Thursday, October 13, 2011
October 13 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: #OccupyEverywhere - Even If The Issues Arent Clear It Scares The Power Brokers
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In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for the news and commentary audio files.
Anti-war protesters interrupt House hearing
Anti-war protesters waged an intense protest Thursday, interrupting testimony by Pentagon leaders before being forcibly removed by U.S. Capitol Police officers.
Six demonstrators were arrested during a House Armed Services Committee hearing within the Rayburn House Office Building. Charges were still forthcoming, according to department spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider.
At several points during the hearing, protesters loudly and passionately stopped proceedings before being removed.
One young man, who identified himself as an Iraq war veteran, said loudly: "We murdered people! I saw what we did to people!"
He continued that refrain as he was essentially carried from the room by two Capitol Police officers... [More @ The Hill]
«o» Congress has managed to pass something (after FIVE YEARS of standoff), the Free Trade Agreement with Colombia, South Korea, and Panama. Those nations will have favored trade status with lowered tariffs.
«o» Today Obama will meet with South Korea's president and advisers about the "Question of Korea" as a whole region on the Asian continent. There is expected to be further need for humanitarian assistance in many of the outlying, frigid during the winter areas on both sides of the UN created border between the two countries.
«o» In Myanmar... Burma, the 40 year standing military dictatorship says it will release sixty three hundred political prisoners, some of whom have been in prison for a decade or more.
«o» #Occupiers across America! There have been eleven hundred 'incidents' and marches in the last week all across the United States. Some are big, some small, and today the New York #Occupiers will visit the Time Square military recruiting office, strategically a target since the massive anti-war protests of the Vietnam war.
The weather will change soon and we'll see how it goes, but it would behoove us to remember the words of one of the AFL-CIO's founding members, Samuel Gompers, who said:
A strategy and more in the commentary."The prettiest thing in the world is a line of pickets in the snow."
«o» Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and the Joint Chiefs of Staff have come up with a plan to pull ten thousand troops out of Afghanistan by the end of the year. Those will be mostly non-combat troops, followed by twenty three thousand more US forces out of the theatre by the end of next year.
«o» China is complaining about the just passed by Senate committee bill that would re-value the US-China tariffs due to their central bank's monetary devaluation attempts.
Interesting developments are also afoot with regards the Chinese yuan. Following a vote in the US Senate in favour of protectionist measures against the Chinese – owing to American complaints that the undervalued yuan is “stealing jobs” from America – the People’s Bank of China (PBC) has retaliated by raising the dollar-yuan central parity rate. Unsurprisingly, the yuan fell against the dollar in early trading yesterday, though this fall was reversed later in the session. Many investors remain bullish on the yuan over the long-term, with many predicting that one day it may function as a reserve currency. This bullishness will provide some resistance to PBC devaluation efforts. [More, with links]
Remember... They only call it class war when we fight back.
(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)
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Thursday, October 13, 2011
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