Monday, November 28, 2011
November 28 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: It's Officially The 'AfPak' War Now And We're About To Run Out Of Gas... Literally
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 11:20 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
Apologies probably won't cut it this time.
«o» The Egyptian six day parliamentary elections have begun. Everyone is expecting the Muslim Brotherhood, who have been consorting with the military junta, to win.
Last night's report from Foreign Policy Magazine Middle East Channel.
Today, November 28, 2011
Morocco has held an election as well, and it looks like the 'Islamists' have won there.
It's notable that recently 'liberated' Libya is showing no signs of a real central government at all meaning there's unlikely to be a democratically elected government there anytime soon
In Yemen the Vice President has called for a presidential election on the 21st of February next year, with fighting continuing in the South and East of the country.
«o» Most of what we're going to find out is going to inform us we don't want to live there. Another Mars Rover has been launched. It's more capable of navigating the terrain and sending data.
In OTHER News:
In California, college students are planning to #Occupy the University Regents today in the wake of the pepper spraying of a number of students who apparently were doing nothing at all at the UC Davis campus last week. The Regents have already cancelled one session due to the possibility of disturbances.
Meanwhile, in Los Angeles...
In response to an uttery inadequate offer to #OccupyLA by the city, the protesters make a counter-offer:
Zapata's Blood Was Not Spilled In Vain
#OccupyLA > City Of Angels: "Para Todos Todo, Para Nosotros Nada: For Everyone Everything, For Us Nothing"
«o» Counter-Offer from Occupy Los Angeles G.A. to Mayor's Office, LAPDNeedless to say, that DID NOT go over well with the city officials... leading to this morning's events.
Submitted by OLA Web Team on Thu, 11/24/2011 - 6:15am
Para Todos Todo, Para Nosotros Nada: For Everyone, Everything, For Us, Nothing
History: passed with full consensus at GA on Wednesday 11/23/2011. The language, ideas and grievances contained herein were culled from the minutes of 2 special City Liaison Committee Meetings, 2 General Assemblies devoted to the issue, one meeting with the Demands & Objectives Committee, consultation with Media and PR, and widely circulated and amended by the online community of occupiers, and adapted into its current form by the General Assembly on 11/23/2011.
As a collective, Occupy Los Angeles would like to express their rejection of the City of Los Angeles’ alleged proposal that we leave City Hall by November 28th, 2011, in exchange for an apparently now rescinded offer of a 10,000 square foot building, farmland and 100 SRO beds for the homeless.
Occupy Los Angeles believes that as part of a global movement advocating direct, participatory democracy, and challenging economic and social injustices, our position is such that we cannot, in all good faith, accept further material benefit from City Hall at the taxpayer’s expense without seriously compromising our beliefs, our desire for global change, and our commitment to our inherent human rights to free speech and assembly protected in this country by First Amendment Rights. The 1 percent should be paying for any services used by the Occupy Movement, not taxpayers.
In the spirit of inclusivity and transparency which is so dear to our movement, Occupy Los Angeles extends an invitation to Mayor Villaraigosa and the City Council to attend our General Assemblies at the City Hall Occupation if he wishes to discuss these and other matters in a direct, democratic and horizontal way. Mayor Villaraigosa must speak out against the violent actions towards our brothers and sisters, declare the actions of other cities to be unjust, and stand before us equally at a General Assembly. Occupy Los Angeles believes that until this happens, we should have no more closed-door discussions regarding our continuing occupation of City Hall.
The City Council – in line with government in general – is an authority which is more accountable to developers and corporations than the public. The very act of the Los Angeles City Council requesting the physical removal of Los Angeles Occupiers without redressing the grievances which were specifically referenced in the inclusion of our adopted ‘Declaration of the Occupation of New York City’, and in the City Council’s ’1st Amendment Rights / Occupy Los Angeles / Responsible Banking Resolution’ — is in effect supporting the removal of all Occupations from public space by any means.
We cannot negotiate with such an institution without undermining our sister occupations across the globe who are suffering from oppressive force and attacks upon their inherent human rights to free speech and assembly, protected in this country under the First Amendment. We refer here to episodes in Oakland, Boston, New York, Portland, UC Davis and San Francisco, to name but a few.
We refer to those further afield, in Tahrir Square in Egypt, in Madrid, Greece, London and more. Teargas, pepper spray, beatings, jail, suppression and intimidation have been used as a coercive method of silencing our movement and our desire for global change.
We reject outright the City’s attempts to lure us out of City Hall and into negotiations by offering us nebulous, non-transparent and unconfirmed offers which fail to even begin to address our local grievances. We will continue to occupy this space, in solidarity with our global movement, until the forces of the few are forced to capitulate to the power of the people.
When the following grievances have been addressed – grievances which we have agreed upon as a movement through our General Assembly as advancing our cause and providing for the people of Los Angeles – we as a movement will be happy to initiate dialogue with the Mayor and Los Angeles City Council. [[In Full]
H/t: South Central Farmers... In Solidarity with #OccupyLA on the eve of the city of Los Angeles attempt to evict the now-largest #Occupy tent encampment in the United States.
The Guardian UK is live-blogging (page updates every minute) while the whole world watches the LAPD attempt to clear the largest #Occupy encampment (500+- tents) in the United States.
Police are reportedly in the process of clearing an Occupy LA demonstration from downtown Los Angeles, after protesters were ordered to vacate their encampment.The latest from #OccupyLA's Twitter Feed:!/OccupyLA
Three people have been arrested so far after hundreds gathered at an intersection in the downtown area of the city.
Protesters had been ordered to leave their encampment at city hall park by 12.01am, but instead took to the streets to demonstrate.
The situation remains unclear, with some reports suggesting protesters have been told they will not be arrested in their camp today, however there remains a sizeable police presence.
Protesters have been camping at LA's city hall park for weeks. AP reported people took to the streets after being ordered to leave the camp. [Continuing Coverage @ Guardian UK]
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And remember...
When you least expect it the authoritarian nature of the state shows through:
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Monday, November 28, 2011
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