"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."
February 05 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Teatime! Channeling Public Anger And The Law Of Social Entropy ('It's Easier To Screw Things Up Than Build Them')
In The News: The U.S. unemployment rate is below 10% for the first time in five months at 9.7% and the US salary rate is climbing, but the number of permanently unemployed is affecting the rate (which means the middle class' economy is stabilizing but not the industrial workers or working poor's situation.)
In celebration, the stock market tanked yesterday diving 268 points to under 10,000, but clawed and scrambled it's way back up to 10,002 before the closing bell
There has been a 6.0 earthquake off the Humboldt California coast of along the Mattole River which does double duty as a faultline as well as waterway.
The 'Tea Party' convention for 'teabaggers' happens this weekend in Nashville Tennessee, but at $500 per ticket, meaning only the affluent rightwing can attend. A number of the luminaries of right politics have declined to appear... However Sarah Palin is speaking for a honorarium of $150,000 which she claims will be given back to the cause, NOT to Haiti relief or any other charity.
Also see this article about hundreds of involuntarily homeless teenagers (along with the THIRTEEN THOUSAND other homeless people) in Nashville Tennessee: t r u t h o u t - Homeless Often Hidden in Tennesse
The Obama administration will meet with the Dalai Lama this month despite already deteriorating relations with our number one creditor China.
An addendum from yesterday's story about the Haitian court's release of millions of dollars to the dictatorial Duvalier family. The money was stashed in Swiss banks, who have now seized the funds and will release them only on order of a Swiss court, which is likely to be a little more objective in it's rulings.
"REAL" news! Heinz has redesigned it's individual serving packages so you won't end up with a ketchup mess when you open one of those little plastic packets.
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