Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The Media, 'False Equivalency', And The Republican Party's 'Obama's Failures' Talking Points

"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."

Cabale News ServiceJanuary 12 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The Media, 'False Equivalency', And The Republican Party's Talking Points On The Obama Administration's 'Failures'

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In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.

The President is enroute to Tucson Arizona and a memoriam is in progress across America for the people killed there by a disturbed young man. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the target of the attempted assassination, is recovering and is showing cognitive activity. She will be in the hospital for at least a month.

Meanwhile,"Gun Sales Surge in Arizona After Shooting"... The weapon that Jared Loughner fire 31 shots from (from a now illegal extended clip) is flying off the shelves of Arizona gun stores.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has offered a civilian development aid package to Yemen in return for the development of detainee rehabilitation facility. A similar operation in Saudi Arabia has a 25-30 percent recidivism rate. There are 100 plus Yemenis at Guantanamo we are hoping to repatriate.

The final report on the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater-Horizon oil spill disaster has been issued and it blames BP for risky decisions AND the lack of regulatory power by federal agencies (But the risks don't just happen offshore... "PG&E halts intentional gas line pressure spikes"). More.

The Securities and Exchange commission is most likely going to postpone enforcement of their new market regulations due to lack of fund because the continuing resolution passed in congress funds government operations at 2009 levels... The regulatory programs are on the 2010 budget.

In OTHER News:

BOY! They sure kept track of THIS statistic "IEDs kill 21,000 Iraqi civilians 2005-2010" (Since they knew about the dangers of IEDS BEFORE the war, you'd almost think they were attempting to convince the Iraqis they are their own worst enemy using information they had already developed.)

Meanwhile in our 'Endless War':
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, speaking after his arrival in Kabul, promised that the United States would continue to support Afghanistan beyond the 2014 deadline for returning responsibility for security back to Afghan forces. "If the Afghan people want it, we won't leave in 2014," Biden said. [More @ Foreign Policy magazine]

Jim Kunstler, Clusterfuck Nation on "Jared the shooter", and America:
Jared Got A Gun

James Howard Kunstler
January 10 2010

"Will history notice that Jared Lee Loughner was struggling to puzzle through the mysteries of currency and of who controlled what in this world, even while he was being tossed out of a community college that he was extremely conscious of being scammed to pay for - a government-supported school that affected to prepare young people for a career spent in a corporate cubicle in order to fork over the weekly paycheck to pay back college loans.

From their website:
At Pima Community College you have access to an affordable, high-quality education. Our Costs and Payments section will familiarize you with tuition for credit and non-credit classes, as well as with payment methods.

Don't let a lack of funds keep you from reaching your goals! There are options available to help you cover tuition, including:

Federal Financial Aid - you should apply, don't assume you're not eligible!

Veteran's Benefits

Scholarships and Grants

Work Study Programs
The shootings of Congresswoman Giffords and all the others took place in front of a Safeway Supermarket in a strip mall in a city of strip malls and housing subdivisions - many of them failing financially. It must be unbelievably difficult for a young person to make sense of such an incoherent environment and such cruel swindling culture. A society that habitually and incessantly lies to itself is apt to choke to death on its internal contradictions.

Jared Lee showed an unusual concern for language and literacy. His videos were all words, no pictures. I wonder if the word SAFEWAY flashed through his brain when he pulled the trigger. _____" [Read On...]


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