Thursday, June 23, 2011
June 23 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Marijuana - It's Legal In A Number Of States So Why Is It Still Called A 'Drug'?
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 14:16 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary, in light of the commentary, Richie Spice burns one on the corner (lyrics). Courtesy of the respective artists, this morning's sponsor Becky Johnson @ One Woman Talking, and The Most High Jah.]
» President Obama laid out his plan for troop withdrawal from Afghanistan and elsewhere. He talked of spending the money domestically. The plan calls for 10,000 troopers out of Afghanistan by the end of year and 23,000 more out in the next seven months... leaving 70,000 troops in the country and negotiations ongoing with the Taliban.
President Obama lays out exit strategy for the Afghanistan warTo be quite blunt, what our president has REALLY promised is:
By Sam Youngman - 06/22/11
President Obama announced Wednesday he is ending the Afghanistan surge by withdrawing 10,000 troops by the end of the year, promising an end to the war is near.
In a prime-time address, Obama said another 23,000 troops will leave Afghanistan by the end of September 2012 after a decade-long conflict increasingly unpopular with American voters and lawmakers from both parties.
The tide of war is receding, said Obama, who noted that all U.S. troops will leave Iraq by the end of this year... [More]
Three More Years of War in AfghanistanOthers see this scenario in future US-Afghan relations:
By Matthew Rothschild, June 23, 2011
Our war president promised more war. While he trumpeted his big Afghanistan speech as the first step in ending that war, Barack Obama essentially told the American people that tens of thousands of our soldiers would still be fighting there for at least three more years.
A year from now, Obama said all the additional “surge” troops will be back home. But the U.S. will still have close to 70,000 troops in Afghanistan, twice the number that were there when Obama took office.
Only “by 2014,” he said, will the Afghan people “be responsible for their own security.”
And even then, Obama appears to have left himself an out. “We’ll have to do the hard work of keeping the gains that we made,” he said. But what if those “gains” aren’t kept? Would he reverse course and keep more troops there? [More @ The Progressive]
Obama Says US Not Deserting Afghanistan: 'We Will Continue to Follow You on Twitter'No matter how your choose to view it, you should be convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Barack Obama is...
Promises Strong Social Networking Ties with Afghan People
WASHINGTON - Announcing a drawdown of American troops, President Barack Obama tonight maintained that the United States was not deserting Afghanistan, promising the Afghan people, We will continue to follow you on Twitter.
Mr. Obama indicated that the United States' relationship with Afghanistan would soon transition from a military one to a social networking one, with the United States promising to Like Afghanistan's Facebook page and share contact information on LinkedIn.
In summing up the United States' ten-year military mission in Afghanistan, Mr. Obama said... [In Full]
Finally on the topic of hypocrites and warmongers, a "Cold Cut" from October last year... Chris Floyd:
"Friends, it's very simple: if you support Barack Obama and the Democrats -- even if reluctantly, even if you're just being all sophisticatedly super-savvy and blogospherically strategic about it, playing the "long game" or eleven-dimensional chess or what have you -- you are supporting the outright murder of innocent people who have never done anything against you or yours." --Obama's Finest Hour: Killing Innocent People For "Made-Up Crap" [More @ Empire Burlesque]The situation in Libya was also referred to by the president and wouldn't you know... America is the first responder.
It begs the question... Where are the first responders to protect them from invasion?
Libya: "The Right to Protect" has Triggered a Humanitarian Disaster» The government of Pakistan has issued forty visas to US counterintelligence operatives for their war on the indigenous Haqqani Network and the occasional al qaeda fighter, of whom there may be one hundred in the whole world.
The Legacy of Winston Churchill
by William Bowles
June 16, 2011"I do not understand this sqeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using poison gas against uncivilised tribes." -- Winston Churchill 1920 (speaking of the Iraqis, Kurds, and other 'dusky natives' of the region)Now let me get this straight: In order to save civilian lives (the infamous 'Right to Protect'), the Empire, through its Rottweiller NATO, not only deindustrializes Libya but it also causes a mass exodus of refugees hundreds of whom drowned and many thousands more were left stranded, attacked and abused.
The Pirates attempted to assassinate Gaddafi but succeeded in killing women and children instead. The Pirates bomb educational infrastructure, communications, power, agriculture and terrorize the population from the air and sea with the combined military might of the most powerful countries on the planet. So this is what humanitarian intervention looks like?
The reality of it is that in the 'good old days' they made no bones about the issue of keeping the natives in their place, phrases like humanitarian intervention would have made Churchill laugh. Though perhaps, just as with our current leaders and its lapdog mass media, Churchill would have appreciated the propaganda value of 'humanitarian intervention for domestic audiences.
And after all, the Libyans, Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Somalians, Yemenis and Serbians don't need to be told what 'humanitarian intervention' really is.
Check out the following to get an idea of how the Pirates viewed the 'peasants' back in 1920... [More @]
» The conference of mayors, which hadn't involved itself in foreign affairs since the Vietnam war called for a pullout of Afghanistan and Iraq, to spend the money domestically.
» In response to the repeated failure of the California legislature to come up with a budget a state law was passed last year that takes effect when the budget expires. State legislators will work for a dollar a day and no per diem or back pay. That will situation will most likely occur next week. We'll see if governor Jerry Brown springs that pay cut.
» In regard to Tuesday's commentary... They caught Irish gangster Whitey Bulger, at home in Santa Monica California, quietly retired. See that day's commentary for more.
In OTHER News:
Economics in the news!
First... Federal budgets... Where CAN we slash-and-burn appropriately?
I wonder...
From Congressional Quarterly's "Behind The Lines" (Free email subscription):
Money, honey: Thanks to wars and terror concerns, State's budget has doubled since 9/11, NPR's Alan Greenblat accounts. This war on terror amounts to the American industrial-military complex massively benefiting from the spending while many innocent lives have been lost...Here's a note on the oft repeated myth that Capitalism outperforms Socialism when it comes to the global markets.
From the Columbia Journalism Review:
But the point is, the ascent of laissez-faire economic policies in the U.S. during the first quarter century following the Reagan Revolution wasn't enough to outdo French stocks, which faced the heavy hand of government.The Audit
Economic Crisis
June 21, 2011
Stock Market Chart of the Day: Socialism vs. Cowboy Capitalism
By Ryan Chittum
In the appendix of that report on executive compensation and inequality that the Washington Post wrote about the other day, there's an interesting chart comparing stock market indexes for the U.S., France, and Japan from 1981 to 2006.
Check it out (figure 3, page 74):
First, applaud the fact that the authors adjusted stock prices for inflation. That's almost never done. They did it here by prices for each respective country.
The authors cut off the stock chart at 2006 because that coincides with the tax data they were studying. Since then, the U.S. stock market has done a little less worse than French stocks. And it seems as if the researchers just used index averages and not dividends in their calculations, which could change the (while I can't seem to find historical data on French dividend yields, I'd guess they're at least comparable to American ones).
But the point is, the ascent of laissez-faire economic policies in the U.S. during the first quarter century following the Reagan Revolution wasn't enough to outdo French stocks, which faced the heavy hand of government.
Take it for what a single datapoint is worth, but it's interesting, non? You don't and won't hear much about this one in the American business press. And you don't even want to look at truly socialist Sweden's stock returns, which have outpaced even France's.
Want to push back further, to the start of the Nixon administration? [In Full @ CJR]
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the interim OK?)
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Thursday, June 23, 2011
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