Wednesday, June 22, 2011
June 22 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The Idiot Expedition - Despite The 'We're Winning' Spin We've Already LOST Afghanistan OUT NOW!
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 12:31 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary, Phil Ochs (Wikipedia, His sister Sonia's tribute page here) talks about another "Idiot Expedition" in America's historically recent past. Courtesy of the respective artists and this morning's sponsor Becky Johnson @ One Woman Talking.]
» Meanwhile fifty six percent of US citizens want them all out NOW! Today is showdown day on Afghanistan troop withdrawals as president Obama claims that ten thousand troops will leave the country by the end of the year and twenty thousand more will be gone by at least the end of 2012. That thirty thousand troops is the equivalent of the 'surge' troops send over the last few years, leaving seventy thousand US troops and an uncountable (and unaccountable) number of mercenaries and CIA contractors in the country.
Some more details on the depth of the opposition to our current wars from the New York Times where they note that the Conference of Mayors has approved a resolution (pdf) calling for a speedy end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and redistribution of the $126 billion a year spent on those wars, to “urgent domestic needs,”. More @ The New York Times
» The McCain-Kerry bill will go to the senate floor today or tomorrow. The bill would allow for our involvement in the rape of Libya until the end of the year as long as there are no US 'boots on the ground'. Of course the Pentagon's stonewalling of all requests to find out about US Special Forces in Libya, noted just before the NATO invasion began by a number of sources, is being construed to mean we don't already have soldiers on the ground there.
More news about Libya:
A "Steal" [Snigger] at the price: "...less than $1 billion so far..." spent on our Libyan War...
Meanwhile, the UN resolution calling for the protection of Libyan civilians is obviously violated multiple times with no action taken by that body to rein in their participating members:
Globe and Mail("...unspoken goal of ousting Gadhafi," ? EVERYONE is talking about it!)
June 20, 2011
Civilian deaths raise doubts about future of Libya mission
Allies anxious to reach their unspoken goal of ousting Gadhafi
"The military mission in Libya that began as the enforcement of a no-fly zone and has escalated to heavy air strikes is now facing a test of international and public support: not because of a high death toll of Western combat troops, as in Afghanistan, but because of another toll that goes with air strikes - civilian deaths of the Libyans whom the mission is mandated to protect." [More]» Are jobs a top priority for the Republicans? The senate has killed the seventh job bill to come before them, and the Federal Aviation bill which would have added staff to the sometimes exhausted and asleep at the controls air traffic controllers was killed last week.
More news from the Senate:
Senate unanimously approves Panetta as new Defense chiefDast I say '...will leave Panetta with a political 'hand grenade' that's already had the pin pulled, in the wake of Gate's departure.'
Panetta also has made clear he plans to examine military personnel programs, including its vast health care enterprise, to find savings as Pentagon budgets shrink.
Experts say this effort, pushed by Gates in his final months, will require political skill and will. That's because cutting troops' benefits while two wars are still hot will... [In Full @ The Hill]
» The Tunisians have convicted their EX-president in absentia for embezzlement, theft, and more. Their former ruler left so fast he left cash and gems behind.
» Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has not been seen since a June medical procedure in Cuba and some suspect he is being forced out of the Venezuelan presidency... Which would suit the US just fine.
In OTHER News:
We almost lost Omaha! But you need to read the Pakistani newspapers because the...:
US orders news blackout over crippled Nebraska Nuclear PlantEven as the GAO notes the dangerous situation existing at... Who knows how many US nuclear power plants. They have no way to check:
The Nation
June 18 2011
A shocking report prepared by Russia's Federal Atomic Energy Agency (FAAE) on information provided to them by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) states that the Obama regime has ordered a total and complete news blackout relating to any information regarding the near catastrophic meltdown of the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant located in Nebraska.
According to this report, the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant suffered a catastrophic loss of cooling to one of its idle spent fuel rod pools on 7 June after this plant was deluged with water caused by the historic flooding of the Missouri River which resulted in a fire causing the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) to issue a no-fly ban over the area.
Located about twenty minutes outside downtown Omaha, the largest city in Nebraska... [In Full]
GAO: leaks at aging nuke sites difficult to detect
June 21 2011
U.S. nuclear power plant operators haven't figured out how to quickly detect leaks of radioactive water from aging pipes that snake underneath the sites and the leaks, often undetected for years, are not going to stop, according to a new report by congressional investigators.
The report by the Government Accountability Office was released by two congressmen Tuesday in response to an Associated Press investigation that shows three-quarters of America's 65 nuclear plant sites have leaked radioactive tritium, sometimes into groundwater.
Separately, two senators asked the GAO, the auditing and watchdog arm of Congress, to investigate the findings of the ongoing AP series Aging Nukes, which concludes that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the nuclear power industry have worked closely to keep old reactors operating within safety standards by weakening them, or not enforcing the rules... [In Full]
It's an American Republican's dream! Iraq has a new Football (soccer) federation chief!
Iraqi federation elects new chiefWhile public worker unions are banned:
AFP - The Iraqi Football Association (IFA) gained a new chief on Saturday, in an election in which the country's football establishment won over a candidate unofficially backed by the government. [Read On]
By Kamaran al-Najar
Iraq Oil Report
June 1, 2011
KIRKUK - Unionists in Iraq's oil sector have been fined and days ago were relocated to remote locations as part of a campaign of seeming retaliation against their role in organizing workers.
Jamal Abdul-Jabbar Akram, president of the Oil and Gas Workers' Union of the General Federation of Iraqi Workers (GFIW), said he has been transferred after his organization staged a February rally outside the headquarters of the state-owned North Oil Company (NOC).
In a separate incident, according to a ministerial order issued in February, recently obtained by Iraq Oil Report, Oil Minister Abdul Karim Luaibi fined 16 workers nearly $60,000 for a March 2010 work stoppage at the Basra refinery. Days after that strike, workers involved were transferred from Basra to Baghdad.
It's not clear if the stated fine is the total amount or the per-person fee.
Iraqi workers in the public sector are forbidden from forming unions not formally sanctioned and controlled by the state, a regulation remaining since the Saddam Hussein era.
Iraq is a signatory to international workers rights agreements, and the 2005 constitution has called for a new labor law. A draft has languished in the political process. Oil workers along with teachers, dockworkers and others have formed unions nonetheless.
The oil unions have stopped or threatened to stop production and have held rallies over issues like legislation, pay and treatment. In response, they have been targeted by security forces and members have had warrants issued for their arrest or been relocated to areas away from their families. [In Full]
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the interim OK?)
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011
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