Thursday, June 16, 2011
June 16 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Sometimes The Other Army Gets Lucky - Notes On The Fallout Of Congressman Weiner's Resignation
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Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
Due to technical difficulties at KPIG the news is courtesy of KVMR Radio Nevada City California this morning. There is an unavoidable 15 second gap right after the beginning of the news segment.
» First, a clarification on yesterday's article about the Senate's vote on Ethanol tax breaks, from The Hill:
Senate kills off ethanol tax breaks in possible break with tax pledge» The "Weiner roast" is over as Democratic representative Anthony Weiner falls on his 'skewer' and decides to resign. There will still be a party caucus this morning in regard to his Sexting/PenisPics and party rules. More. Still more in the commentary.
By Ben Geman and Josiah Ryan
The Senate voted 73-27 Thursday to kill a major tax break that benefits the ethanol industry, handing a political win to a bipartisan group of lawmakers that call the incentive needless and expensive. The vote also could have ramifications on future votes to reduce the deficit. Much of the GOP conference supported Feinstein's bill even though it does not include another tax break to offset the elimination of the ethanol tax credit. [More Details @ The Hill]
» There have been more drone strikes in South Waziristan killing twenty three people including one alleged al Qaeda member. U.S. relations with Pakistan further deteriorates as the Pakistani government refuse visas to twelve members of a Pentagon counterinsurgency team and the Pakistani government is planning to not renew one hundred and twenty more visas for similar operators already in the country as their visas expire.
» There have been reports that Osama bin-Laden's #2 Ayman al-Zawahiri will be the new 'leader' of al-Qaeda. he is believed to be in Waziristan.
From the AfPak Channel Daily Brief @ Foreign Policy magazine (links in parentheses on-site):
Succession announcement» Last night fans of the home team Vancouver Canucks, who had just lost in the Stanley Cup Hockey games, went berserk in Vancouver and burned police cars, smashed windows, looted stores. In other Canadian news the Canadian Post Office has locked out it's striking postal workers.
The jihadist website Ansar al-Mujahideen posted a statement from al-Qaeda's "general command" this morning confirming that Osama bin Laden's longtime deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri had been named the group's new leader (CNN, BBC, Tel, Reuters, AFP, AP). The statement also reaffirmed the group's fight against the "crusader America and its servant Israel, and whoever supports them" (Tel).
The Journal reports that CIA chief Leon Panetta is working to gain the release from Pakistani custody of a Pakistani army doctor said to have been detained for helping the United States track bin Laden down (WSJ). The doctor, identified by some news sources as Major Amir Aziz, owns a house close to the Abbottabad compound where bin Laden was killed, and may have rented the house to CIA agents observing bin Laden (McClatchy, BBC, Independent, CNN). Pakistan's military has publicly denied the arrest of any military officer (ET, AP, ET). [Read More]
» Ten bipartisan congressmen are joining in a lawsuit against the Obama administration for bypassing congress and the War Powers Act, which the Obama administration is saying in a 35 page report does not qualify as a candidate for the act due to our alleged support-only role... despite the Pentagon's early involvement putting 'boots on the ground' in the form of advisors in Benghazi along with British SAS forces. The Pentagon has never admitted to doing so.
Libya... It's a police action. Just like Vietnam...
Obama administration: Libya action does not require congressional approvalAlso see The Tripoli Post with a summary of international reaction to Obama's speech and more.
By Scott Wilson
June 15 2011
The Obama administration argued Wednesday that its nearly three-month-old military involvement in Libya does not require congressional approval because of the supporting role most U.S. forces are playing there, a position that puts it at odds with some Republican leaders and the antiwar wing of its own party.
The White House reasoning, included in a 32-page report to Congress, is the administration's first detailed response to complaints from lawmakers of both parties, who say President Obama has exceeded his authority as commander in chief by waging war in Libya without congressional authorization.
The report came on the same day a bipartisan group of lawmakers filed suit in federal court against Obama seeking to end the U.S. participation in Libya, pushing what has been a slow-moving confrontation over the power of the president at a time of war toward the center of the political debate... [In Full]
If you want to know what people in the Middle East think of what's currently occurring in Libya, BitterLemons-International is the premier source of dialog about the region available on the internet today:
Edition 17 Volume 9 - June 16, 2011
Whither Libya?
o The collapse of the Jamahiriya - Ziad Akl Moussa
Most future scenarios still depend on Gaddafi's strategy, and this is shaped by a mindset that in many instances lacks rationality.
o A confused western intervention - Roberto Aliboni
As for the future of North Africa, a democratic Libya would certainly be of great help.
o Intervention interrogated - Asli Bali
Coercive measures were the first rather than the last option employed by the UN.
o It will be worth it - Murad Fayad
Little did I know that a new era for Libya was about to start.
[Read the articles]
In OTHER News:
Speaking of congress, and power... The the Washington Post reports that Millionaires still rule in the 'lower' house of the US government:
Speaking of millionaires, and screwing people:While the majority status and chairman's gavels may have changed hands, the people's House is still run by millionaires.House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Majority Eric I. Cantor (R-Va.) , the GOP leaders who rode to power on the grassroots wave of tea-party activists, are multi-millionaires with financial investments in some of the nation's largest corporations...
...The Pelosi family holdings spread across property investments in northern California, including a Napa Valley vineyard worth at least $5 million, and a litany of Fortune 500 companies. However, some of Paul Pelosi's financial holdings suffered significant losses in 2010, including...
The largest investments for Boehner, a former plastics executive from southwestern Ohio, come from mutual funds and a collection of individual retirement accounts. The speaker's IRA is invested in a who's who of Fortune 500 companies, ranging from WalMart (at least $15,000); Xerox ($15,000); Pfizer ($15,000); Goldman Sachs ($15,000), according to his forms.
Cantor, 48, is a former lawyer whose wife has become a financial powerhouse in Richmond, Va. Diana Cantor serves on the boards of Domino's Pizza (Ed. Who's founder is a right wing Christian fanatic) and Media General... [More about your rulers here]
Apple has a long and well-known history of knowingly and willfully treading on the trademark rights of others.
Apple Sued Over iCloud CopyrightLast, but certainly not least, Wisconsin Labor Revolt in the news:
Has Apple's iCloud bubble -- already burst? An Arizona company says -- hold on a minute -- that word -- iCloud -- has already been taken. Fox News reports, iCloud Communications says Apple's use of the term -- violates it's trademark of the term.
The company has been in business for six years, they say they provide services identical to or similar to what apple plans to do. The company has asked a judge to prevent apple from using the iCloud name and wants apple to pay up.
iCloud Communications is now asking for unspecified damages and, PC World reports, it's demanding Apple stop using the term -- immediately. [More]
Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Anti-Union LawWhich is leading to a predictable response:
David Dayen
June 14, 2011
The Wisconsin Supreme Court, just hours before a deadline imposed by state legislative Republicans, just reinstated the anti-union law which a district court judge had blocked because it violated state open meetings requirements. They made the novel interpretation that those requirements don't apply to the legislature.
The court found a committee of lawmakers was not subject to the state's open meetings law, and so did not violate that law when they hastily approved the measure and made it possible for the Senate to take it up... [In Full]
Class Warfare? Yes please.
By: Attaturk
June 15, 2011
Yesterday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court did exactly as predicted and limited public employees collective bargaining rights showing their priorities with unusual speed . So Madison is about to see yet another large demonstration. [More]
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
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