Wednesday, May 12, 2010
May 12 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Backgrounder - Hamid Karzai Goes To Washington For An American Loya Jirga
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In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the commentary audio file.
Afghanistan's president Hamid Karzai visits president Obama for a woodshed meeting about what happens next in Afghanistan, and their 'realities' are quite different, including Karzai's resistance to more US troops in country. It boils down to a Loya Jirga Vs. an Offensive in Kandahar province. More.
For more, see: From Kandahar, View of a 'Counterproductive Counterinsurgency' By Spencer Ackerman at the Washington Independent
Also notable, an overview from the Washington Post by Zalmay Khalilzad, who served as U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq and the United Nations in the George W. Bush administration... "A fence-mending agenda for President Obama and Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai". Also see: "Time to Talk to the Taliban?" from ABCNews.
There's nothing new in the way of controlling the Gulf oil spill. The oil flow has slowed a bit and there's more natural gas than expected. An oil eating bacteria that turns to fertilizer may be used, but the damage to the environment will already have been done. Meanwhile, the oil company executives shift the blame.
SOMEONE at the White House is a little testy about all this though:
White House Asks Congress To Lift Cap on Oil Spill Liability
The White House asked Congress Wednesday to lift liability caps on oil companies, increase the excise tax that finances cleanups and provide $118 million in emergency spending to help deal with the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
The legislative request comes nearly four weeks after an oil rig leased by BP exploded April 20 and sank off the Louisiana coast. White House officials insisted that BP, which leased the Deepwater Horizon rig from Transocean Ltd., will repay the government for the majority of the requested emergency spending, much of which would go to unemployment aid for affected workers and help for communities on the Gulf Coast.
Some of the spending, such as funding for additional Interior Department inspections of other oil wells, would not be reimbursed.
The White House still needs to hash out details of the package with Congress, particularly regarding its proposed changes to the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, which was created by Congress after the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill and is currently financed by an 8 cents-per-barrel production tax on the oil industry... [More]
Twenty US drones strikes have killed 24 SUSPECTED 'militants' in Waziristan and Pakistan. "...more than 900 people have been killed in more than 90 US strikes in the tribal areas since August 2008.
The White House has a new policy on illegal drugs that includes prevention, health care, rehab, and youth programs.
Britain has a new Prime Minister David Cameron, Liberal Democrat, to the left of Labor and he's in the process of forming a coalition government with the Conservatives.
Meanwhile, according to Pew: "A survey from Pew finds broad public approval for Arizona's new immigration-enforcement policy on numerous fronts--not just up-or-down approval of the new law itself, but on numerous fronts. Politically, the law is supported broadly by Republicans and independents; Democrats are the only partisan group to opppose it."
Certainly it wouldn't lead to... dast I say... (dast! dast!) SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT?
From CQ Behind The Lines... Police State News:
“A decade after the Sept. 11 attacks, it increasingly seems to have come to this: Americans have met the enemy — and he is carrying a U.S. passport,” The Associated Press’ Jesse Washington surveys. The startling and depressing truth is that eight years after Sept. 11, we cannot say with confidence that we are likely to prevent the next attack here . . . [T]here is no such thing as 100 percent success in counterterrorism,” Matthew Levitt comments for Politico.
Law & Disorder: “U.S. officials are considering new tactics — including re-examining the right to remain silent — in the ever-evolving war against al Qaeda and its affiliates,” FOX News leads. Pushing back against the Justice I.G.’s criticism, the FBI director says a troubled case management system being developed by Lockheed Martin should be ready in 2011, The Washington Post’s Marjorie Censer mentions. A federal judge refuses to dismiss charges against an accused terrorist in Manhattan despite defense arguments that he was tortured in secret CIA jails, The New York Times’ Benjamin Weiser relates.
One More Thing:
Something definitely being seen on the streets in Santa Cruz, many of them local kids...
More runaways citing economy
Three times as many teen runaways cited economics as a factor in 2009 as did so in 2000, according to data by the National Runaway Switchboard, a hotline that handles more than 100,000 calls each year and receives public and private funds. The "Why They Run" report is based on caller data and youth interviews.
The weak economy also helps explain why the number of calls from homeless youth doubled from 739 in 2008 to 1,470 last year, says the hotline's executive director, Maureen Blaha. She says some of the youth (up to age 22) or their parents lost jobs or couldn't get work.
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