteen year old girl into having sex with him. He planned to stay in the House but resigned when Nancy Pelosi threatened an ethics committee investigation. Wu will most likely be replaced by another progressive Democrat, as Portland, at least the city, has the political tenor of Berkley in the sixties.
The announcement comes on the heels of what Boehner should view as a big favor from the CBO. Although the agency’s headline sounded bad — the Speaker’s plan wouldn’t save as much as he said it would ($850 billion vs. $1.2 trillion) — the announcement was politically and tactically good news for the House GOP leadership, because it masked the enormous difficulty they are having in gathering the votes needed to pass their legislation. The CBO scoring also gave Boehner the excuse he needed to go back to the legislative drafting board and “fix” his plan — probably so that it does more to appease conservatives, who complain it would take too small a first bite out of discretionary federal programs.
Two influential conservative groups , the Club for Growth and the Heritage Foundation’s political arm, opposed the first Boehner plan and are unlikely to be brought around after he unveils his changes, which is planned for this afternoon. But the Chamber of Commerce is urging a “yes” vote. [In Full]
» In Afghanistan recently the brother of president Hamid Karzai, Walid, who was an Opium warlord and boss of the gangster element of Kandahar was assassinated, then the local religious leader was killed the next day at his funeral. Last night someone called on the mayor... and blew him up... leaving no power structure in place in Kandahar except of course for the US military power structure and the Talib. In Kandahar and Helmand provinces the Taliban has been pretty much attacking at will over the course of this year's fighting season.
» Partition coming up... With the Libyan government still in control of most of the country the British government has decided to recognize the CIA army led "Transitional Government" of Libya, allowing for the looting of Libya's British investments which will be turned over undoubtedly to the Benghazi 'government'... Except of course, Britain's expenses in pursuing this glaring war-in-violation of the UN resolution on protection of Libyan citizens, which said nothing about partition, or regime change, and DID REQUIRE the protection of ALL Libyan civilians. (CNN Video - NATO Bombing Destroys Hospital, Food Storage In Zletin Killing 11 Civilians - July 25 2011)
» California governor Jerry Brown has arranged for loans to the state to cover the possibility that the federal government may not pay their disbursement on August 2 due to the debt ceiling talks possibly being unresolved.
In OTHER News:
Something this California county was actually PROUD OF until recently... Exhorbitant rents with no housing plan for the lower paid workers who actually work in the area, as opposed to the over-the-hill commuters, and the elimination-by-regulation (environmental regulation typically even though there have never been dirty industries here) or non-replacement of almost all light industrial job... replaced by facework jobs suited for... UC students... Who have ended up working in stores that pay near minimum wage, selling things to each other:
“There is great difficulty finding jobs at the bottom of the employment ladder,” Goeke said. “People with skills and degrees are competing for the entry-level jobs. It's very hard to get jobs.”
In addition to the county's 11.5 percent unemployment rate, the price of monthly rents are among the highest in the nation.
In the county, a full-time worker must earn $33.27 per hour to afford a modest two-bedroom rental,
Santa Cruz SentinelNote that due to the fact this census was done during the winter, the figure for homeless youths is INCREDIBLY low-balled if one counts the roadie kids passing through town, with many staying, some having been here before while living with their parents who typically were on a nationwide quest for high paying work in the computer industry, leaving a legacy of "Corporate Kids" returning to the area when they finally move out of the family home which ended up being 'elsewhere'. They are not the high-earners their parents were. Either due to lack of opportunity, or perhaps they see the end of their parent's and America's middle class lifestyle looming and have 'opted-out'.
County's homeless population soars 22 percent in two years
Image: Homeless people gather in a part of San Lorenzo Park (ed. where they are harrassed regularly by the police) on Tuesday.
SANTA CRUZ — Fueled largely by the sour economy and expensive rents, the homeless population in Santa Cruz County has soared 22 percent in two years.
The number of people without homes is estimated at 2,771, according to a count conducted in January by the United Way of Santa Cruz County and the nonprofit research firm Applied Survey Research of Watsonville.
The homeless tally in 2009, the last time a census was taken, was 2,265.
The 2011 Santa Cruz County Homeless Census and Survey report will be released at 10 a.m. today at a public meeting at Twin Lakes Church in Aptos.
Most alarming for researchers studying the community's homeless was the jump in number of people under age 25 living on the streets, and the number of people experiencing homelessness for the first time, which increased 40 percent in two years. [In Full]
Some postings in Chronological order by Auntie Imperial, my partner in crime, and myself, on the topic of Santa Cruz California, and it's treatment of it's workers, and the homeless, which many of the aforementioned now are...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Local News For 95060 - Santa Cruz County California (Specifically Watsonville) Is #1 For Highest Unemployment In Northern California
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Enquiring Minds: Why are there so many homeless working class and working poor people in Santa Cruz California?
Saturday, December 25, 2010
"Sorry... Two Words" (That Describe How Corrupt A Local Government Official Can Be) - Santa Cruz California Edition
Wednesday May 11 2011
A Barren Place: Santa Cruz California Bookstore Replaced By Police Substation
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Santa Cruz California Lawyer Ed Frey & Houseless Defendant Imprisoned Six Months For Sleep Protest
Remember... They only call it class war when you fight back
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 and The Berne Convention on Literary and Artistic Works, Article 10, the news clippings, audio, and images used in this posting are made available without profit for research and educational purposes.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
July 26 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Nostalgia In Retrospect - When Shoes Were Quality And So Were The Politicians
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 16:36 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary Jesse Winchester slips on his Sweet Little (dancing) Shoes... Get well soon Jesse. Courtesy of the respective artists]
» Only seven negotiating days left until a Republican instigated trickledown global economic crisis. Last night pres Obama attempted to explain his side of the debt limit talks. Negotiations continue with 2 new plans Reid's would have no new tax increase until 2013 and the Republicans offered about the same but further discussions and a vote on the debt limit in the middle of next year's elections. Senator Boehner demanded equal time and spent fifteen minutes criticizing the president but had nothing of any significance to say.
» Maybe they should increase the rates on junk mail - Due to poor revenues The US Post Office is going to close about 3,000 branches... mostly in rural American communities.
» If you're going to be here you may as well be an intellectual and economic benefit to the state - California governor Jerry Brown has signed two new laws. One will allow children of illegal immigrants to use the University of California educational system and do so at resident rates. The second law signed would qualify those students for state student loans.
» Even as street fighting continues Syria's president Bashar Assad has signed a law which would allow opposition parties in the country after forty eight years of Baath Party rule. It's notable the Baath Party has long been a CIA infiltration point into regional politics... Indeed the rise to power of Iraq's leader Saddam Hussein was a CIA operation, along with many of Syria's politicians.
More on that:
Adam Curtis
Thursday, 16 June 2011
What is happening in Syria feels like one of the last gasps of the age of the military dictators. An old way of running the world is still desperately trying to cling to power, but the underlying feeling in the west is that somehow Assad's archaic and cruel military rule will inevitably collapse and Syrians will move forward into a democratic age.
That may, or may not, happen, but what is extraordinary is that we have been here before.
Between 1947 and 1949 an odd group of idealists and hard realists in the American government set out to intervene in Syria. Their aim was to liberate the Syrian people from a corrupt autocratic elite - and allow true democracy to flourish.
They did this because they were convinced that "the Syrian people are naturally democratic" and that all that was necessary was to get rid of the elites - and a new world of "peace and progress" would inevitably emerge.
What resulted was a disaster, and the consequences of that disaster then led, through a weird series of bloody twists and turns, to the rise to power of the Assad family and the widescale repression in Syria today.
I thought I would tell that story... [In Full]
In OTHER News:
Let it be noted: "On a per capita basis, Norway lost twice as many people today as the U.S. did on 9/11.". More at Atlantic Monthly.
From Harpers:
A bomb exploded at the Norwegian capitol building in Oslo, killing eight people. Hours later, a gunman opened fire at an island camp for young members of Norway's ruling Labor Party, killing another 76, many of them teenagers. Police took into custody 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik, who claimed responsibility for both attacks. “We are not sure whether he was alone or had help,” said a Norwegian police official. “What we know is that he is right-wing and a Christian fundamentalist.”
On the day of the attack, Breivik posted online a 1,500-page manifesto entitled “2083: A European Declaration of Independence,” in which he claimed membership in a militant group that planned to “seize political and military control of Western European countries and implement a cultural conservative political agenda.” The document, which describes a 2002 meeting in London to re-establish the Knights Templar and begin a new Crusade against Muslims, borrows from the writings of the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, and quotes extensively from anti-Muslim American bloggers.
Breivik's manifesto also criticizes the feminization of European males as paving the way for the Islamization of the continent. “The female manipulation of males has been institutionalised during the last decades,” he wrote, adding that in the “destructive and suicidal Sex and the City lifestyle (modern feminism, sexual revolution) … men are not men anymore, but metro sexual and emotional beings that are there to serve the purpose as a never-criticising soul mate to the new age feminist woman goddess.” [More @ Harpers Weekly Review]
Finally, since the politicians and leaders of the United States are so fond of discussing other nation's war crimes, I thought I'd propose a historical countervail:
"Following is an extract from Armageddon in Retrospect by Kurt Vonnegut in which he describes the scenes of ‘obscene brutality’ he witnessed as a prisoner of war in Dresden which inspired his classic novel Slaughterhouse-Five."The atom bomb may represent a fabulous advance, but it is interesting to note that primitive TNT and thermite managed to exterminate in one bloody night more people than died in the whole London blitz. Fortress Dresden fired a dozen shots at our airmen. Once back at their bases and sipping hot coffee, they probably remarked: “Flak unusually light tonight. Well, guess it’s time to turn in.”
The blood of Dresden
Kurt Vonnegut
I was among a group of 150 infantry privates, captured in the Bulge breakthrough and put to work in Dresden. Dresden, we were told, was the only major German city to have escaped bombing so far. That was in January 1945. She owed her good fortune to her unwarlike countenance: hospitals, breweries, food-processing plants, surgical supply houses, ceramics, musical instrument factories and the like.
Since the war [had started], hospitals had become her prime concern. Every day hundreds of wounded came into the tranquil sanctuary from the east and west. At night, we would hear the dull rumble of distant air raids. “Chemnitz is getting it tonight,” we used to say, and speculated what it might be like to be the bright young men with their dials and cross-hairs.
“Thank heaven we’re in an ‘open city’,” we thought, and so thought the thousands of refugees – women, children and old men who came in a forlorn stream from the smouldering wreckage of Berlin, Leipzig, Breslau, Munich. They flooded the city to twice its normal population.
There was no war in Dresden. True, planes came over nearly every day and the sirens wailed, but the planes were always en route elsewhere. The alarms furnished a relief period in a tedious work day, a social event, a chance to gossip in the shelters. The shelters, in fact, were not much more than a gesture, casual recognition of the national emergency: wine cellars and basements with benches in them and sandbags blocking the windows, for the most part. There were a few more adequate bunkers in the centre of the city, close to the government offices, but nothing like the staunch subterranean fortress that rendered Berlin impervious to her daily pounding. Dresden had no reason to prepare for attack – and thereby hangs a beastly tale.
Dresden was surely among the world’s most lovely cities. Her streets were broad, lined with shade-trees. She was sprinkled with countless little parks and statuary. She had marvellous old churches, libraries, museums, theatres, art galleries, beer gardens, a zoo and a renowned university... [More @ PulseMedia]
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Monday, July 25, 2011
July 25 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: 'Nutcases', You Get Used To Them - Examining A Background Of Tolerated Violence In Our Society
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 11:13 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
Due To Time Constraints No Synopsis This Morning
Listen In...
A thought about the shooter in Norway and his 'politics':
"All martyrs of religious faiths, of freedom and of science have had to disobey those who wanted to muzzle them in order to obey their own consciences, the laws of humanity and of reason. If a man can only obey and not disobey, he is a slave; if he can only disobey and not obey, he is a rebel (not a revolutionary); he acts out of anger,disappointment, resentment, yet not in the name of a conviction or a principle." ~~Erich Fromm
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 and The Berne Convention on Literary and Artistic Works, Article 10, the news clippings, audio, and images used in this posting are made available without profit for research and educational purposes.
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Friday, July 22, 2011
July 22 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: 'Perfect Storm' Weather For America's Economy - Heat & Drought In America's Grain Belt
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 17:33 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary... Is it hot around these parts or what? It's soooo hot you can almost hear the 'popcorn noise' that audio equipment makes when it's operating at it's thermal limit. It MUST be time to have a PICNIC... and don't forget to bring that jug of peach wine friends... John Cowan Band, Mississippi Delta Time. Live @ The Recipe Family Cookout/Jerry's Birthday Bash August 2001 Sunshine Daydream Music Park Terra Alta West Virginia. Courtesy of the respective artists.]
» The circus is still in town as the battle over the debt ceiling continues. Today there will be a vote on the "Cut Cap & Balance" bill in an attempt to table it because there just isn't time to hash out a constitutional amendment right now. There may be a thirty to sixty day 'continuance' to keep spending money we don't have. There will be a meeting of congressional leaders at the University of Maryland today even as a deal between Senator Boehner and the president fails to materialize and is denied by both parties.
» Now they can join the military like the other civilians during an economic depression tend to do - Today Secretary of Defense Panetta and the Pentagon will announce that "Don't Ask Don't Tell" will be history in sixty days or so.
» The Libyan rebels have lost the town of Brega as France tries to convince NATO to allow Muammar al-Gadaffi to stay in the country. But no one is nibbling, with Dubai (Dubai? A little lavish for Muammar's 'tent lifestyle') being the only country so far which has said it would accept him, and the legitimate leader of Libya despite Western pronouncements, Muammar al-Gadaffi... is not interested.
» Speaking of the wars, the U.S. and what's left of NATO troops in Afghanistan are taking casualties in Paktia and Durand province (the latter on the Pakistan border) although they are claiming to have killed some leaders of the Haqqani clan. No word on how many NON-leaders of the clan... ie. "Civilians", they've managed to kill.
» A follow-up on something mentioned earlier this week:
The floods in the Midwest are decreasing but the waters are spreading out across the region causing a massive amount of high humidity in combination with high temperatures, and it's expected to continue for at least a week. It IS possible that the Wheat and Corn harvests which did get planted will be seriously damaged... for the long term, if the climate continues to change in a similar direction over the years. (src)A Massive, deadly heat wave is spreading from Midwest to East. There is also a drought across the Southern tier of the US. More, and still more in the commentary.
In OTHER News:
The 'Teatard' Effect... Employment Statistics Edition
Last but not least, this could be UGLY (in the best kind of way)...
"We are not scared any more. Your threats to arrest us are meaningless to us as you cannot arrest an idea,"Reuters says: "Hacking groups say they are back after FBI arrests"
What they DON'T mention is that Anonymous has a very special new collaboration!
Anonymous Hackers Group Declares Solidarity With Animal Liberation Struggle...and the sentiment is mutual:
Fight Against Oppression Won't be Affected by Recent Arrest of 14 Alleged Members
Los Angeles: In a computer-generated spoken communique on YouTube last week, the hackers group Anonymous voiced its solidarity with the struggle for animal liberation. Citing the commonality of oppression against humans and non-human animals, the group highlighted the injustice in animal experimentation and the unnecessary consumption of animal flesh, and asked the public not to turn their backs on non-humans capable of "emotions such as joy. anger. sadness & fear. both [humans and non-human animals] have families. mothers. fathers. brothers. sisters. sons & daughters".
"The North American Animal Liberation Press Office unequivocally supports the actions of Anonymous, as a critical component in the fight against a capitalist state intent on the destruction of habitat, oppression of those who are necessary to sustain its domination, and suppression of any dissent by those who recognize the need to act against tyranny."In full with video @ Auntie Imperial's News & Blog Review
I can just picture Ol' Edward Abbey smiling down from the heavens on Anonops
Remember... They only call it class war when we fight back.
So teach your children well...
[San Pedro High School Peace Camp]
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Recorded & transcribed by Razer Raygun @ Razed By Wolves
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
July 21 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: A Travus T. Hipp Travelogue For Yemen Among Other Places Where Governments Don't Count For Much
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 11:37 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
» With twelve days to go the debt limit 'dog and pony show' continues with the president having called the top Democrats into a meeting yesterday morning and the the top republicans met with him in the evening. Pelosi and Boehner are planning a press conference in the next few hours as it seems some sort of deal has been reached. Stand by to see if the "Cut Cap and Balance" act is on the front burner of that deal. As noted yesterday in the synopsis the "Gang of Six" package offered is great for the rich and makes the poor poorer. Then they'll take the weekend off doing whatever it is that politicians do on their weekends while emergency negotiations are in progress regarding America's ability to pay it's debts. Harry Reid is not amused.
» Not only not a declared war... It's not even on the congressional discussion list - The Yemeni government has just allowed the U.S. to take control of their war on the South of the country where US air strikes are in progress NOW. The airstrikes hit a convoy two days ago and allegedly almost killed Anwar al-Awlaki, the American Muslim cleric with an assassination order hanging over him despite his never having committed any crime nor been accused of one. There are also reports that another al Qaeda leader may have been killed.
» The Space Shuttle Atlantis has returned from the program's 135th mission marking the end of the shuttle program. It will be two or three years until anything NASA has in planning gets off the ground. Until then we'll be riding "Rockets From Russia".
» The first hearings are happening on Capitol Hill in regard to the Marriage Protection Act which will create a federal rule requiring states to acknowledge each other's legal marriages... Including Gay marriage.
» Crime and Punishment in America... "That's how Capitalism works" edition - Have you ever been subject to, or do you know anyone who received a five year prison sentence for possession of Marijuana? Or sentenced to jail for a year for failure to pay child support? Yesterday in a New York court, the largest insider trading/fraud prosecution in US history netted the perpetrator 2.5 years.
In OTHER News:
This is the way the world ends for the OECD, the nations that affected to be developed and civilized.The Amazing Dissolving Nation - James Kunstler, Clusterfuck Nation
This phase of globalism is certainly not the end of history, but it is looking like the end of accounting tricks, and possibly democracy, which has discredited itself with accounting tricks.
At a certain point in time, the sickening recognition sets in that appearances are not the same as reality - and then, all of a sudden, you're in a political maelstrom. Citizens of the various lands will discover that the money being argued over, shifted around from column A to column B, assigned to this or that actuarial table or budget line or account or obligation or vault or "structured vehicle"- that money is just ... not ... there.
There's no money. It was pretend money. From now on, none of you will get paid. Imagine a world where nobody gets paid.
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Recorded & transcribed by Razer Raygun @ Razed By Wolves
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