Wednesday, November 30, 2011
November 30 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Everything's OK! The Bankers Are Going To Fix It (cf. 'the game is fixed, riggged') Again
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 12:46 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
Due To Time Constraints, A Minimalist Synopsis This Morning
[After the commentary Del Rey KNOWS what she and her Blues Gators want. Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG Radio Freedom California Earth.]
«o» Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic? The stock market is up 400 points based on some sort of agreement which will allegedly make it easier for European banks to transfer US dollars between their banks.
P.M. Update:
The U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank as well as the central banks of Canada, Britain, Japan and Switzerland agreed to lower the cost of existing dollar swap lines -- reducing the cost of temporary dollar loans to banks -- by half a percentage point. (Reuters)Still more @ Reuters: Central banks act as euro zone crisis rages
«o» The LAPD and the Philadelphia police are in the process of clearing out their city's #Occupiers. Two hundred have been arrested in Los Angeles so far. In San Francisco the #Occupiers have told the city they aren't interested in moving to Mission Hill and intend to stay at their Market Street location.
«o» The Republicans have caved in to the renewal of the payroll withholding tax reduction. More.
«o» Iranian mobs have trashed the British Embassy in Tehran after Britain OKed sanctions against Iran, and the embassies of both countries are shutting down their respective operations.
«o» In the wake of a NATO attack on two Pakistani border forts that killed a couple of dozen Pakistani troops, wounding more, Pakistan is boycotting the international talks on Afghanistan.
«o» The British Health Care unions, and several others, are on strike today due to 'unpleasant' changes in their pension plans.
And remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011
November 29 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Like Taking Meat Back From A Mean Dog - The Republicans Will Try To Take Your Tax Cuts Away
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 13:19 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
[Before the Commentary, a Public Service Announcement... After the commentary, a special report... from our affiliate in Anytown USA]
«o» There's a environment conference in South Africa this week and the report they're going to view indicates that 2010 was tied for the 'tenth hottest year since 1852' and ten of those record breakers have occurred in the last fifteen years. Also at that conference Canada will announce it's pulling out of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol which has been accused of unfairly targeting third world nations in regard to their 'contribution' to global warming. More.
«o» Congress is back in session and the topic will be payroll and withholding tax breaks, the unemployment benefit extension due to run out the first of the year, PLUS another national debt limit increase.
«o» Herman Cain, Republican presidential hopeful, now has a sixth woman in his negative publicity life who claims she had an thirteen year ongoing jet-set affair with him... and she has documents. Cain is reconsidering his presidential run even as yours truly types this.
«o» al-Shabab, the real government in Somalia, has just kicked sixteen international aid agencies out of the country. There is a drought and famine occurring currently, but the question is... Do those agencies even help? Or are they just write-off vehicles for first world companies and a steady salary for the people who work for the agencies?
To wit... Consider that Western "Assistance" is handled like this...
Contractors And Others Steal Half Of Food Aid To SomaliaIn case you need a catch-up on 'corruption' there's a whole other piece Auntie Imperial posted, including a discussion of "Why DO Somalia and other African nations NEED "food aid" in the first place?" Here.
"New York - At least half of the World Food Programme's food supplies to Somalia's needy people has been diverted by unscrupulous contractors, radical Islamist militants and even UN staff in the country, the New York Times reported Wednesday.
The Times said an unpublished report by the UN Security Council would recommend that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon launch an investigation into WFP's operations in Somalia considering the severity of the food aid diversion."
In OTHER News:
Gleaned from Congressional Quarterly "Behind The Lines" Homeland Insecurity Newsletter because I just thought you might like to know:
"Out of 72 DHS intel fusion centers in the United States, three are sited in Ohio".It's notable that the main one, "The Strategic Analysis and Information Center" is located in Columbus’ Bureau of Motor Vehicles. More here.
Ohio State PR release PDF on the Columbus site
Subscribe to CQ's newsletters
And remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:
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Monday, November 28, 2011
November 28 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: It's Officially The 'AfPak' War Now And We're About To Run Out Of Gas... Literally
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 11:20 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
Apologies probably won't cut it this time.
«o» The Egyptian six day parliamentary elections have begun. Everyone is expecting the Muslim Brotherhood, who have been consorting with the military junta, to win.
Last night's report from Foreign Policy Magazine Middle East Channel.
Today, November 28, 2011
Morocco has held an election as well, and it looks like the 'Islamists' have won there.
It's notable that recently 'liberated' Libya is showing no signs of a real central government at all meaning there's unlikely to be a democratically elected government there anytime soon
In Yemen the Vice President has called for a presidential election on the 21st of February next year, with fighting continuing in the South and East of the country.
«o» Most of what we're going to find out is going to inform us we don't want to live there. Another Mars Rover has been launched. It's more capable of navigating the terrain and sending data.
In OTHER News:
In California, college students are planning to #Occupy the University Regents today in the wake of the pepper spraying of a number of students who apparently were doing nothing at all at the UC Davis campus last week. The Regents have already cancelled one session due to the possibility of disturbances.
Meanwhile, in Los Angeles...
In response to an uttery inadequate offer to #OccupyLA by the city, the protesters make a counter-offer:
Zapata's Blood Was Not Spilled In Vain
#OccupyLA > City Of Angels: "Para Todos Todo, Para Nosotros Nada: For Everyone Everything, For Us Nothing"
«o» Counter-Offer from Occupy Los Angeles G.A. to Mayor's Office, LAPDNeedless to say, that DID NOT go over well with the city officials... leading to this morning's events.
Submitted by OLA Web Team on Thu, 11/24/2011 - 6:15am
Para Todos Todo, Para Nosotros Nada: For Everyone, Everything, For Us, Nothing
History: passed with full consensus at GA on Wednesday 11/23/2011. The language, ideas and grievances contained herein were culled from the minutes of 2 special City Liaison Committee Meetings, 2 General Assemblies devoted to the issue, one meeting with the Demands & Objectives Committee, consultation with Media and PR, and widely circulated and amended by the online community of occupiers, and adapted into its current form by the General Assembly on 11/23/2011.
As a collective, Occupy Los Angeles would like to express their rejection of the City of Los Angeles’ alleged proposal that we leave City Hall by November 28th, 2011, in exchange for an apparently now rescinded offer of a 10,000 square foot building, farmland and 100 SRO beds for the homeless.
Occupy Los Angeles believes that as part of a global movement advocating direct, participatory democracy, and challenging economic and social injustices, our position is such that we cannot, in all good faith, accept further material benefit from City Hall at the taxpayer’s expense without seriously compromising our beliefs, our desire for global change, and our commitment to our inherent human rights to free speech and assembly protected in this country by First Amendment Rights. The 1 percent should be paying for any services used by the Occupy Movement, not taxpayers.
In the spirit of inclusivity and transparency which is so dear to our movement, Occupy Los Angeles extends an invitation to Mayor Villaraigosa and the City Council to attend our General Assemblies at the City Hall Occupation if he wishes to discuss these and other matters in a direct, democratic and horizontal way. Mayor Villaraigosa must speak out against the violent actions towards our brothers and sisters, declare the actions of other cities to be unjust, and stand before us equally at a General Assembly. Occupy Los Angeles believes that until this happens, we should have no more closed-door discussions regarding our continuing occupation of City Hall.
The City Council – in line with government in general – is an authority which is more accountable to developers and corporations than the public. The very act of the Los Angeles City Council requesting the physical removal of Los Angeles Occupiers without redressing the grievances which were specifically referenced in the inclusion of our adopted ‘Declaration of the Occupation of New York City’, and in the City Council’s ’1st Amendment Rights / Occupy Los Angeles / Responsible Banking Resolution’ — is in effect supporting the removal of all Occupations from public space by any means.
We cannot negotiate with such an institution without undermining our sister occupations across the globe who are suffering from oppressive force and attacks upon their inherent human rights to free speech and assembly, protected in this country under the First Amendment. We refer here to episodes in Oakland, Boston, New York, Portland, UC Davis and San Francisco, to name but a few.
We refer to those further afield, in Tahrir Square in Egypt, in Madrid, Greece, London and more. Teargas, pepper spray, beatings, jail, suppression and intimidation have been used as a coercive method of silencing our movement and our desire for global change.
We reject outright the City’s attempts to lure us out of City Hall and into negotiations by offering us nebulous, non-transparent and unconfirmed offers which fail to even begin to address our local grievances. We will continue to occupy this space, in solidarity with our global movement, until the forces of the few are forced to capitulate to the power of the people.
When the following grievances have been addressed – grievances which we have agreed upon as a movement through our General Assembly as advancing our cause and providing for the people of Los Angeles – we as a movement will be happy to initiate dialogue with the Mayor and Los Angeles City Council. [[In Full]
H/t: South Central Farmers... In Solidarity with #OccupyLA on the eve of the city of Los Angeles attempt to evict the now-largest #Occupy tent encampment in the United States.
The Guardian UK is live-blogging (page updates every minute) while the whole world watches the LAPD attempt to clear the largest #Occupy encampment (500+- tents) in the United States.
Police are reportedly in the process of clearing an Occupy LA demonstration from downtown Los Angeles, after protesters were ordered to vacate their encampment.The latest from #OccupyLA's Twitter Feed:!/OccupyLA
Three people have been arrested so far after hundreds gathered at an intersection in the downtown area of the city.
Protesters had been ordered to leave their encampment at city hall park by 12.01am, but instead took to the streets to demonstrate.
The situation remains unclear, with some reports suggesting protesters have been told they will not be arrested in their camp today, however there remains a sizeable police presence.
Protesters have been camping at LA's city hall park for weeks. AP reported people took to the streets after being ordered to leave the camp. [Continuing Coverage @ Guardian UK]
The WHOLE World Is Watching... Live Video Feeds:
And remember...
When you least expect it the authoritarian nature of the state shows through:
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011
November 23 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Turkeys On Parade - Republican Debate #11... Warmongering Anti-Humanitarian Fascists
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 22:43 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
[Before the commentary, yours truly gives in to the spirit (snigger) of Black Friday, with a Public Service Announcement, followed by a holiday sponsorship from Schlotsky's Pure Grain Alcohol. After the commentary, the Firesign Theatre invites us to "Pass the Indian" for the holidays followed by a recitation of things we can be thankful for... Too Much Stuff... Delbert McClinton, courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG Radio Freedom California Earth.]
«o» Last night, during the republican presidential debates, the first commercial break went from an infomercial on the Afghan war to a a buff guy telling us we need testosterone supplements and then went back to the war report. Also surreal, Michelle Bachmann reminded us that she is on the House Intelligence Committee so she KNOWS a bunch of things and she KNOWS that Iran is going to supply non-existent fissionable materials to Venezuela so Venezuela could smuggle it into the US via Mexico (using drug gangs natch) and blow up Washington DC. Ron Paul took all the right stands as always, but whether he's electable, and whether he could accomplish any of what he desires within currently existing Republican policy framework remains doubtful. More.
«o» In Egypt things are calming down a bit as the military government makes a few concessions and say they'll turn the government over to the civilians as of July 1 next year (even though elections are coming up at the end of the week) instead of a year and a half. There are thousands of people in the streets and in Tahrir Square with crowd control troops standing by, but there's no violence at the moment.
Snap analysis: Egypt's Military Is Jeered Over Proposed Handover Deal by protesters, even as the Muslim Brotherhood says it will no longer take part in the demonstrations (Just like September's march) . That's notable because the Brotherhood is the power bloc that has been doing most of the negotiating with the ruling Junta, and they are also the NeoCons of the Muslim world. That MIGHT lead one to believe that they just sold out the Tahrir Square demonstrators by leaving the other factions of the movement on the street to potentially be slaughtered and their organizations destroyed while the Muslim Brotherhood consolidates it's power. It's notable that many now feel the Egyptian elections coming up are "doomed", and WILL NOT reflect the wishes of the majority of Tahrir Square protesters.«o» At the #Occupy protests in San Francisco the city wants to move the #Occupiers into a deserted school in the mission district.... Right... Also, The Oakland #Occupiers are beginning to return to the Square across from city hall, and at Davis, where the now globally known Pepper Spray incident occurred, there is a growing encampment at the site of the incident leading up to a student strike on November 28 to coincide with a meeting of the University of California governing board.
An aside on the UCD pepper spray incident:
When I posted a picture of the UC Davis Police Department RECORDS OFFICER casually spraying non-resisting students with pepper spray on Twitter the other day , some of my twitter friends in the Spanish Plaza Occupation movement (Indignados) thought it was so bizarre the picture must have been a photoshop job.«o» There are also be a number of Black Friday resist consumerism demonstration planned, and this time it may not stop on the Friday after Thanksgiving:
My response: @mariomateu @AnonymousAction La foto es absolutamente real
Mario Mateu: Absolutamente real. Si señor. QT @RazerRay @AuntieImperial :La foto es absolutamente real
And just as your camps are raided, your eyes pepper sprayed and your head’s knocked in, another group of people are preparing to camp-out. Only these people aren’t here to support occupy Wall Street, they’re here to secure their spot in line for a Black Friday bargain at Super Target and Macy’s.
Occupy gave the world a new way of thinking about the fat cats and financial pirates on Wall Street. Now lets give them a new way of thinking about the holidays, about our own consumption habits. Lets’ use the coming 20th annual Buy Nothing Day to launch an all-out offensive to unseat the corporate kings on the holiday throne.
This year’s Black Friday will be the first campaign of the holiday season where we set the tone for a new type of holiday culminating with #OCCUPYXMAS. As the global protests of the 99% against corporate greed and casino capitalism continues, lets take the opportunity to hit the empire where it really hurts…the wallet. More @ Adbusters, the Journal of the Mental Environment
«o» Finally, President Obama said yesterday that anyone who tries to circumvent the automatic sequestering of federal funds which for a number of reasons seems to work to the advantage of the Democratic Party in the upcoming election year, will find a presidential veto waiting.
And remember...
When you least expect it the authoritarian nature of the state shows through:
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
November 22 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Super-Committee Squeals - The Sound You're Hearing In D.C. Right Now... Republican 'Pigs'
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 17:09 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
Before the commentary... A Public Service Announcement.
«o» Congress is showing us how truly representative of American culture they are in the wake of the collapse of the Super-Failed "Super-Committee". EVERYONE in Washington is looking for someone to scapegoat or blame. Truth be told it's mostly Republicans doing the complaining because it seems that due to the Republican's own demands when congress itself set up the potential 'sequestration' of federal funding ie. MASSIVE AND AUTOMATIC budget cuts, the the failure of the committee achieved a couple of things for the Obama administration the Republicans had otherwise blocked... and it will stay that way until after the presidential elections and into 2013. More.
«o» Turkeys before "Turkey day" anyone? The eight candidates for the Republican presidential election nomination will debate from Washington DC on CNN tonight.
«o» Cairo is coming apart. The cabinet that's currently pretending to run the country...
I'll let Foreign Policy Magazine Morning Brief explain:
Egypt's cabinet offers resignation as protests continue«o» #OccupySanFrancisco may get run out of their lower Market Street location today with all police officer leave for the day cancelled. There will also be another attempt to move the UC Davis protesters and a major rally is planned to prevent that.Top story: The Egyptian cabinet offered its resignation to the country's military rulers on Monday in response to the swelling protests against military rule, which have now entered their fourth consecutive day. However, the move appeared to do little to assuage the anger of protesters in Cairo.
The ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces made no immediate indication how it would respond to the cabinet's resignation offer. Meanwhile, clashes continued between protesters and security forces in the street connecting Tahrir Square to police headquarters.
The Muslim Brotherhood urged protesters to show restraint, and announced that it would not participate in any further demonstrations. Other Islamist groups, however, said they would participate in a protest against military rule on Tuesday.
At least 23 people have died and 1,500 have been injured in the clashes so far, according to the Health Ministry... [More]
Just so you know, the Chancellor of UC Davis, who is under intense pressure to resign in the wake of the indiscriminate pepper spraying by UCD police officers of students who were doing nothing more than sitting and refusing to leave, IS part of the 1%, or close to it... with an $800,000 dollar a year salary.
Meanwhile... The #OccupyOakland General Assembly unanimously voted for a coordinated West Coast port shutdown to disrupt the “economic apparatus of the 1%.”
Also, the #OccupyDallas GA (Dang! Dallas!) calls for a general strike on the 30th of November, and explains, in no uncertain terms why:
Before the General Assembly of Occupy Dallas,
Whereas the General Assembly of Occupy Dallas stands in support of Occupy Wall Street which started September 17, 2011 at Liberty Square in Manhattan’s Financial District. The movement has now spread across the country and is influencing the world. Occupy Dallas is a horizontally organized resistance movement to counteract the unprecedented consolidation of wealth and power in the world today. The Occupy movement does not have a hierarchy or a formalized structure. The Occupy movement represents those that feel disenfranchised from the current socioeconomic system because of policy passed by our political institutions and the actions of those in control of the unprecedented consolidation of wealth;
Whereas by consensus we view that for the first time in American history, current generations will not be as prosperous as preceding generations. This denial of the American Dream is at the heart of Occupy Movement.
Whereas by consensus we view that the social system has become tilted against us by:
(Sordid Details)
Whereas by consensus we view that the Political system has become tilted against us by:
(Sordid Details)
Whereas by consensus we view that the Economic system has become tilted against us by:
(Sordid Details)
Then let it them be resolved by the General Assembly of Occupy Dallas through consensus on Date (___) that we call upon all people to engage in a General Strike on November 30th, 2011. We implore all people to:
o Refrain from Buying or Selling any goods or services including but not limited to, any petroleum products, consumer goods or bank transactions; starting at 12:01 am to 11:59pm on November 30th, 2011.
o Refrain from working for a wage starting at 12:01 am to 11:59pm on November 30th, 2011 excluding those individuals that provide emergency and necessary functions including but not limited to Police, Fire and Medical personnel.
o Join or form local groups to peacefully protest against the above stated elements.
Please join us in solidarity to make known our grievances and demand substantive change to insure our future. [Read The 'Sordid Details' Here]
«o» The highly publicized New York City terrorist arrest the other day was apparently a PR stunt on the part of the city. It turns out the FBI had already informed the NYPD that the guy was a moron working in his mommy's kitchen and was not considered a credible terrorist threat.
(27-year-old Jose) Pimentel was under NYPD surveillance for two years, with the help of a confidential informant, who recorded Pimentel praising bin Laden and talking about killing Americans before he allegedly began following instructions from an article in al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's English-language magazine, Inspire, entitled "Make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom" (AP, Guardian, NYT).See this article at Tremble the Devil for more stupid terrorists, and historically there HAVE been a bunch of them.
The FBI reportedly turned down two opportunities extended by the NYPD to become involved in Pimentel's investigation, because the Bureau did not believe he had "the predisposition or the ability to anything on his own," according to one official.
This is the second time this year that a terrorism case brought by the Manhattan District Attorney will be tried in state court, rather than federal court, where terrorism trials are more often held (NYT, AP). New York state criminal laws allow Pimentel to be prosecuted on "conspiracy" charges even though the alleged plot was made with someone who is not also charged - in this case, the informant (Lawfare). [In Full with (links)]
In OTHER News:
Iraq... remember Iraq?
Bombed back to the stone age.
It's former government uprooted, hunted down, and killed or imprisoned. Leaving it a socially, culturally, and economically destroyed nation, and all of that done based on nothing but lies?
The Pentagon says we're leaving, reluctantly:
As US exits Iraq, a top general's warningBut we really aren't going to be gone at all:
Baghdad, Iraq
As American forces finalize their departure from Iraq, a top challenge for Iraqi security forces will be curbing the continued presence of Sunni and Shiite militant groups, said the top US general in Iraq.
Gen. Lloyd Austin told journalists today that troops "worked as hard as we could for as long as we could" to train Iraqi military and security forces for a "historic transition" that will see all remaining US units gone by the end of the year.
Already, fewer than 20,000 American troops are in Iraq, down from a high of more than 170,000. They are packing their bags and hardware on just eight bases that remain, from the peak of 505 across Iraq. US troops have been virtually absent from Iraqi towns since 2009, so most Iraqis will notice little difference when their government assumes full control... [In Full]
U.S.military presence will continue in Iraq
By Walter Pincus
November 21 2011
The last 24,000 U.S. troops are scheduled to leave Iraq in the next few weeks so that most can be home before Christmas.
The departure is required by the 2008 Iraq-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement signed by Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and then-President George W. Bush and approved by the Iraqi parliament, giving it the status of law.
Meanwhile, don’t believe those agonized voices on Capitol Hill complaining that “having won the war” President Obama is “about to lose the peace” because he didn’t negotiate well enough with Maliki to allow 10,000 to 15,000 U.S. troops to remain.
There will be a U.S. military presence. The Office of Security Cooperation (OSC), operating under the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, will have several hundred military personnel, and at least an equal number or more U.S. contractors, who will work with Iraqi security forces. Ongoing negotiations with Iraq about OSC activities will determine exact staffing numbers.
Normally, such an office would focus on training for the $8 billion in equipment that Iraq has purchased from U.S. companies. Under current plans, the OSC will do much more... [More]
And remember...
When you least expect it the authoritarian nature of the state shows through:
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Monday, November 21, 2011
November 21 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Super-Committee Super-Fail - Congress Should Be Working On It But They Ain't Working At All
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 17:09 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
[After the commentary, Rage Against The Machine notes ONE THING everyone in congress (and their cronies) end up doing a lot of... Typically, they get paid for it too. Visual Aid Here. Courtesy of the respective artists.]
«o» They couldn't even agree on the brand of cat food - The "super-committee" of selected members of congress created to come to some sort of bipartisan agreement on the $2.1 trillion dollars in federal budget cuts deemed necessary over the next decade has failed. They haven't even generated a page of paper in agreement, and Congress has already gone home for Thanksgiving recess leaving... More on that in the commentary. The House of Representatives also failed to make a required 2/3 vote on a "Balance Budget" Constitutional Amendment.
«o» The New York City Police Vs The Terrorists - The NYPD jumps the gun(sic) on a person who was apparently a follower of the now-deceased Anwar al-Alwalaki who decided to make a bomb he read about in a magazine. He hadn't even gotten around to doing anything yet besides some common 'plumbing' work, but the city in conjunction with the FBI pulled the plug on him.
«o» In Davis California, a couple of UC Davis police officers decided it was OK to simply pepper spray a group of students with their arms locked to protect their #Occupy encampment on the campus Quad. That's it. The students weren't 'resisting', or armed, or violent.
The officers who did that are now on paid leave and the Chancellor of the campus was boo-ed as she came out to issue a statement. Later when she tried to retreat from her office to her car with a Tac Squad escort, she was surrounded on both sides of the street by masses of students, who just stared silently at her.
The University of California Regents are now under INTENSE pressure to review what UC Police are, and aren't allowed to do in the way of 'policing'.
To show us how out of touch with law the average police officer is (and to add to the extensive list of why one should NEVER ask a law enforcement official for legal advice), simply read the words of UC police Capt. Margo Bennett who said:
"The individuals who linked arms and actively resisted, that in itself is an act of violence,"Meanwhile the #OpManning channel @ Twitter RTs
Turns out cops really are concerned abt our health & safety! "Food & Drug Admin Declare Pepper Spray a Vegetable"...and yours truly posted a couple of items on-site worth reading in regard to this incident, the laws in regard to it, and a profile of one of the sociopaths involved in attacking unarmed, and un-resisting protesters.
More... below the fold... In The OTHER News.
«o» Speaking of #Occupy, the people of Egypt have returned to Tahrir Square in the days before this weekend's upcoming elections. The military government seemed to have an issue with that and tore down their tent encampment. In the resulting fracas that spread through other parts of Cairo as well, thirty people were killed and hundreds injured.
«o» Italy has a new government today. The media is calling them Technocrats... which is just a modern way of referring to Fascists.
In OTHER News:
One of my friends involved in the Spanish Plaza Occupation movement Retweeted this last night:
RT Turns out cops really are concerned abt our health & safety! "Food & Drug Admin Declare Pepper Spray a Vegetable" #OWS
Campus BasementWhat led the FDA to do that?
Food and Drug Administration Declares Pepper Spray a Vegetable
Alex Rosenthal
November 19, 2011
The US Congress and the Department of Agriculture have collectively agreed that pepper spray, an inflammatory agent commonly used in riot control and personal self-defense, is now publicly recognized as a member of the vegetable food group.
With this declaration, pepper spray now joins the ranks of carrots, arugula, chickpeas, and broccoli as an official FDA-approved vegetable. [Read More]
Could it be... The government's fear of their own laws when they act in favor of their own citizens?
From my site:
Non-Violent Protests: "And they are met with fear..."
The Atlantic Senior Political Editor On #Occupy-Related Police Violence
Too Much Violence and Pepper Spray at the OWS Protests
By Garance Franke-Ruta
Senior Politics editor
The Atlantic
Nov 19 2011, 6:58 PM ET
The dousing of seated, non-violent students with a chemical agent at U.C. Davis should provoke a call for restraint. These images show their experience is not unique.
[Pepper Spray in use @ #OccupySeattle]
Police dressed in riot gear at U.C. Davis on Friday afternoon used pepper spray to clear seated protesters from the university quad where they had set up a small Occupy encampment, pro-actively and repeatedly dousing the passively-resisting students with a chemical agent designed to cause pain and suffering in order to make it easier to remove them.
[UC Davis Police Lt. John Pike from the RECORDS DEPARTMENT gets his chance to 'kill commies']
It is hard to look at this kind of attack and think this is how we do things in America.
And yet it is all too American.
America has a very long history of protests that meet with excessive or violent response, most vividly recorded in the second half of the 20th century. It is a common fantasy among people born in the years since the great protests movements -- and even some not so great ones -- that they would have stood on the bold side of history had they been alive at the time and been called to make a choice. But the truth is that American protest movements in real time -- and especially in their early days -- often appear controversial, politically difficult, out-of-the-mainstream, and dangerous. And they are met with fear...
A profile of one of the perpetrators here:
D0Xing the Abusers: Introducing Lt. John Pike, UC Davis Pepper Spraying "officer"
«o» Pertinent California Codes & Rulings in re the official use of Pepper Spray:
United States Court of Appeals,Ninth Circuit
"Viewing the facts in the light most favorable to the protestors, we conclude that Philip and Lewis are not entitled to qualified immunity because the use of pepper spray on the protestors' eyes and faces was plainly in excess of the force necessary under the circumstances, and no reasonable officer could have concluded otherwise." (source)
California Penal Code Section 12403.7(a)(8)(g):The code goes on to add further sanctions if, lets say someone knowingly pepper sprays a police officer etc, but the above, based on the 9th Circuit Court's ruling in a civil case ought to go a long way towards convicting ANY official in California who commits, or perhaps even authorizes such an act.
"Any person who uses tear gas or tear gas weapons except in self-defense is guilty of a public offense and is punishable by imprisonment in a state prison for 16 months, or two or three years or in a county jail not to exceed one year or by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both the fine and imprisonment,"
To show us how out of touch with law the average police officer is (and to add to the extensive list of why one should NEVER ask a law enforcement official for legal advice), simply read the words of UC police Capt. Margo Bennett who said:
"The individuals who linked arms and actively resisted, that in itself is an act of violence,"
And remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:
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Friday, November 18, 2011
November 18 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Career Planning For The Part Of The 99% Who Don't Mind Carrying A Gun
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 17:21 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
After the commentary, Gil Scott-Heron... 'Cause peace ain't comin' our way... Whatcha gonna do?'
The Monetary
They get together
Whenever they think it necessary
They are turning our brothers and sisters into mercenaries
They are turning parts of the planet into a cemetery...
(watch the video). Courtesy of the respective artists.
«o» Because America NEEDS Sweatshop manufactured products and Methamphetamines - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has stated that she will be visiting the country formerly known as Burma... Myanmar, and opening diplomatic relations with the country for the first time in four decades. Now you know why the Junta in power has spent years annihilating the indigenous tribal groups and suppressing-until-coopted the country's Democracy movement. Sweatshops and Meth labs. More: "ASEAN gambles on Myanmar's regional leadership", Reuters.
The UN wants a piece of Myanmar too. The IMF already has a team on the ground, and as this article notes, "Washington seeks to counter China's growing influence across Asia and with Myanmar in particular."
«o» Don't just 'follow the coal barges and oil tankers' (to where the industry and manufacturing really take place) - When you run sweatshops in Asia you have to move A LOT of people from first AND third world countries around, so Indonesia's airline says it will buy the biggest order of Boeing aircraft ever placed.
«o» In New York, the #Occupiers are going "Out Of The Park And Into The Streets" today.
Expect skewed news coverage suggesting the protesters are not attaining their tactical goals.
To Wit, Yesterday:
Authorities foil NY protest bid to shut Wall Street
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York police prevented protesters from shutting down Wall Street on Thursday, arresting more than 200 people in repeated clashes with an unexpectedly small but spirited Occupy Wall Street rally... [Reuters]
No kid gloves as New York police prevent Wall Street occupationCompare to this post from the #OccupyWallStreet site (also see the Alternet LiveBlog):
New York police shoved protesters away from the entrance to Wall Street Thursday, in latest showdown with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Other protests to come on 'day of action.'... [Christian Science Monitor]
Tens of thousands took action Thursday, November 17 to demand that our political system serve all of us — not just the wealthy and powerful. The NYPD estimated tonight’s crowd at 32,500 people, at the culmination of the day of action. Thousands more also mobilized in at least 30 cities across the United States. Demonstrations were also held in cities around the world.There are still @ #Occupation actions continuing all over the country.
"Our political system should serve all of us — not just the very rich and powerful. Right now Wall Street owns Washington," said participant Beka Economopoulos. "We are the 99% and we are here to reclaim our democracy."
New York led the charge in this energizing day for the emerging movement. In the wake of billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s predawn raid of Occupy Wall Street at Liberty Square, 1:00am Tuesday morning, thousands of people throughout the five boroughs and the greater region converged to take peaceful action. Following Bloomberg’s action, the slogan “You can’t evict an idea whose time has come” became the new meme of the 99% movement overnight. The mobilization today proved that the movement is on the ascent and is capable of navigating obstacles.
The day started at 7am with a convergence of a few thousand people on Wall Street. All entry points to the New York Stock Exchange were blockaded. 'People's mics' broke out at barricades, with participants sharing stories of struggling in a dismal and unfair economy.
Through the course of the day, at least 200 people were arrested for peaceful assembly and nonviolent civil disobedience, included City Council Member Melissa Mark Viverito, City Council Member Jumaane Williams, Workers United International Vice President Wilfredo Larancuent, SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry, SEIU 1199 President George Gresham, CWA Vice President Chris Shelton, CWA Vice President , Fr. Luis Barrios of the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization-IFCO, retired Philadelphia Police Captain Ray Lewis, and many others.
"All the cops are just workers for the one percent, and they don't even realize they're being exploited," retired Police Captain Ray Lewis said. "As soon as I'm let out of jail, I'll be right back here and they'll have to arrest me again."
57-year-old bond trader Gene Williams joked that he was “one of the bad guys” and said supportively, “The fact of the matter is, there is a schism between the rich and the poor and it's getting wider."
At 3:00pm, thousands of students converged at Union Square in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. They held a teach-in to discuss their concerns about the prospect of a lifetime of debt and economic insecurity. They held a student General Assembly and marched en masse to Foley Square. [In Full]
In Razer's hometown, the SEIU labor union which represents many city and county workers rallied on one of the bridges yesterday at rush hour. No they didn't block traffic... but they did attract a lot of honking and cheering from cars passing by and ended up joining the #OccupySantaCruz General Assembly for their 6pm meeting after a rally of their own on the front steps of the court house. More @ the Santa Cruz Sentinel, also known as "The Senile".
Meanwhile, the REASON for the #Occupations becomes apparent, as the press shows even more of it's lack of ability to keep their headlines and statistics straight about America's approaching Third World nation status:
From Reuters e-newsletter:
Nearly 1 in 3 U.S. children poor, Census saysFrom the page you end up on a little later:
November 17, 2011 05:21 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The number of children in the United States considered poor rose by 1 million in 2010, the U.S. Census said on Thursday, with nearly one in three of the youngest Americans now living in poverty...
More than 1 in 5 U.S. children poor, Census saysIn the meantime it's nice to know Congress is STILL keeping an under-40 hour week!
Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:31pm EST
(Reuters) - The number of children in the United States considered poor rose by 1 million in 2010, the U.S. Census said Thursday, with more than one in five of the youngest Americans now living in poverty.... [Source for both]
Supercommittee Dem says trigger of cuts wouldn’t be failureAnd getting by quite nicely on the salary according to this chart from USAToday:
By Bernie Becker, Mike Lillis and Erik Wasson
11/18/11 02:21 PM ET
One of the supercommittee’s six Democrats said Friday it would not be a failure if the panel didn’t reach a deal and automatic cuts to defense and domestic spending were triggered.
Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) said he’d prefer and is still fighting for a grand bargain, but broke with House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.) and other Democratic leaders in saying the automatic cuts known as sequestration would not be a failure.
“I'm not giving up a weekend just so I can watch sequestration (ed. automatic budget cuts) take effect... [More @ The Hill]
11% Of Them Are 'The 1%'«o» The California Supreme Court has ruled that supporters of Proposition 8, the ban on Gay marriage voted into law a year or more ago, do have standing in court to pursue their constitutional suit. The private party action was driven by The state's refusal to defend or object to the law in court.
57 Members Of Congress among the top 1% of wealth
Fifty-seven members, or roughly 11%, of Congress can count themselves among the top 1% of wealth, with an estimated net worth of $9 million.
Members of Congress disclose their assets and liabilities in broad ranges. The estimated net worth is the middle of that range, as reported on their 2010 disclosure forms. Net worth does not include primary residence or other personal property. Updated Nov. 16, 2011... [More, including chart]
«o» Hamid Karzai, alleged 'president' of Afghanistan, has made statements at a Loya Jirga (tribal 'General Assembly' if you would) to the effect that he would welcome, or at least invite, Taliban participation in the Agfhani government, much to the dismay of the Pentagon, NATO, and Western foreign policy planners for the region.
In OTHER News:
I guess that's all the military knows to do with people who threaten the monetary... (Gil Scott-Heron)
"Traditional" approach to cyber security... US military wants to shoot hackers
16 Nov 2011
by Nick Farrell in Rome
The US Military has decided that the best way to fight a cyber war is with traditional guns, bombs and the odd cruise missile.
The Pentagon has just sent a report to Congress where it says that it has the right to retaliate with military force against a cyber attack.
This means that if anyone carries out a decent attack on the Pentagon website, the Navy Seals will land on his roof, run through his house shooting anything that moves and bury the body at sea.
Out of respect.
It's a fairly tough approach, but the Pentagon said in a report made public that it will act as a deterrence on those people who think they can carry out "significant cyber attacks directed against the U.S. economy, government or military."
According to Reuters, one of the problems that the US military has with cyber war is identifying where the attacks are coming from. The report said that before it calls for a strike against a cyber enemy the army needs to improve its ability to identify the attacker.
After all, it's a bit tricky to call back a cruise missile when the hacker masked their attack behind another's IP address... [More @ TechEye]
And remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:
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