Monday, November 30, 2009
November 30 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: It's Going To Get 'Dirty' In Pakistan.... And We're Going To Hear About It Shortly
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [192kbps VBR 13:52 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Twitter This Commentary |
Russia is under a real and continuing domestic terrorist threat. The Moscow > St. Petersburg express (ie. commuter) train is bombed and another is damaged by a partially complete explosion, all told, killing 25. Chechens or other regional ethnic groups are suspected.
President Ali Zardari of Pakistan is under pressure to resign or move into a symbolic leadership role, as Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is turned over to the Prime Minister, Yousuf Raza Gilani.
What did you expect? The UN IAEA, buckling under to US diplomatic thuggery, voted to continue the censure of Iran for four more months over the minutiae about their recently publicized nuclear facility, which the IAEA had initially said was OK and properly 'papered'. Sooooo... The Iranians announce they're going to build ten more and have threatened to pull out of nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
"Crooked as a dog's hind leg, but it's our dog." - In case you didn't notice, there was an illegitimate election in Honduras over the weekend. The winner? Porfirio "Pepe" Lobo Sosa, "...a wealthy farmer who moved from Left to Right". The US foreign policy apparatus thinks it's an "important step forward"... Because it's "Our Dog", (in the vernacular) dog.
Today the Democrats will introduce an amendment to the Health Care Reform Bill, and so will the Republicans. Then they're going to consider their work done for the day and go home.
In light of the commentary, the war on Afghanistan, and a number of other issues occurring in countries that worship differently, and just happen to have, or are neighbors to, countries with industrially important extractive resources.
The question arises... Is the US media declaring a propaganda... psych war... on Islam?
To wit... This article in the Washington Post.
Stoning ritual of hajj poses H1N1 riskIt begs the question... Is the Washington Post going to re-run this story at Easter with the headline?
Overwhelming crowds, close contact raise fears of swine flu outbreak
[In Full]
"Huge gathering in St. Peters Square, ritual of Easter poses H1N1 risk"
[After the commentary... Is it? Well, nothing to do but 'feel fine'. Courtesy of the respective artists (Great Big Sea) and KPIG radio Freedom California... Earth.]
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Recorded & transcribed by Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves
Related @ IceRocket: Travus T. Hipp, Cabale News Service, KPIG, Politics, News, Alternative News, U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Domestic Policy, Breaking Politics News, Realpolitik, Republican Family Values, Social Justice
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Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
November 27 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: For Those Giving In To The Mass Hysteria Of 'Black Friday'...
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [192kbps VBR 10:44 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Twitter This Commentary |
Click the image, or HERE, for more on the occupation, and it's aftermath, the US government's siege of the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota, the harassment of the AIM organization, and the imprisonment on nebulous charges of Leonard Peltier, now the longest held parolable inmate in the federal prison system.
Details are scarce about a British agreement to extradite an autistic citizen, perhaps a chid, who had hacked the Pentagon's computer system looking for proof of aliens.
The new government of Japan wants to re-negotiate their defense treaty with the US including a secret agreement allowing the US allowing nuclear weapons to be moved, and perhaps staged, on their territory.
It's "Black Friday! BUY BUY BUY! but note... Dubai, a country who just a year or two ago was building artificial archipelagos resembling the constellations and continents of earth for the construction of homes for the super-riche', has requested a six month delay in payment of debts to banks in Asia and the US. The financial markets are nervous.
...and on a rainy day in Santa Cruz California, and along the California coast, the surf's up.. Really Up... BE CAREFUL!
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Recorded & transcribed by Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves
Related @ IceRocket: Travus T. Hipp, Cabale News Service, KPIG, Politics, News, Alternative News, U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Domestic Policy, Breaking Politics News, Realpolitik, Republican Family Values, Social Justice
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Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
November 25 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Obama Went To Afghanistan And All We Got Was This Lousy National Debt
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [192kbps VBR 12:36 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Twitter This Commentary |
The first state dinner of the Obama administration with 300 selected guests went off as planned with Indian prime minister Singh in attendance as well as other dignitaries.
The national job loss rate is creeping downward with only 486,000 jobs lost last month
Obama will attend the Copenhagen environmental summit beginning December 9th, but the US isn't bringing much to the CO2 reduction table.
There is a discussion in the House of Representatives regarding 'financial instruments'... Stocks, Futures, Indexes on futures, Futures on Indexes of Indexes... and so forth. They're talking taxation, with half of the proceeds going to the creation of jobs and the other portion paying down the national debt. But on the other hand, over 100 bills passed by the House have gone nowhere due to Republican parliamentary obstruction tactics.
[After the commentary Del Rey & The Blues Gators talk about "Money"... honey. Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG radio Freedom California]
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Recorded & transcribed by Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves
Related @ IceRocket: Travus T. Hipp, Cabale News Service, KPIG, Politics, News, Alternative News, U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Domestic Policy, Breaking Politics News, Realpolitik, Republican Family Values, Social Justice
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
November 24 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The Genocide By Europeans On The Native Americans And The 'Dinner Date' That Came Later
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [192kbps VBR 15:33 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Twitter This Commentary |
Update 1850pm PST... Why wait for the president to decide?
The Pentagon has plans:
CNN - Pentagon preparing to send 34,000 troops to Afghanistan, official says
FPIF is also calling on us to "Call the White House: Say No to the Surge"
South Carolina governor Mark Sanford is going up before a legislative impeachment hearing today for thirty seven ethics charges, including flying off to Argentina to visit his girlfriend, and campaign fund reimbursements from state funds.
The elections in Iraq scheduled for January 2010 are pretty much out the window over the question of the election laws itself, Tikrit, and the Kurds. It was vetoed by one of Iraq's Vice Presidents but the legislature will most likely override the veto leaving it in the 'American Democracy' air. The U.S. is going to have a hard time explaining our presence in Iraq now that our last remaining rationale, 'free and fair elections' (Right!) has just been redacted.
San Francisco city workers met at the City Civic Center yesterday and then spilled out into the streets closing Market street, one of the busiest thoroughfare in the city, in protest of firings and layoffs due to be voted on today by the San Francisco city council. Expect revolt in other cities around California such as Da Buffalo's pasture, where the city council who's tourist-trade-business-first-and-foremost (cf.Fascist... corporatist) model of city operation has driven the city treasury into (or near... They're not showing us the books) bankruptcy, is about to vote on a PAY RAISE for city council members which they say they'll 'vountarily cut' (and then raise shortly therafter when no one is watching, at some Brown Act violating back room meeting)
[Before the commentary... An Invocation. After the commentary, John Trudell... "Blue Indians" (with the blues, because the "...ruling class rules the haves, and have nots").
Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG radio Freedom California Earth.]
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Recorded & transcribed by Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves
Related @ IceRocket: Travus T. Hipp, Cabale News Service, KPIG, Politics, News, Alternative News, U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Domestic Policy, Breaking Politics News, Realpolitik, Republican Family Values, Social Justice
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
November 23 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Student Protests - U. California Viewed As An Industrial-Based Profit Making Operation
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [192kbps VBR 11:09 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Twitter This Commentary |
Here's a headline that's not long in coming, and they'll keep coercing their allies, to keep it from being necessary to be published: "America Loses War In Afghanistan."
"If President Obama orders an additional 30,000 to 40,000 troops to Afghanistan, he will be deploying practically every available U.S. Army brigade to war," [In Full]Four more Americans were killed in Afghanistan over the weekend...
The University of Santa Cruz students have surrendered after occupying a campus building over UC regent approved 32% fee increases and faculty layoffs. More in the commentary.
More from Peter Phillips of Project Censored (Sonoma State University)
The Higher Education Fiscal Crisis Protects the Wealthy
By Peter Phillips
Police are arresting and attacking student protesters on University of California (UC) campuses again. “Why did he beat me I wasn’t doing anything,” screamed a young Cal Berkeley women student over KPFA radio on Friday evening November 20. Students are protesting the 32% increase in tuition imposed by the UC regents in a time of severe state deficits. The Board of Regents claims that they have no choice. Students will now have to pay over $10,000 in tuition annually for a public university education that was free only a few decades ago.
The corporate media spins the tuition protests as if we are all suffering during the recession. For example, the San Diego Union Tribune November 20 writes, “These students need a course in Reality 101. And the reality is that there is virtually no segment of American society that is not straining with the economic recession. With UC facing a $535 million budget gap due to state cuts, the regents have to confront reality and make tough choices. So should students.”
Yet, the reality is something quite different...
...According to the California Budget Project, tax cuts enacted in California, since 1993, cost the state $11.3 billion dollars annually. Had the state continued taxing corporations and the wealthy at rates equal to those fifteen years ago there would not be a budget crisis in California. Even though a budget deficit was evident last year, California income tax laws were changed in February of 2009 to provide corporations with even greater tax savings—equal to over $2 billion per year. California is similar to the rest of the country where the wealthy and corporate elites enjoy economic protection through increased costs to working people.
Higher education has been cut in twenty-eight states in the 2009-10 school year and further, even more drastic cuts, are likely in the years ahead. California State University (CSU) system is planning to reduce enrollments by 40,000 students in the fall of 2010. The CSU Trustees have imposed steep tuition hikes and forced faculty and staff to take non-paid furlough days equal to 10% of salaries.
The students who are protesting tuition increases know they are being ripped off. They know that we are bailing out the rich with hundreds of billions dollars for Wall Street and massive budget cuts for the rest of us. The corporate media doesn’t explain to over-taxed working families how they are paying more while the rich sock it away.
The current economic crisis is a shock and awe process designed to undermine low-cost higher education, force labor concessions from working people and protect the wealthy. [In Full Here]
The Republicans on Capitol Hill are apparently attempting to force Tim Geithner out of the treasury, and (go figure) the chairman of JP Morgan board is being eyed as a replacement.
The contractors at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant outside of Detroit shut it down yesterday after excessive radiation was detected in one of the containment units. They say there was no detectable radiation leak to the outside atmosphere. That's what they tried to say the first time around when it almost melted down.
Other issues regarding this religious event that ALL people of the Islamic faith must partake of to fulfill their religious duties... You can't just 'wander in from the desert' anymore. In order to be a 'good Muslim', you HAVE TO take a 'guided' trip to Mecca, arriving with others from the same group, from the same country, with a specially trained guide, and EVERY PILGRIM ENTERING THE COUNTRY IS IRIS SCANNED. The following image is taken from SaudiAramco's house journal... The article is entitled "Welcoming God's Guests", and what a warm welcome it is!
Click the image for the slideshow with commentary by SaudiAramco.
Meanwhile, in America, Da Buffalo's Bizzare *Headline of the day*
(AKA Isn't this how the Taliban got it's start?)
"US pours millions into anti-Taliban militias in Afghanistan"
Now, about all that squabbling in Congress over money to provide health care for Americans... They seem to spend it (neo)liberally enough killing enemies they created, but not to keep us, the citizens who pay their salaries, healthy.
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Recorded & transcribed by Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves
Related @ IceRocket: Travus T. Hipp, Cabale News Service, KPIG, Politics, News, Alternative News, U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Domestic Policy, Breaking Politics News, Realpolitik, Republican Family Values, Social Justice
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Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
40 Years Ago Today: The Cleveland Plain Dealer Publishes Photos Of The My Lai Massacre
INCOMING! BBC: Charges to drop against Iraq deaths Blackwater guard
(now they get private armies to do their dirty work for them...)
You WILL hear about the pictures, of which the Pentagon had essentially the same line of 'reasoning' that they more recently spewed about the abu Ghraib torture photos...
'The publication of these photographs might interfere with the war effort and endanger our soldiers'

But there were also American heroes that day at My Lai, whom you'll NEVER hear about from the US press or most other American media.

[March 16, 1968] "Realizing that the soldiers intended to murder the Vietnamese, Thompson landed his aircraft between them and the villagers.
Thompson turned to Colburn and Andreotta (...his door gunners, manning M60 machine guns. ) and told them that if the Americans began shooting at the villagers or him, they should fire their M60 machine guns at the Americans:[4]
Y'all cover me! If these bastards open up on me or these people, you open up on them. Promise me!"
(It's notable that the brass kept Thompson on recon missions until he finally got out of the theatre. Highly unusual for high risk missions such as low-altitude reconnaissance. You'd think they were trying to get him killed, and you'd probably be thinking correctly.)
Hugh Thompson, Jr
(April 15, 1943 – January 6, 2006)
R.I.P soldier, you 'did good'
In the early morning hours of March 16, 1968, Thompson's OH-23 encountered no enemy fire over My Lai.
Spotting two possible Viet Cong suspects, he forced the Vietnamese men to surrender and flew them off for a tactical interrogation. Thompson also marked the location of several wounded Vietnamese with green smoke, a signal that they needed help.
Returning to the My Lai area at around 0900 after refueling, he noticed that the people he had marked were now dead. Out in a paddy field beside a dike 200 meters south of the village, he marked the location of a wounded young Vietnamese woman.
Thompson and his crew watched from a low hover as Captain Ernest Medina (CO, C Company, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment) came up to the woman, prodded her with his foot, and then shot and killed her.
Thompson then flew over an irrigation ditch filled with dozens of bodies.
Shocked at the sight, he radioed his accompanying gunships, knowing his transmission would be monitored by many on the radio net: "It looks to me like there's an awful lot of unnecessary killing going on down there. Something ain't right about this. There's bodies everywhere. There's a ditch full of bodies that we saw. There's something wrong here."[2]
Movement from the ditch indicated to Thompson that there were still people alive in there. Thompson landed his helicopter and dismounted. David Mitchell, a sergeant and squad leader in 1st Platoon, C Company, walked over to him. When asked by Thompson whether any help could be provided to the people in the ditch, the sergeant replied that the only way to help them was to put them out of their misery.
Second Lieutenant William Calley (CO, 1st Platoon, C Company) then came up, and the two had the following conversation:[3]
Thompson: What's going on here, Lieutenant?
Calley: This is my business.
Thompson: What is this? Who are these people?
Calley: Just following orders.
Thompson: Orders? Whose orders?
Calley: Just following...
Thompson: But, these are human beings, unarmed civilians, sir.
Calley: Look Thompson, this is my show. I'm in charge here. It ain't your concern.
Thompson: Yeah, great job.
Calley: You better get back in that chopper and mind your own business.
Thompson: You ain't heard the last of this!
Thompson took off again, and Andreotta reported that Mitchell was now executing the people in the ditch.
Furious, Thompson flew over the northeast corner of the village and spotted a group of about ten civilians, including children, running toward a homemade bomb shelter. Pursuing them were soldiers from the 2nd Platoon, C Company.
Realizing that the soldiers intended to murder the Vietnamese, Thompson landed his aircraft between them and the villagers.
Thompson turned to Colburn and Andreotta and told them that if the Americans began shooting at the villagers or him, they should fire their M60 machine guns at the Americans:[4] "Y'all cover me! If these bastards open up on me or these people, you open up on them. Promise me!" He then dismounted to confront the 2nd Platoon's leader, Stephen Brooks. Thompson told him he wanted help getting the peasants out of the bunker:[5]
Thompson: Hey listen, hold your fire. I'm going to try to get these people out of this bunker. Just hold your men here.
Brooks: Yeah, we can help you get 'em out of that bunker - with a hand grenade!
Thompson: Just hold your men here. I think I can do better than that.
Brooks declined to argue with him, even though as a commissioned officer he outranked Thompson.
After coaxing the 11 Vietnamese out of the bunker, Thompson persuaded the pilots of the two UH-1 Huey gunships (Dan Millians and Brian Livingstone) flying as his escort to evacuate them. While Thompson was returning to base to refuel, Andreotta spotted movement in an irrigation ditch filled with approximately 100 bodies. The helicopter again landed and the men dismounted to search for survivors. After wading through the remains of the dead and dying men, women and children, Andreotta extracted a live boy. Thompson flew the survivor to the ARVN hospital in Quang Ngai.
Upon returning back to their base at about 1100, Thompson heatedly reported the massacre to his superiors. His allegations of civilian killings quickly reached Lieutenant Colonel Frank Barker, the operation's overall commander. Barker radioed his executive officer to find out from Captain Medina what was happening on the ground. Medina then gave the cease-fire order to Charlie Company to "knock off the killing".
After My Lai
Thompson made an official report of the killings, and was even interviewed by Colonel Oran Henderson, the commander of the 11th Infantry Brigade (the parent organization of the 20th Regiment). Concerned, senior Americal officers cancelled similar planned operations by Task Force Barker against other villages (My Lai 5, My Lai 1, etc.) in Quang Ngai Province, possibly preventing the additional massacre of hundreds, if not thousands, of Vietnamese civilians.[6]
Initially, commanders throughout the AmeriCal's chain of command were successful in covering up the My Lai Massacre.
Somewhat perversely, Thompson quickly received the Distinguished Flying Cross for his actions at My Lai. The citation for the award fabricated events and praised Thompson for taking to a hospital a Vietnamese child "caught in intense crossfire" and said that his "sound judgment had greatly enhanced Vietnamese-American relations in the operational area."
Thompson threw the citation away.
Thompson continued to fly observation missions in the OH-23 Raven and was hit by enemy fire a total of eight times. In four of those instances, his aircraft was lost.[7] In the last incident, his helicopter was brought down by enemy machine gun fire, and he broke his back in the resulting crash landing. This ended his combat career in Vietnam, and he was evacuated to a hospital in Japan and began a long period of rehabilitation.
He carried psychological scars from his service in Vietnam for the rest of his life...
In Full with linkage @ Wikipedia
Still more here (Ron Ridenhour and more): Heroes Of My Lai
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Friday, November 20, 2009
November 20 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Fer Chrissake Don't Buy Crap For Christmas!
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [192kbps VBR 10:44 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Twitter This Commentary |
In The News: A sidebar to the coverage of the disaster that is our war on Afghanistan: There has been an attempted assassination of Abdul Rasul Sayyaf related to the former (??) CIA operatives and Opium growers, The Northern Alliance: "Lawmaker Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, a former Northern Alliance leader who has been accused by Human Rights Watch of war crimes, was in a convoy with his bodyguards when a remote-controlled bomb hidden in an irrigation canal beside the road exploded in the Paghman district north of the Afghan capital,"
There is a preliminary debate to begin the debate about the Health Reform bill. The Republicans are attempting to block and stall the beginning of the debate by attempting to take it out of committee on a parliamentary motion, and other conservative democrats are resisting their party's majority, including Joe Lieberman a member of the "Lieberman for Lieberman" party. You'd need to know the whys & wherefores of Connecticut to understand...
There have been arrests of senior professors at UC Davis as well as students over UC's 32% increase in fees and the way the regents have planned budget disbursements. The sports budget has remained intact even as the academic budget is demolished... Before long, California's educational system will once again be rated below Mississippi's.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee is discussing lifting the travel ban on Cuba...But is it simply a PR stunt on the part of certain members of congress?
Germany is going to continue it's military deployments to Afghanistan unlike most other NATO alliance countries who have already limited their involvement to non-military matters.
Hoping For Change? The renditions and torture continue under the Obama administration
CIA detainees again an issue in Lithuania
Parliament to investigate
By Craig Whitlock
Friday, November 20, 2009VILNIUS, LITHUANIA -- Twice in the past three years, the Lithuanian Parliament investigated reports that the CIA secretly imprisoned al-Qaeda leaders in this Baltic country. Both times, legislators concluded that there was no evidence.
Now the Parliament is investigating a third time, and it is looking a little harder. Fresh reports of covert CIA flights carrying prisoners from Afghanistan to Lithuania, as well as the revelation that U.S. contractors built a high-security complex at the edge of a forest near Vilnius, [In Full]
Also, the corporate gerrymandering of US economic numbers continues to defy the wishes of the citizens. The next time any of the talking heads on Tell-unh-vision or in the newspapers say the economy is improving and the worst of the job losses are over thanks to the Economic Stimulus programs that bailed out the banks and corporations... tell them their data is incomplete and suspect:
GAO warns stimulus jobs data could contain inaccuracies
By Ed O'Keefe
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 20, 2009
Government auditors raised doubts Thursday about the number of jobs created or saved by the economic stimulus program, but they also said that mistakes reported in recent weeks signal the benefits of government transparency.
Roughly 10 percent of the recipients of stimulus dollars failed to submit quarterly reports last month, according to a Government Accountability Office report released Thursday...[In Full]
...and finally, forty years ago today:

But there's more to that terrible story than you'll read about or see.
Click the image to read about a REAL American Hero.
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Recorded & transcribed by Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves
Related @ IceRocket: Travus T. Hipp, Cabale News Service, KPIG, Politics, News, Alternative News, U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Domestic Policy, Breaking Politics News, Realpolitik, Republican Family Values, Social Justice
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Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
November 19 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: What The Army Corp Of Engineers Needs... 10,000 Unemployed College Students With Shovels
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [192kbps VBR 9:07 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Twitter This Commentary |
President Obama is in South Korea talking with their government about defense against the North and it's nuclear program. He will also visit with the 38,000 US troops in-country.
The Army Corp of Engineers is to blame for much of the flooding disaster that was New Orleans in the run up to, and aftermath of, Hurricane Katrina according to a US appeals court. The flooding came right up a navigation canal the Corp had badly engineered. Even AFTER the disaster, one of the vendors supplying pumps for the levee system during rebuilding of New Orleans was found to be delivering defective pumps.
Looking for work and you're of Arab or Persian descent with in-region connections, the CIA is hiring!
What about the rest of us you say?
...and speaking of American history...
94 years ago today one of the heroes and a role model of my teen years, Joe Hill (Joel Haaglund), Songwriter and One Big Union (I.W.W.) organizer, was legally murdered by the state of Utah.
Joe Hill: The Man Who Didn't Die
(...and live in harmony with the Earth... How "Radical".)
November, 19 2009
By Dick Meister
It's Nov. 19, 1915, in a courtyard of the Utah State Penitentiary in Salt Lake City. Five riflemen take careful aim at a condemned organizer for the Industrial Workers of the World, Joe Hill, who stands before them straight and stiff and proud.
"Fire!" he shouts defiantly.
The firing squad didn't miss. But Joe Hill, as the folk ballad says, "ain't never died." On this 94th anniversary of his execution, he lives on as one of the most enduring and influential of American symbols.
Joe Hill's story is that of a labor martyr framed for murder by viciously anti-labor employer and government forces, a man who never faltered in fighting for the rights of the oppressed, who never faltered in his attempts to bring them together for the collective action essential if they were to overcome their wealthy and powerful oppressors.
His is the story of a man and an organization destroyed by government opposition yet immensely successful. As historian Joyce Kornbluh noted, the IWW made "an indelible mark on the American labor movement and American society," laying the groundwork for mass unionization, inspiring the formation of groups to protect the civil liberties of dissidents, prompting prison and farm labor reforms, and leaving behind "a genuine heritage ... industrial democracy."
IWW organizers carried the message to factories, mines, mills and lumber camps throughout the country, and to farms in the Midwest and California.
The cause of radical unionism to which Joe Hill devoted his life was lost a long time ago. The call to revolution is scarcely heard in today's clamorously capitalist society. Labor organizations seek not to seize control of the means of production but rather to share in the fruits of an economic system controlled by others. Yet Joe Hill's fiery words and fiery deeds, his courage and his sacrifices continue to inspire political, labor, civil rights and civil liberties activists.
They still sing his songs, striking workers, dissident students and others, on picket lines, in demonstrations, at rallies, on the streets and in auditoriums. They echo his spirit of protest and militancy, his demand for true equality, share his fervent belief in solidarity, even use tactics first employed by Hill and his comrades.
Hill emigrated to the United States from his native Sweden in 1902, changing his name from Joel Haaglund, working as a seaman and as an itinerant wheat harvester, pipe layer, copper miner and at other jobs as he made his way across the country to San Diego, translating into compelling lyrics the hopes and desires, the frustrations and discontents of his fellow workers. [In Full]
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Recorded & transcribed by Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves
Related @ IceRocket: Travus T. Hipp, Cabale News Service, KPIG, Politics, News, Alternative News, U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Domestic Policy, Breaking Politics News, Realpolitik, Republican Family Values, Social Justice
Posted by
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
November 18 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Not Again Tonight Honey-Bunny Puhleeese! A History Of The Sexual Revolution And It's Pills
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [192kbps VBR 22:01 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Twitter This Commentary |
The shooter WAS known to the US intelligence community. See: Major Hasan Of Fort Hood: A Patsy In A Drill Gone Live?
Wherein, it is noted (...copiously footnoted as well), and compared to significant acts of 'terrorism', assassinations, and other mayhem committed by the US intelligence community worldwide:
In recent years, Major Hasan attended a mosque in Silver Spring Maryland which hosted fundraising for CIA covert operations against Russia : “Imam Faizul Khan ministered to Hasan when he worshiped at the Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring , Md . The Muslim Community Center has held fundraisers for Chechen jihadists, and promotes on its website a Shariah-based financial product offered by a Muslim Brotherhood front group under federal investigation.”[21] The essential element here is that the mosque was raising money for Chechen rebellion, which is notoriously a strategic tool of the United States and the United Kingdom against Russia . Perhaps such a fundraiser for Chechen terrorism might have been attended by Ilyas Achmadov, the de facto ambassador of the leading CIA-backed Chechen organization implicated in terrorism, who lives in Washington , DC at US taxpayer expense thanks to his sponsorship by Zbigniew Brzezinski, and the gray eminence of Obama’s foreign policy team. [In Full]
The Congressional Budget Office is late delivering the numbers crunched for the Senate Heath Care Bill... Hopefully they'll be delivered before lunch tomorrow when Congress goes on a loooooooong Thanksgiving recess.
Hamid Karzai is being 'inaugurated' as 'president' of Afghanistan with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton present, but NO REPORTERS. Only 39 other governments have sent representatives. Clinton is also due to meet with general McChrystal and our ambassador while in Afghanistan.
UC staffers have gone on strike to protest budget cuts, staff layoffs, 33% tuition hikes, and more, while the UC regents keep the UC sports budget intact.
Har! Pirates redux! The Maersk Alabama is attacked again, but this time an on-board security team repelled them. Pirates are also holding a Virgin Islands flagged North Korean cruise ship... North Korea has a cruise industry, and it apparently 'American Flags' the vessels.
In light of the commentary, it's notable that:
[After the commentary, Candy Kayne, and Little Feat (Live at Ultrasonic Studios on 1974-09-19), get it on... Candy Courtesy of KPIG radio Freedom California Earth, and Little Feat, Open Source, Courtesy of Gracious audio host to Cabale News Services as well.]
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Cabale New Service, KPIG Radio, and KVMR radio.
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Recorded & transcribed by Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves
Related @ IceRocket: Travus T. Hipp, Cabale News Service, KPIG, Politics, News, Alternative News, U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Domestic Policy, Breaking Politics News, Realpolitik, Republican Family Values, Social Justice
Posted by
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
November 17 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: On The Advent Of $1,000 An Ounce Gold Prices - The Basics Of Buying And Investing
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [192kbps VBR 5:18 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Twitter This Commentary |
But here's one piece... apropos to the fact that this Buffalo spent 10 hours yesterday prep cooking and dish/pot washing to assist with a local church's home cooked meal for approximately 150 homeless youths.
Hunger 'kills 17000 children per day'
Rome, Italy (CNN) --
Somewhere in the world, a child dies of hunger every five seconds
A little brown, sugary, phosphoric acid bubbly water with that "material" kid?
So you'll skip the sugar? Have some Poison!
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Cabale News RSS Feed Via Internet Archive
Creative Commons Copyright
Cabale New Service, KPIG Radio, and KVMR radio.
Listen to KPIG, Listen to KVMR
Recorded & transcribed by Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves
Related @ IceRocket: Travus T. Hipp, Cabale News Service, KPIG, Politics, News, Alternative News, U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Domestic Policy, Breaking Politics News, Realpolitik, Republican Family Values, Social Justice
Posted by
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
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