Friday, July 29, 2011
July 29 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: There's democracy And There's Democracy - What? You Expected Stakeholdership In Your Democracy?
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 13:42 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary, Bruce Cockburn want to speak with us about "Democracy"... At least that what they call it. Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG Radio Freedom California... Earth.]
» The debt ceiling talks are stalled in congress and the Republicans cannot get enough votes to pass their bill. Harry Reid will enter a 'give-away' bill just so the poor overpaid babies in congress don't have to rehash this whole mess six months from now. You read that right... Reid will concede to most of the Republican's demands on cuts to social services and everything else just so congress doesn't have to do the job right... with four days left until the U.S. goes into financial default
» A PFC at Fort Hood who had applied for Conscientious Objector status has been arrested in a bomb plot.
From Foreign Policy's Legal War On Terror blog:
U.S. Army Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo was arrested on July 28 in possession of bombmaking materials near Ft. Hood, and has reportedly confessed to plotting to attack soldiers outside the base (Fox, AFP, CNN, LAT, Politico, Guardian, Reuters, Post, NYT, AJE). Abdo, who went missing from his post in Kentucky over the July 4th weekend, is said to have purchased six pounds of smokeless gunpowder and ammunition from a local gun store, prompting the clerk to alert the authorities (Post, Politico). A Muslim who was granted conscientious objector status in May for his refusal to fight in Afghanistan, Abdo's release from the army was put on hold after he was charged with possession of child pornography. [In Full With Links]SOMETHING about that story has a stench to it... But in these days of the Global War On Terror, we're unlikely to find out that this person was set up to keep him captive in a controlled environment simply because he was Muslim, and wanted out.
» The North Koreans have agreed to resume multi-party talks with South Korea and all interested parties.
» The White House is going to announce new CAFE fuel mileage standards for automobiles produced in the US. The goal being getting the average fuel mileage of the manufacturer's fleet of vehicles being produced above 30mpg. That means SOMEONE still gets to have an eight mile a gallon Escalade.
» In Libya the rebels have captured two towns along the Tunisian border along with Libyan military vehicles and tanks.
But the real news in Libya this morning is...
Maybe he ran afoul of the CIA's whore/henchman Khalifa Hifter?
From the Anonymous News Network:
Libyan rebel commander killedHere's Foreign Policy Magazine Morning Brief's (Neoliberal) take.
Al Jazeera reports the head of the Benghazi-based rebel military forces has been killed by gunman.
The case is unusual, because he was apparently arrested by rebel security forces and was being escorted to questioning for any remaining ties he had to the Gadaffi regime.
While in transit, he and his two aides also in custody were gunned down. No official connection has been determined between the gunmen and Gadaffi, although officials were quick to curse Gadaffi for trying to "break the unity of rebel forces." Al Jazeera also notes that there are still many armed groups in the east that are not associated or coordinated with the Benghazi-based National Transitional Council... [Anonymous News Network, More at al Jazeera]
(Note the misleading headline. These people REALLY BELIEVE these CIA-led tools are the legitimate Libyan government and are PROPAGANDIZING Americans by headlines such as this in the US media.)
Libyan military chief killedAlbeit Dave Kenner at FP's Passport blog DOES note the intrigue:
Abdel Fatah Younis, the military chief for Libya's rebel forces, was assassinated along with two aides in the de facto rebel capital of Benghazi yesterday. Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the head of the rebel Transitional National Council (TNC), said that arrests had been made but gave few details regarding the identity of his killers.
Younis had been a trusted lieutenant to Qaddafi until defecting to the rebels in February. However, he was distrusted by many rebels for his long relationship with Qaddafi, and hated by the Qaddafi regime for what it viewed as his act of betrayal.
Reports before Abdul Jalil's press conference on Thursday indicated that Libyan security forces had arrested Younis for allegedly maintaining ties with Qaddafi. Abdul Jalil said that he had been called back to Benghazi for questioning related to a "military matter," but did not provide for any specifics... [Foreign Policy Morning Brief]
It is no secret that the rebels' military hierarchy has long been in turmoil. Younis himself feuded for months with Gen. Khalifa Heftir, who is said to enjoy a long relationship with the CIA, over control of the rebel forces. The New Yorker's Jon Lee Anderson wrote that, even after defecting, Younis was still "distrusted by the shabab [Libyan youth] and by many council members." To this day, the TNC's military hierarchy remains largely a mystery. [Foreign Policy Passport]And just in case anyone's wondering, THIS is why NATO and the West want Muammar al-Gadaffi dead... The West needs a dependent Africa.
Gaddafi placed $97 billion on table to free africa from imperialism
Source: Reuters, Factbox: Libyan aid and investment projects in Africa
Edited By: Quoriana
Posted: 2011/07/27
In 2010 Gaddafi offered to invest $97 billion in Africa to free it from Western influence, on condition that African states rid themselves of corruption and nepotism. Gaddafi always dreamed of a Developed, United Africa and was about to make that dream come true - and nothing is more terrifying to the West than a Developed, United Africa.
Here is a selection of the initiatives Libya has already put in place in Africa, as well as some of the projects it is planning, explaining why the West's illegal war against Libya also is a war against Entire Africa.
AFRICAN UNION: Libya is one of the biggest contributors to the budget of the African Union. A Libyan diplomat told Reuters Libya is one of five countries -- the others are Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa -- which cover 75 percent of the Union's budget. "Libya makes its full required contribution to AU funds. Not all countries do and that buys it influence," a senior African Union official said.
More, and details
In OTHER News:
#AnonOps Please note... Anonymous IS the ultimate affinity group but you can still assume you've been infiltrated. Since day one. Protect yourself.
Security Culture for Activists
A resource by The Ruckus Society, written by Jess Bell and Dan Spalding.
While opponents (like governments and corporations) use technology to snoop, spy and test our effectiveness, this guide walks activists through security measures we can take to safeguard ourselves against those dirty deeds.
Go to Ruckus Society's site and download the PDF
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Friday, July 29, 2011
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