"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."
June 03 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Fed Up With The Lies And Deceit - Bridging The 'Primary Election Gap'... It's A Long Stretch For The Republicans
In The News: Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the commentary audio file.
Due to time constraints, just a quick synopsis of the news this morning...
President Obama is ordering an end to tax breaks for oil companies in the energy bill that's languishing in congress (see below). More.
The attempt to cut the broken feed pipe on the Deepwater/Horizon site yesterday with a diamond saw failed, and now they're going to try 'shears' which will surely mangle the pipe so severely any capping attempt after will be more difficult to accomplish. Details.
The Obama administration will extend more federal employment benefits to same-sex couple federal employees. Family leave, childcare, and more.
Congress is hanging up the energy bill in the Senate with some Republican members demanding a 60 vote margin.
NOT like U.S. politicians who don't meet their promises - The recently elected Japanese government's Prime Minister has resigned over the failure of a campaign promise to get Okinawa's US naval base shut down.
The badly botched Israeli raid on the Gaza relief shipment has turned into a PR nightmare. It turns out the US government was savvy to the plan and warned against it. There is at least one more ship sailing, the M/V Rachel Corrie, and the Turks have warned they may deploy warships to protect the convoy. The Turkish Navy IS heavily armed with state-of-the-art weapons systems, well-trained, and fully functional.
California's assembly has introduced a ban on plastic bags used at supermarkets and drugstores, and they appear to be planning an enforced charge for paper bags. Also, California's kindergarten age will be raised to 5 and above, leaving many working parents without de facto childcare.
[After the commentary, Dave Alvin And The Blasters. Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG radio Freedom California Earth.]
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