Tuesday, January 17, 2012
January 17 2012 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: #OccupyCongress... It's MIC CHECK Time!
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 17:29 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
A Synopsis Of This Morning's News...
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
[After the commentary... It's Two-Fer... Two-Fer... Tuesday (Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG Radio Freedom California Earth). Roy Zimmerman, who make a relatively 'honest' living singing "Funny Songs About Ignorance, War and Greed" says you are getting sleepy... sleepy... Now "Vote Republican", followed by Ry Cooder who wants "No Banker Left Behind"... when the train leaves the station.]
«o» Republican presidential contender Jon Huntsman suspended his campaign yesterday allowing him to recoup the money he spent on his most likely finished campaign run, and last night's sixteenth debate for the Republican presidential nomination was a Rat Pack gang up on Mitt Romney. Tune in Thursday night for the 17th debate in case there's anything else you'd like to know about the Republicans and their policies. More debate analysis.
«o» The results are in from the three stage elections in Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood garnering 42% and the other major party, the New Breed, getting 25%. The US will have no problem consorting with the Muslim Brotherhood-run government considering that party is essentially the PNAC/NeoCons/Secularized (ie. State) religion fascists of Egypt and we send Egypt millions of dollars a year to support their military.
One of the Brotherhood's founder even attended the same Leo Strauss lectures as Paul Wolfowitz and other notable American fascists when Strauss was teaching everyone about the "Noble Lie" at Chicago. More on the Muslim Brotherhood/NeoCon connection from Adam Curtis, in the BBC investigative series The Power Of Nightmares.
«o» The Russian Phobos Mars probe ended up crashing in the ocean to the West of Chile and Easter Island.
«o» Wikipedia, the open source encyclopedia, is going dark for 24 hours tomorrow in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) due to pass congressional muster shortly.
In OTHER News:
In Re Wikipedia's (among other high profile sites) SOPA-day Blackout...
Mother Jones
Big Hollywood's Big Copyright Defeat
By Siddhartha Mahanta and Nick Baumann
Tue Jan. 17, 2012
The entertainment industry usually gets its way in DC—but it was no match for Reddit, Wikipedia, and BoingBoing.
Only two American industries have ever had the clout in Washington to force Congress to ban Wall Street from trading futures on their products. The first is onions—futures trading in no one’s favorite root vegetable was banned in the 1950s after farmers protested that Chicago speculators were manipulating prices. The other ban is more recent: In 2010, at the urging of the Motion Picture Association of America, one of Capitol Hill’s most powerful lobbies, Congress banned movie futures as part of the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reform bill.
The big studios took on Wall Street—which isn’t known for losing lobbying fights—and won. So this month, when all the big entertainment companies joined forces with Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform and the US Chamber of Commerce, the nation’s foremost big business lobby, to fight for sweeping anti-piracy legislation, it was almost a foregone conclusion that they would get what they wanted.
Instead, Big Hollywood lost. [Here’s how it happened...]
And remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012
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