Wednesday, October 26, 2011
October 26 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Not Mark Twain & Hippies... Jack London & Longshoremen - Oakland Is 'The Tough Side'
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In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
['Because I feel like I owe it to someone...' After the commentary Crosby Stills Nash & Young ALMOST cut their hair. Courtesy of the respective artists.
From #OccupyOakland's FaceBook page after the first rout from their encampment yesterday morning:
"Though we may be bloodied, we are even more determined to keep going. As we agreed upon in General Assembly, on the evening following any police assault on our camp, we will reconvening at the Oakland Public Library, on the steps. We will discuss our options and pick one, and then take action as a community to respond..."«o» Perhaps the only worse place to fight over holding ground would be Afghanistan - There was a showdown last night between a thousands protesters and a variety of police agencies in a park across from Oakland California city hall in an attempt to Re-#OccupyOakland. The battle went on for several hours with the police using massive amounts of tear gas flash-bang grenades and other tactical weapons.
There are still a few people from the protest nearby and the protesters WILL return today when the park opens for it's "theoretically regular operating hours".
There is no exact count on the number of arrests yet but there are a number of people in the hospital for injuries ranging from minor to at least one person who, due to 'depressed fracture injuries', appears to have been hit on the head by a nightstick or perhaps a tear gas canister...
More from Raw Story, the San Francisco Chronicle and the San Jose Mercury-News:
Being a US Marine Veteran who served 2 tours in Iraq doesn't count for much when you're with a group of UNARMED protesters attacked by the police for... Illegal Camping.
Raw Story...
Marine veteran injured by non-lethal rounds at Occupy Oakland
By David Edwards
Wednesday, October 26, 2011A Marine veteran at Occupy Oakland was injured Monday night after being shot at point-blank range with bean bags or rubber bullets by police.
Scott Olsen was at 14th Street and Broadway when he was shot by either San Francisco Sheriffs deputies or Palo Alto Police, according to RT.
“We need medic!” one protester is heard screaming. “Medic! Medic!”
“What happened?” another asked.
“He got shot!”
As Olsen is carried away, he appears unconscious and bloody, unable to even respond when asked his name.
Olsen is associated with Veterans for Peace. Watch this video, uploaded to YouTube Oct. 26, 2011... [In Full]
Police tear gas Occupy Oakland protestersMore details from the San Jose Mercury-News:
Matthai Kuruvila, Justin Berton,Demian Bulwa, Chronicle Staff Writers
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
OAKLAND -- Police fired tear gas at least five times Tuesday night into a crowd of several hundred protesters backing the Occupy movement who unsuccessfully tried to retake an encampment outside Oakland City Hall that officers had cleared away more than 12 hours earlier.
Police gave repeated warnings to protesters to disperse from the entrance to Frank Ogawa Plaza at 14th Street and Broadway before firing several tear gas canisters into the crowd at about 7:45 p.m. Police had announced over a loudspeaker that those who refused to leave could be targeted by "chemical agents."
Protesters scattered in both directions on Broadway as the tear gas canisters and several flash-bang grenades went off. Regrouping, protesters tried to help one another and offered each other eye drops.
One wounded woman, who others said had been hit by one of the canisters, was carried away by two protesters... [More, SF Chronicle]
Live Blog: Occupy protesters linger in downtown Oakland«o» The first fruits from the 'Arab Spring' - There will be a coalition government now that the Tunisian elections are finished and an apparently moderate religious based party previously outlawed by the government has taken about 27 of 50 seats.
Tear gas was used, as well as bean bag rounds, officials said. The operation will be investigated and reviewed, according to Jordan.
The hundreds of officers at the scene came from police departments around the Bay Area, including the Alameda County Sheriff, Berkeley, UC Berkeley, Hayward, Fremont, Pleansanton, Union City Newark, Alameda, the CHP, Santa Clara, San Francisco and San Jose... [More H/t: Uprising Radio]
«o» President Obama is in Colorado today wrapping up his three day "We Can't Wait" tour for a new job bill. He plans to speak about student loans and education, and expect some executive orders in regard to student loan coverage.
5 of my friends are dead
1 of my friends is missing his arm
1 of my friends killed himself
I've been blown up 2x by roadside bombs
Hearing fireworks makes me nervous
I can't sleep at night
All so bankers and war profiteers could get richer
I am the 99%
Remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011
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