Friday, June 4, 2010
June 04 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Open Season On American Citizens - Continually Reducing The US Constitution, Fair Trial Edition
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [192kbps CBR 13:24 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the commentary audio file.
It's going to become a constant background to the daily news - BP has managed to cut the riser pipe that was previously attached to the Deepwater/Horizon oil drilling rig. It's partially effective at best.
But the damage HAS been done:
[Oil-fouled water bird]
In light of that gruesome and tragic image... The Friday Opinuary Column (Requiem for an opinion) from Jesus' General:
The Opinion "Everything will come out in the wash" has died.In related news, the Interior Department's Mineral Management Services, whose employees up to now have been so corrupt they were known to have literally slept with oil industry lobbyists, has extended the Obama administration's hold/ban on deep water offshore drilling and permits issued have been put on hold. Also, president Obama has postponed his Asian trip , for the second time to head back to the Gulf Coast.
It has become abundantly clear that not everything comes out in the wash. Even if everything did come out in the wash, it would still go somewhere else after the washing machine drains. It's not like it just vanishes--it's not like we're free of the problem. There's a trail, you know.
No services are scheduled at this time. In lieu of despair the family of the deceased Opinion ask that you consider facing the reality of oil addiction: though it is far past the time for an intervention, an intervention just might help do the trick. Perhaps a massive confrontation between the imperious id of our demands and the plaintive drips of life-choking reality could move us to pick up the torches and light the way to recovery.
Perhaps we can end the addiction before we all overdose, and the War on Drugs could become The War on Oil.
Just Say No to Sludge.
Or a commercial: This is your Gulf. This is your Gulf Covered in Oil...
[In Full]
A Dutch registered ship, the M/V Rachel Corrie is heading for Palestinian Gaza in another attempt to break the blockade with medical supplies after the first wave of ships is attacked in international waters by Israeli commandos
From Juan Cole:
Eyewitnesses Say Israelis came in with Guns BlazingJust in case you haven't made the connection yet... from January... One of the last Auschwitz survivors calls it like he sees it, and is branded an 'Anti-semite':
As The Lede points out, the more Mavi Marmara passengers who talk to the press, the more the Israeli official narrative about their landing on the deck of the ship is challenged.
Accounts of Israeli troops shooting passengers between the eyes are particularly chilling.
Aljazeera English broadcast an interview with Jamal ElShayyal , a journalist aboard the Mavi Marmara. In it, he asserted that the Israelis opened fire as they were boarding the vessel, and that one passenger took a bullet through the top of his head. Many passengers have now confirmed that they were fired on even before the commandos had boots on the deck. Presumably it is this suppressive fire that killed or wounded some passengers and which provoked an angry reaction and an attack on the commandos.
The Independent in the UK constructs a timeline for the Israeli attack that has twenty or so passengers attempting to stop the Israeli commandos from boarding their vessel, with some success. With four commandos captured by the aid activists and with boarding the ship now difficult, Israeli commanders appear to have authorized the use brute force.
Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks discusses the controversy around the Israeli killing of an American citizen of Turkish extraction:
He argues that this killing was an execution.
As for the victim having lived most his life in Turkey, Cenk wonders if he would have been discounted as a citizen if he had lived most of his life in Israel. See his column here.
[In Full, with linkage]
The Herald, Scotland
Auschwitz survivor: ‘Israel acts like Nazis’
24 Jan 2010
One of the last remaining Auschwitz survivors has launched a blistering attack on Israel over its occupation of Palestine as he began a lecture tour of Scotland.
Dr Hajo Meyer, 86, who survived 10 months in the Nazi death camp, spoke out as his 10-day tour of the UK and Ireland – taking in three Scottish venues – got under way. His comments sparked a furious reaction from hardline Jewish lobby groups, with Dr Meyer branded an “anti-Semite” and accused of abusing his position as a Holocaust survivor.
Dr Meyer also attended hearings at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Thursday, where five pro-Palestine campaigners are accused of racially aggravated conduct after disrupting a concert by the Jerusalem Quartet at the city’s Queen’s Hall.
Speaking as his tour got under way, Dr Meyer said there were parallels between the treatment of Jews by Germans in the Second World War and the current treatment of Palestinians by Israelis... [In Full]
The California State Assembly is beginning to work on a package of laws including a ban on pot shops near schools.
McDonalds "Burger" (don't call them hamburgers, they don't meet the already loose legal specifications) chain is recalling TWELVE MILLION souvenir drinking glasses advertising the movie Shrek due to Cadmium content. Cadmium is incredibly toxic... Carcinogenic, causes lung and kidney damage... more..
[After the commentary, the Fear Nuttin' Band disses the "Police State". Courtesy of the respective artists.]
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Friday, June 04, 2010
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