Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 03 2012 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Peace Talks Happens At A Table Not A Battlefield - The Taliban & U.S. Prepare To Negotiate

"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."

Cabale News ServiceJanuary 03 2012 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Peace Talks Happens At A Table Not A Battlefield - The Taliban & U.S. Prepare To Negotiate

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A Synopsis Of This Morning's News...
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.

Maybe it's NotNews but a remarkable amount of news is the same as when I left.
«o» For instance, The peace talks between the Palestinians and Israel are stalled...

«o» President Obama signed the five hundred page Defense Appropriations bill with the paragraphs that allow for the detention of US citizens without warrants or counsel or charges. Supposedly the detention can only happen via presidential 'edict' much like the edict that allows the president to assassinate US citizens, AND IT'S NOTABLE HE DOES NOT MAKE THAT DECISION ALONE. Nor will he be making the detention decisions alone. It would behoove us to find out who is in our president's 'Star Chamber' like group of advisors. But YOU KNOW it will be a (shhhhhh) secret. Those are the most likely people to 'review' your detention, when it occurs, as the re-written detention clause requires.

«o» The Taliban are opening a political diplomatic office in Qatar or one of the other Arab Emirates with the tacit agreement of the US government. The first item of discussion, when it happens, will probably be in regard to Taliban and Afghani POWs held at Guantanamo. More in the commentary.

Still more @ Foreign Policy's AfPak Channel:
Daily brief: Taliban reach deal on Qatar office - spokesman

By Andrew Lebovich Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Let's make a deal

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said Tuesday that the group had reached a "preliminary agreement" to set up an office in the Persian Gulf state of Qatar, and had asked for the return of Taliban prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay (Reuters, AP). The agreement follows a renewed push for negotiations with the group and the perceived necessity of a Taliban "address" for negotiations after nearly a year of talks between the United States and its Afghan adversary (Daily Beast, ABC, AP, Post, Reuters, Tolo).

Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced December 27 that he was no longer opposed to the establishment of the office, after the country's High Peace Council issued a set of 11 requirements for negotiations with the militant group to adhere to before talks could take place (Reuters, NYT, BBC, Tel, AP). The Post had reported the week before that talks between the United States and the Taliban over a possible transfer of the detainees to Qatar broke down due to opposition from Karzai (Post). And Al Jazeera looks at the role former Taliban figures are playing in the country's peace process (AJE). [Still More (including linkage)]
«o» Tonight is the Iowa Caucus sponsored by the Republicans we've heard so much about. Actually there will be 1,700 different caucuses held around the US. More.

«o» There were fifty three arson fires all around Los Angeles over the last week that focused, for some odd reason, on carports. By sheer luck they caught the person doing it.

«o» The governor of Rio Negro state in Argentina was assassinated over the weekend. During the Argentine 'dirty wars' he was head of all intelligence operations in the country, civilian and military. Now that trials and tribunals are in progress he may have been killed to protect certain human rights violators known and not-yet-known to silence his testimony.


This is Razer Raygun saying 'Happy Motoring America...' Enjoy it while you can.

And remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:


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