Monday, October 31, 2011
October 31 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Halloween... An Infernal Battle Between Malevolent Spirits And Mercantile Monsters
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In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
«o» Republican presidential contender Herman Cain... the pizza king, has a campaign problem, AKA "woman problems". Apparently there were a couple of women he sexually harassed who got paid off in a court ordered settlement when he was chairman of the National Restaurant Association. There was a non-disclosure clause in that ruling so no one knows who the women are, but expect hard questions when he shows up at the National Press Club today for a press conference.
«o» The Statue of Liberty turned 125 years old yesterday and after a gala party, it was closed, probably for the next year, for a retrofit to bring it up to modern structural construction codes.
«o» In Afghanistan twelve Americans including seven military "contractors", a Canadian, and a number of Afghanis were killed when a convoy they were traveling in was hit by an IED, and 2 more US soldiers were killed in Kandahar.
«o» In Austin Texas the city enacted a new law on Friday night making it illegal to have food tables and then moved to clear part of the #OccupyAustin encampment, ostensibly to pressure wash the area, but no one was leaving and arrests were made. The arrests across the nation continue in small numbers, but if the arrests get much larger, expect a number of cities to go broke due to the cost of police operations and prosecutions.
«o» Ireland goes left. The left side of the Irish Labor Party has taken control. It will be a coalition government, but maybe Ireland will set a trend towards international Socialism as a solution to Europe's economic crisis.
Meanwhile, in Somalia, the heart of the West's proxy war on the Horn of Africa... where IS the U.N. resolution on the protection of civilians?
A Kenyan air strike on a camp packed with displaced women and children killed at least three and wounded scores Sunday in southern Somalia, witnesses and an aid group said.Oh... I see... Mustn't let the Muslims of the nation feed their own refugees.
The Kenyan army denied killing civilians and said that its strike had taken out fighters from the Islamist insurgent group Shebab, the main target of its two-week-old military operation in Somalia.
Doctors Without Borders said at least three were killed in the air raid on the camp with some 9,000 internally-displaced people and witnesses spoke of up to five victims following a strike residents said was conducted by a Kenyan warplane on the city of Jilib.
"Our staff said that around 52 people, all civilians, mostly women and children, had been wounded and that three were dead," Gautam Chapperjee, who heads MSF-Netherlands' Somalia mission, told AFP.
He said MSF staff in the region were "treating dozens of injured following an aerial bombardment on the town of Jilib that hit a camp for internally-displaced people at around 1:30 pm (1130 GMT) on Sunday."
"One of the bombs exploded near a camp where suspected members of the Shebab were distributing food to displaced families," local resident Abdikadim told AFP. [More from AFP]
The solution? Send more Western "aid".
That "Aid" looks like this...
U.S. flying drones out of Ethiopia: paper
Sun, Oct 30 2011
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force has been secretly flying drones from a civilian airport in southern Ethiopia as part of an aggressive campaign against al Qaeda affiliates in Somalia and Yemen, the Washington Post reported on Sunday.
The paper said in its online edition that Washington has invested millions of dollars to upgrade a remote airfield in Arba Minch from where it was now flying a fleet of Reaper drones that can carry Hellfire missiles and satellite-guided bombs.
It quoted the Pentagon as saying the drones had been unarmed and had been used for surveillance and collecting intelligence only but that it would not rule out using them to launch lethal strikes in the future.
No one at the Pentagon was immediately available to comment.
The Ethiopian government denied the presence of any foreign military bases... [In Full]
In OTHER News:
Signs of the totalitarian times...
About to Be Hauled Off in Handcuffs? Press SendMAYBE that app will be more useful re-marketed as "I’m Being Abused!" when the Boot Camp you send your child to gets a little out of hand:The Android app I’m Getting Arrested allows users to set up alerts in advance and send them to relatives and lawyers when they are about to be detained.There is a strong technological strain running through Occupy Wall Street, and software developers have been gathering at events in several cities to develop such tools for the demonstrators. One mobile app being developed, Shouty, would allow people to use their phones as radios, amplifying the human microphone at meetings in Zuccotti Park.
But the app that has gained the most attention is called I’m Getting Arrested. It allows users to write a message and identify recipients — friends, family, a lawyer — in advance. Then, if they are about to be taken into custody, they can push a button to send a text message blast. Its developer, Jason Van Anden, created it in two days after an acquaintance narrowly avoided an arrest at a demonstration several weeks ago.
Since its release, the Android app has been downloaded nearly 10,000 times. But it is unclear if it has ever been used for its intended purpose or, indeed, whether it would be useful...
But some people involved in the protests see cellphones as a mixed blessing.
One question is whether the police could search the contents of cellphones seized during arrests, allowing them to glean information about the person being arrested or about the movement. Courts in different states have issued conflicting opinions about the rules restricting cellphone searches. The California Supreme Court ruled in January that police officers could examine text messages and other phone data without a warrant during an arrest. In response, legislators passed a bill requiring a warrant, but the bill was vetoed by Gov. Jerry Brown this month. New York’s courts have not ruled on the issue.
The Police Department did not immediately respond to questions about its practices on searching phones during arrests.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, an advocacy group for personal digital rights, advised those carrying phones at demonstrations to lock them with passwords and to consider using apps like WhisperCore, which encrypts phone data. [More @ the NYTimes]
Videos Spark Investigation of California Youth Boot Camp
Oct. 30, 2011
Videos of a youth boot camp instructor forcing children to drink water until they vomit and of instructors yelling at a pre-teen boy carrying a truck tire around his neck have sparked a police investigation of the Pasadena, Calif., operation.
"What we're going to try do to is find any of the young people depicted in the videos, their parents, and many of the adults who we saw in the actual video," Pasadena Police Department Deputy Chief Darryl Qualls said.
Pasadena City Councilmember Victor Gordo said he found the videos "really disturbing."
"The videos are really difficult to watch because these minors who are looking for guidance, whose parents have entrusted these camp operators with their children's lives, appear to be going through a very traumatic experience," he said.
The boot camp, Family First Growth Camp, is run by Kelvin "Sgt. Mac" McFarland. The camp's motto is "Family: The gift that lasts forever."
Some of the children in the camp are as young as 9 years old.
ABC News' phone calls to the camp were not answered, and staff did not reply to an emailed request for comment.
William Edwards, who attended the camp, told the Pasadena Star News that harsh treatment was commonplace at the camp and that in 2010, he witnessed an instructor handcuff a girl to a fence and kick dirt on her.
Edwards' adoptive mother, Helen Edwards, told the newspaper that children of immigrants and the illiterate were targeted for membership.
McFarland was arrested May 16 on suspicion of kidnapping, child abuse, child endangerment, extortion and unlawful use of a badge after he allegedly handcuffed a truant Pasadena Unified School District student and told her parents, who spoke limited English, that if they didn't pay him $100, he would put their daughter in a juvenile detention center.
McFarland has pleaded not guilty and is out on bail awaiting trial... [More Abuse]
Finally, there is a $5,000 dollar reward being offered to anyone who can identify the officer who shot USMC Marine Veteran Scott Olsen in the face at point blank range with a tear gas cannister at the #OccupyOakland Police Riot last week.
Some of Scott's 'brothers' want to speak with the 'gentleman'
[Disclaimer: It is unknown whether the Brother above is one of the people making that offer.]
Remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Monday, October 31, 2011
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