Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Forgive NOT Forget - Re-Examining My Tendency To Call The Fascist Bastards What They Are

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Cabale News ServiceJanuary 13 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: I Can Forgive BUT I REFUSE To Forget - Re-Examining My Tendency To Call The Fascist Bastards What They Are...

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In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.

The president gave a speech in Tucson Arizona yesterday regarding the shooting by a very disturbed young man of congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. The speech had it's high points, but the REAL high point was when he informed the crowd he had visited Gifford's bedside and, despite the 9mm bullet that went through her head doing massive damage, she managed to open her eyes and gave a thumbs up to her husband. Cognizance is good considering her condition. More.

Sarah Palin was in the headlines for about 8 hours yesterday as she whined about a herself as victim of a "Blood Feud" (comparing herself to a practice of the Nazis against Jews...)against her for her 'targeting' campaign poster with crosshairs on congressional districts including the recovering-from-an-assassination-attempt Gabrielle Giffords' district. Congresswoman Sharon Angle is another hater-under-pressure due to her quip about "2nd Amendment solutions" in American politics.

In her first public appearance since the rampage in Tucson on Saturday that took the lives of six people and gravely wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the initial target of gunman Jared Loughner, Sarah Palin today released a video that was short on compassion and long on defense.

Did she apologize for contributing to a public discourse laced with violent images and metaphors? No. Did she cop to having made an error in posting, on the Web site of her PAC, a map marked with gun sights over the districts of targeted Democratic members of Congress? No.

Instead, Palin claims in her video to be the victim of a "blood libel" -- a term that is typically used to denote the anti-Semitic practice of alleging that Jews used the blood of Christians in the making of matzoh. (I wonder if Palin realizes that Giffords is Jewish.)

In addition, Palin claims that her critics "seek to muzzle dissent with shrill cries of imagined insults." Then she dares to invoke the image of Gabrielle Giffords reading the First Amendment on the House floor during that body's reading of the U.S. Constitution last week at the behest of Tea Partiers. She does not invoke the concerns expressed by Giffords over Palin's PAC map, which included Giffords' district among those marked by cross-hairs. [Video on site]
More from Juan Cole, professor of Persian history at the University of Michigan
Palin Borrows ‘Blood Libel’ from Israeli Far Right

Posted on 01/13/2011 by Juan

Sarah Palin in her response to the controversy over her violent political imagery and that of the US right wing in general in the wake of the Tucson massacre, provoked a new controversy when she said,
“Journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible."
The “blood libel” was the false and outrageous accusation launched against Jews in medieval and early modern Europe by Christians that they stole Christian babies and used their blood in secret rituals. This bizarre obsession of European Christians resulted in attacks on and pogroms against the poor Jews on many occasions.

So why would a leader of white Christian populists (the kind of people who in previous eras have often been prejudiced against Jews) deploy the language of ‘blood libel’ to make her and her movement seem as though it were a persecuted minority?

I believe that the phrase was taken over by Palin’s speech writers from right wing Israeli discourse. Historian Melani McAlister argued in her book Epic Encounters that the US white right wing began using the Israelis in the late 1970s as a kind of collective Rambo figure to make themselves feel better about their declining power in world affairs... [More @ Informed Comment]

Vice President Joe Biden met in Afghanistan yesterday with 'president' Karzai and then the Vice President went to Baghdad where he promised our military support for Afghanistan even IF it extends past the 2014 withdrawal date rescinding his previous statement that "...the U.S. would pull out of the country ‘come hell or high water’ by 2014."... as if we WEREN'T planning on staying. Analysis of our growing regional proxy war with China from GlobalResearch.

The Lebanese government is past tense... Hezbollah bolted in their belief that the majority faction in the parliamentary government was going to support the framing of Hezbollah over the assassination of Prime Minister Hariri. Details.

ALL federal judges in the state of Arizona have recused themselves from the case of Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter, due to the fact that the disturbed young man killed a federal judge. This make the 9th circuit court the trial venue with a federal judge from San Diego California presiding.


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