Friday, September 16, 2011
September 16 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Imagine Popular Democracy - Tell Your Congressman You Dont Care What THEIR Opinion Is
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 12:17 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the commentary a musical memorial for Jimi Hendrix, who passed on September 18th 1970, with a tune from Randy California of the band Spirit, who was tapped to be Jimi's second on the guitar when Chas Chandler cut a deal for Jimi's name on the Warner Brothers label. Randy's father, Ed Cassidy from Art Pepper's jazz ensemble, nixed the deal because of Randy's age (He must have been 14 or 15). Randy remembers though... "Jimi's Back", from Spirit's "Blues From The Soul" album. Courtesy of the respective artists. Let it also be sadly noted Randy California passed in January 1997 due to a tragic accident near his home in Hawaii.]
» BREAKING NEWS from BBC's Twitter feed: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announces plan for a Palestinian state recognised by UN.
» Congress as an ant hill - Congress is in a panic to pass a number of legislative acts necessary to keep the federal government running by the end of the month, and before the special session of congress bound to happen as the United States enters the FOURTH YEAR without a budget. That means every bill congress and the senate have enacted in the last three years from ObamaCare to road repair is funded at 2008/9 prices, if at all.
The must pass bills at the moment include funding for the Post Office, which is threatening to lay off 35,000 people and 'consolidate facilities' leaving two hundred less sorting stations. That means, in geographic terms, Cabale News Service, located in the mountains outside of Reno Nevada, would have it's mail sorted in Sacramento California. Also hanging fire are the FAA, and disaster relief funds which WERE partially funded by a continuing resolution yesterday... and those are just the funding issues making headlines.
» Prime Minister Cameron and French President Sarkozy are still in Tripoli Libya working on diplomatic relations with the criminal government NATO installed by force and without UN authorization. One of the issues at hand is the spontaneous arming of the Libyan population with millions of weapons and ordinance purchased and stored by the al-Gadaffi government after the US attack on the country in the 1980s. RPGs, AK47s, Land Mines, and much of it has been looted. Will 7 million Libyans have control over 21 million weapons? France and Britain are concerned, but the US government is apparently not interested in recovering them.
Which MAY help the Libyans later because if they thought unseating Muammar al-Gadaffi was tough... Wait until they try to get rid of NATO.
Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey seems to feel the same, as he says while in his tour of Tripoli: "Libya must continue to belong to the people of Libya and never turn into an Iraq"
» If I had "Nukes", I'd just take what I needed... North and South Korea (which has the technology to build a nuclear arsenal quickly if it decides to do so [src]) begin talks on their nuclear weapons programs next week in Beijing. North Korea is evidently having food shortage problems and the West's stance is if they don't compromise on their weapons program they get no aid.
America's economics in the news...
Zoellick: World economy in new danger zoneThat means your lifestyles, as you understand them, are about to take a turn for the less-affluent.
September 14, 2011
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the World Bank said Wednesday the world had entered a new economic danger zone and that Europe, Japan and the United States all need to make hard decisions to avoid dragging down the global economy.
"Unless Europe, Japan, and the United states can also face up to responsibilities they will drag down not only themselves, but the global economy," Zoellick said in speech at George Washington University.
"They have procrastinated for too long on taking the difficult decisions, narrowing what choices are now left to a painful few," he said ahead of meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund next week.
His bluntly-worded speech highlighted mounting fears among global policymakers... [In Full, Reuters]
Meanwhile, everyone was waiting with bated breath yesterday for the roll out of the Republican's Job Plan but all we got was a "no-fly zone".
Until we see something tangible, yours truly DOES have an idea of what's contained in the Republican Job bill:
Rick Perry, Texas governor and GOP Presidential contender, announced the linchpin of his jobs program today. “Get Back To Work Camps,” he said, “will assure food and shelter for all our citizens, regardless of economic standing.” Under Perry’s plan, debt would become a criminal offense, much as it was in Victorian England.
Those convicted of the crime of being in default on debt could, if employed, work out a repayment plan suitable to the courts and their creditors.
The defendant’s paychecks would be rendered directly to the court, with payments being made to creditors first. Defendants would be allowed to keep 25 percent of their pay, after taxes. However, those convicted of default without sufficient income would be sentenced to “Get Back To Work Camps.” Here, various private companies will set up shop to utilize the labor. Debtors might be assigned to an on-site factory or might be assigned to offsite work crews.
The private contractors will keep the camps open, providing each debtor with adequate food and shelter. Debtor’s will be paid at minimum wage, with the costs of food and housing deducted from their pay. The remaining money will go to pay off their debt.
Once the debt is satisfied, debtors will be free to join society with a clean financial slate.
Perry also announced that, under a Perry Presidency, personal bankruptcy would be outlawed. Only corporations would be able to restructure debt. [Source]
Remember... Capitalism is holding a loaded gun...
...And the target is ANYONE who gets in the way of their profits.
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Friday, September 16, 2011
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