Tuesday, July 12, 2011
July 12 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Vietnam War Lessons Learned - The Media Pushes Harder To Glorify Our Imperial Warriors
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 18:50 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ Twitter This Commentary |
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
After the commentary. Here's what you tell 'em soldier.. SIR NO SIR! Courtesy of Tom Morello (Rage Against The Machine) and OuterNational. The dubout courtesy of the Asian Dub Foundation, Rivers of Dub. If you need Windage and Range to get your groove on the move... The visuals are here.
» America's financial situation is continuing to deteriorate as the Republicans say no to any revenue raising plans to balance the 2012 budget. If congress agreed today on what to do it would take a month to write the bill and then another month to pass it. In other words, shortly, we will be running on continuing resolutions based on the federal budget from two years ago. President Obama says he will hold daily conference with congressional leaders about it and the debt limit.
» In Kandahar province Afghanistan, the kingmaker/Afghani Mafia Capo of the region, Hamid Karzai's half brother, who was also a player in the Afghan opium trade, has been assassinated by one of his own bodyguards. Hamid Karzai says it will not make any difference but the local council was under the Karzai family thumb and has been totally disrupted.
» Over the last few days Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta went to Kabul Afghanistan and Baghdad Iraq. At Camp Victory just outside of Baghdad there was a rocket attack to welcome him. The situation in Iraq is 'deteriorating' (for us) and Panetta has said if conditions don't improve the US will go back to a combat footing with ground patrols... As if they ever really stopped. But it DOES means we'll essentially go back to war in Iraq with the Muqtada al-Sadr's Mehdi Army, and by extension, Iran.
» Since the CIA-led rebels in Libya have done such a bad job, even with MASSIVE Western military logistic and air support, a second front has been opened in that war attempting to move on Tripoli from the West... The Tunisian border. Needless to say there is no Tunisian army worth talking about at that border to stop their cross-border incursions and the rebels have had easy pickings of the small towns in their path... about 40-60 miles away from Tripoli.
» In Southern California Jane Harman has resigned her seat in Orange County, a relatively right wing area of the state. Expect a Republican to get elected.
» In Wisconsin the Republicans have seeded the primary elections with Faux Democrats. The elections, intended to unseat the six Republican state senators who delivered the vote for the elimination of benefits and labor bargaining rights for state workers will be forced into a runoff. That buys the Republicans about a month to further damage the state's economy and it's worker's wallets.
The recalls are coming! The recalls are coming!
Emily Mills, Tuesday 07/12/2011
Get to ringing those bells and sending those warning shots -- it's the start of recall season in Wisconsin. The first primary in those elections is happening today in the six Republican-held Senate districts.
Today's vote is especially interesting given the fake, "zombie" Democrats running against the actual Democratic challengers. The state GOP encouraged and endorsed these actual Republicans to run as spoiler candidates in order to 1) force primaries, thereby delaying the final recall elections long enough, they hope, to give the incumbents more time to organize and to deplete Democrat's energy, and 2) to possibly actually see the fake Dems win the primaries so they can then run half-assed campaigns against the incumbents.
We've seen clear evidence of the latter tactic in recently released flyers... [Links and More @ The Isthmus, Madison Wi]
In OTHER News:
Photo: Grant Blankenship for The New York Times
Buster Haddock, an agricultural scientist at the University of
Georgiain a field where cotton never had the chance to grow.
COLQUITT, Ga. — The heat and the drought are so bad in this southwest corner of Georgia that hogs can barely eat. Corn, a lucrative crop with a notorious thirst, is burning up in fields. Cotton plants are too weak to punch through soil so dry it might as well be pavement.
Farmers with the money and equipment to irrigate are running wells dry in the unseasonably early and particularly brutal national drought that some say could rival the Dust Bowl days.
“It’s horrible so far,” said Mike Newberry, a Georgia farmer who is trying grow cotton, corn and peanuts on a thousand acres. “There is no description for what we’ve been through since we started planting corn in March.”
The pain has spread across 14 states, from Florida, where severe water restrictions are in place, to Arizona, where ranchers could be forced to sell off entire herds of cattle because they simply cannot feed them.
In Texas, where the drought is the worst, virtually no part of the state has been untouched. City dwellers and ranchers have been tormented by excessive heat and high winds. In the Southwest, wildfires are chewing through millions of acres.
Last month, the United States Department of Agriculture designated all 254 counties in Texas natural disaster areas, qualifying them for varying levels of federal relief. More than 30 percent of the state’s wheat fields might be lost, adding pressure to a crop in short supply globally.
Even if weather patterns shift and relief-giving rain comes, losses will surely head past $3 billion in Texas alone, state agricultural officials said... More at the New York Times.
(...and DO try to keep your government from killing too many 'dusky natives' in the meantime OK?)
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011
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