Wednesday, July 20, 2011
July 20 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: A 'Shock Doctrine' For America - You May Not Believe The Wolf Story But The Wolves Do
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 12:23 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
» The top of the news? Rupert Murdoch gets 'Pied' at his hearing before the British Parliament. His testimony didn't impress the Parliament any more than it impressed the person with the pie. More people are 'rolling over', being arrested, and the FBI STILL wants to speak with Murdoch in the wake of one of his now defunct newspaper's conspiring with a former advisor to the current Prime Minister and their hacking into a murdered girl's email account...
» Even as one of Murdoch's US outlets, FauxNews, suppresses the story, instead publishing on how a number of "Anonymous" hackers have been arrested in the US (More @ Wired).
"Anonymous" is the umbrella monicker for the people who released the Collateral Murder video of a US aircrew in Iraq gunning down innocent civilians and a Reuters News reporter, information on the US government's attempt to force the Haitian government to LOWER the already pitiful wages of workers at Levi Strauss and Hanes sweatshops in the country and so much more.
It begs the question when compared to the story above... WHO are the REAL CRIMINAL HACKERS, and WHO is providing a VALUABLE SERVICE TO TRUTH SEEKERS around the world?
For what it's worth, there ARE National Lawyers Guild lawyers standing by for anyone arrested in those raids... and they are 'legion'
The National Lawyer's Guild has directed me to notify those arrested today in the U.S. that the organization is prepared to provide assistance; several of its lawyers are familiar with the ongoing case and have already provided free consultations to several of those raided in January. In particular, they have lawyers on hand for those in New York State; I'm not yet sure about other states. The NLG may be contacted at its hotline at 888.654.3265. I'm also working on arranging assistance for those outside of the U.S. Anyone with questions can e-mail me at [REDACTED... See link]Thanks #BarrettBrownLOL. You De Man! (derp derp derp)
Update: I've just been contacted by a lawyer in California who can arrange for legal assistance for the 12 of the 16 arrested who will presumably be tried in the Northern District of California. Those to whom this applies should e-mail me as soon as possible.
More just in from the friendly folks @ Anonymous... The government has acknowledged that they have abused the rights of a soldier in their custody then tried to hide the report. Guess who? #BradleyManning
» The Republican passed their "Cut Cap & Balance" bill by 234-190 in the House and sent it to the Senate where it will go nowhere, and even if it does, the president has vowed to veto it.
The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) has issued a statement on the "Gang of Six" deficit plan:
"The budget plan produced by the Senate’s “Gang of Six” offers the promise of huge tax breaks for some of the wealthiest people in the country, while lowering Social Security benefits for retirees and the disabled. Despite claiming that they will "reform" Social Security on a "separate track, isolated from deficit reduction," the plan includes cuts to Social Security that would be felt in less than six months, as the plan calls for a new inflation formula that will reduce benefits by 0.3 percentage points a year compared with currently scheduled benefits. The plan also calls for a process that is likely to reduce benefits further for future retirees.» The floods in the Midwest are decreasing but the waters are spreading out across the region causing a massive amount of high humidity in combination with high temperatures, and it's expected to continue for at least a week. It IS possible that the Wheat and Corn harvests which did get planted will be seriously damaged... for the long term, if the climate continues to change in a similar direction over the years.
"The proposed cuts to Social Security are cumulative. This means that after ten years, a beneficiary in her 70s will see a cut of close to 3 percent. After 20 years, the cuts for beneficiaries in their 80s will be close to 6 percent, while the reduction in annual benefits will be close to 9 percent by the time beneficiaries are in their 90s. For a beneficiary in her 90s living on a Social Security income of $15,000, this means a loss of more $1,200 a year in benefits.
"The plan also calls for large cuts in tax rates including a targeted top rate of between 23-29 percent, which will be at least partially offset by elimination of tax deductions. For the highest-income people, this is likely to mean a very large reduction in taxes. For example, Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein, the CEOs of J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs, respectively, are both paid close to $20 million a year at present. If this pay is taxed as ordinary income, then they would be paying close to $7.5 million a year in taxes on it after 2012. However, if the top rate is set at 29 percent, they may save as much as $1.9 million a year on their tax bill. If the top tax rate is set at 23 percent then the Gang of Six plan may increase their after-tax income by more than $3 million a year.
"It is striking that the Gang of Six chose to respond to the crisis created by the collapse of the housing bubble by developing a plan that will give even more money to top Wall Street executives and traders..." [CEPR's Analysis In Full]
» President Obama is considering sanctions against Iceland for increasing it's 'harvest' of Fin Whales, in contravention of recently signed international whaling agreements.
Meanwhile, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has had their Flagship the Bob Barker, confiscated:
On the afternoon of Friday, July 15, the Steve Irwin was detained in the Scottish Shetland Islands by the British courts due to a civil lawsuit brought against us by Maltese fishing company, Fish and Fish Limited. They are claiming damages for the bluefin tuna we rescued from their nets in June 2010, fish that we believe were illegally caught after the season has closed, without an inspector onboard, or any paperwork documenting the legality of their catch...
[SOS! Read More And If Possible, Assist]
In OTHER News:
You'll NEVER silence the voice of the voiceless!
California Prisons Bar Media Access to Hunger Striking PrisonersA posting yours truly did a while back on the horribly overcrowded conditions at ALL of California's state prisons here.
The L.A. Times reports that it has sought to visit and interview the striking prisoners, but the California prison system has denied the request.
Does this denial raise a First Amendment issue?
It’s a question that Ohio State University law professor Douglas Berman poses at his Sentencing Law and Policy Blog.
The Supreme Court, Berman points out, has said that prisoners have limited First Amendment rights while in the slammer. Still, “these rights are not completely extinguished,” he writes. “In addition, I would think the traditional media might be able to assert some of its own First Amendment rights to try to get access to at least a few of the hunger-striking prisoners.”
A California prison spokesman told the Times the state was restricting media access “due to security and safety issues.”
Berman counters that security issues likely do not justify restricting access to every one of the striking prisoners. [More, and links @ The Wall Street Journal H/t: Findlaw]
Despite the fact that the US imprisons more people by raw numbers or per-capita than any other nation on the planet, "They Love Us For Our "Freedoms"... NOT!
US Standing Plunges Across Arab World - Institute for Policy StudiesThe West's diplomatic 'support group' for their ILLEGAL war on 90% of the Libyan population issues a statement...
The United States' popularity in the Arab world has plummeted to levels lower than the last year of the George W. Bush administration, according to a new survey of public opinion in six Arab countries released here July 13.
The "Arab Attitudes" survey found that favourable ratings of the United States have fallen by nine percent or more in Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) over the past two years.
In Egypt, they fell from 30 percent to a meagre five percent. Only in Lebanon did positive views of the U.S. (23 percent) remain consistent.
Consisting of 4,000 face-to-face-interviews conducted by the Zogby International firm between mid-May and mid-June, the survey also found that 10 percent or less of Arabs in all the countries polled approve of President Barack Obama's policies.
Obama's favourable ratings were the lowest by far among the five national leaders covered in the survey... [In Full @ the Institute For Policy Studies]
The Contact Group reaffirmed that the Qaddafi regime no longer has any legitimate authority in Libya and that Qaddafi and certain members of his family must go...Just... Like... That...
As if this 'Contact Group' has any internationally legal significance at all.
But if you read the not-so-fine print, it becomes clear what the CIA/SAS/??? invasion of Libya is REALLY about:
"...participants stressed the importance of international support to help the NTC to resume the production and export of crude oil."Yew Betcha! Their Full statement Here
(And DO try to keep your government from killing all the 'dusky natives' in the meantime OK?)
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
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