Friday, November 20, 2009
November 20 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Fer Chrissake Don't Buy Crap For Christmas!
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [192kbps VBR 10:44 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Twitter This Commentary |
In The News: A sidebar to the coverage of the disaster that is our war on Afghanistan: There has been an attempted assassination of Abdul Rasul Sayyaf related to the former (??) CIA operatives and Opium growers, The Northern Alliance: "Lawmaker Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, a former Northern Alliance leader who has been accused by Human Rights Watch of war crimes, was in a convoy with his bodyguards when a remote-controlled bomb hidden in an irrigation canal beside the road exploded in the Paghman district north of the Afghan capital,"
There is a preliminary debate to begin the debate about the Health Reform bill. The Republicans are attempting to block and stall the beginning of the debate by attempting to take it out of committee on a parliamentary motion, and other conservative democrats are resisting their party's majority, including Joe Lieberman a member of the "Lieberman for Lieberman" party. You'd need to know the whys & wherefores of Connecticut to understand...
There have been arrests of senior professors at UC Davis as well as students over UC's 32% increase in fees and the way the regents have planned budget disbursements. The sports budget has remained intact even as the academic budget is demolished... Before long, California's educational system will once again be rated below Mississippi's.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee is discussing lifting the travel ban on Cuba...But is it simply a PR stunt on the part of certain members of congress?
Germany is going to continue it's military deployments to Afghanistan unlike most other NATO alliance countries who have already limited their involvement to non-military matters.
Hoping For Change? The renditions and torture continue under the Obama administration
CIA detainees again an issue in Lithuania
Parliament to investigate
By Craig Whitlock
Friday, November 20, 2009VILNIUS, LITHUANIA -- Twice in the past three years, the Lithuanian Parliament investigated reports that the CIA secretly imprisoned al-Qaeda leaders in this Baltic country. Both times, legislators concluded that there was no evidence.
Now the Parliament is investigating a third time, and it is looking a little harder. Fresh reports of covert CIA flights carrying prisoners from Afghanistan to Lithuania, as well as the revelation that U.S. contractors built a high-security complex at the edge of a forest near Vilnius, [In Full]
Also, the corporate gerrymandering of US economic numbers continues to defy the wishes of the citizens. The next time any of the talking heads on Tell-unh-vision or in the newspapers say the economy is improving and the worst of the job losses are over thanks to the Economic Stimulus programs that bailed out the banks and corporations... tell them their data is incomplete and suspect:
GAO warns stimulus jobs data could contain inaccuracies
By Ed O'Keefe
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 20, 2009
Government auditors raised doubts Thursday about the number of jobs created or saved by the economic stimulus program, but they also said that mistakes reported in recent weeks signal the benefits of government transparency.
Roughly 10 percent of the recipients of stimulus dollars failed to submit quarterly reports last month, according to a Government Accountability Office report released Thursday...[In Full]
...and finally, forty years ago today:

But there's more to that terrible story than you'll read about or see.
Click the image to read about a REAL American Hero.
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Recorded & transcribed by Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves
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Friday, November 20, 2009
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