Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 11 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: I Got Them 'Global Food Shortage Blues' Mama - Not Ten Years Or One Year Away... This Year

"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."

Cabale News ServiceMay 11 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: I Got Them 'Global Food Shortage Blues' Mama - Not Ten Years Or One Year Away... This Year

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Razer Raygun Says: Sharing IS Caring! Bookmark and Share
In The News: Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.

[After the commentary some New Millennium Depression Music (no quotes intentional) from the Old Crow Medicine Show. Courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG radio Freedom California, Earth]

In regard to the commentary topic. The price of grains has been going up in the U.S. for a number of years and it has shown up as higher prices on the supermarket shelves... The reason? You have been LIED TO about U.S. harvests by the USDA for a number of years even as the States Make It a Crime to Investigate Agribusiness Abuses. Read about USDA LIES [Here]. It's so endemic, they've lost track. Meanwhile global companies make a fortune on the shortages... some of which are entirely contrived, as in the replacement and subsidization of food corn with GMO corn for ethanol. Information on that [Here], at... of all places, the Daily Times of Pakistan.

» First came the tornadoes, then the storms and rains... now it the Cicadas. From Tennessee to Kentucky the Cicadas have come. The floods crested at Memphis slightly below the record high water mark causing flooding on the Mississippi River's tributaries and farmers are planting cotton to replace the corn that didn't get planted due to the last month's weather.

» There has been heavy bombing in Tripoli Libya as NATO forces hit "command and control" centers. In Misrata bombings have driven the Libyan government forces back 20 miles but there is still no humanitarian aid getting in.

"Why" might be a good question to ask at this juncture... Where are the helicopters? We could deliver a SEAL team in the middle of a city in Pakistan to kill Osama bin-Laden... Where are the 'heroics' now that we're in a position to REALLY enforce the UN resolution to "PROTECT CIVILIANS"?

In other regional news:
Syrian army tanks shell the city of Homs

Army tanks have shelled a residential district in Syria's third largest city, Homs. Several witnesses say the attack on the district of Bab Amro began in the early morning hours; the regime insists it is pursuing "armed terrorist gangs" [In Full @ Foreign Policy]

Senator Kerry heads for Pakistan to soothe fury over bin Laden raid

May 11, 2011

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Senator John Kerry will travel to Pakistan in coming days to put relations "on the right track" after the killing of Osama bin Laden in a surprise Navy SEALs raid, but he is likely to face fury from the army over what it sees as a breach of trust... [More @ Reuters]
More regional news below the fold in the OTHER News.

» Set up the extra chairs... The President will meet with all of the Senate Democrats over the budget bill today and will do the same with the Republicans tomorrow.
Five Democratic Senators to watch in Obama debt meeting

By Chris Cillizza and Rachel Weiner

On Wednesday President Obama will begin the first of two days of meeting with Senators, a first public step in what is expected to be a contentious negotiation over increasing the debt ceiling.

Obama meets with Senate Democrats today; on Thursday he will sit down with Senate Republicans.

Looking for signs as to whether Obama's message on the debt is working? Below are five key Democratic Senators to keep an eye on today and for the remainder of the debt debate. Tomorrow, we'll bring you a look at five key Republican Senators to watch. [More]
» The House will vote today on allowing drilling permits off the California coast at Sonoma and Mendocino. The House is expected to pass the bill but not the Senate.

» In a modification to Cuban Socialism as it's currently constituted, a political, economic, and social model that is the bellweather of much of the new Latin American politic, Cuba has announced that they are open for foreign development, investment, and some small business. More.

» Yesterday president Obama went to the Southwest U.S. to discuss his new immigration policies which will put more sanctions on the companies who employ illegal immigrants, but WILL NOT change the reasons WHY those immigrants need to come here for work while Americans couldn't afford the rent with those jobs... and generally, in spite of the whines heard from the rabid racist right about "immigrants taking our jobs", shun them.

I mean, do YOU want to work at a slaughterhouse in Iowa getting sprayed with blood and gristle all day or do stoop labor picking Strawberries in California's fields from sunrise to sunset with no days off until the harvest is completed... about a month? Didn't think so.

In OTHER News:

» Iraq... The Obama administration said we were going to leave... But we killed Osama bin-Laden, therefore, by some twisted logic, SOME PEOPLE think we should stick around:
May 4th, 2011

From Terraviva/Inter-Press Services

Calls Mount to Push U.S. Troop Presence in Iraq Past 2011

By David Elkins

WASHINGTON, May 9, 2011 (IPS) - Amid high-level U.S. congressional delegations to evaluate developments in Iraq, a growing number of voices here, from both the Barack Obama administration and members of Congress, are concerned about a complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from the country by December 2011 a deadline set forth in the supposedly inviolable Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between the U.S. and Iraqi governments back in 2008.

The U.S. raid that killed Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has reinvigorated debate about the necessity of a large U.S. military presence in the region, particularly in Afghanistan, but after Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner's visit to Iraq earlier this month, the argument for keeping troops in Iraq past the deadline has gained momentum.

I think a small residual force should remain and the sooner the administration engages the Iraqi government, I think the better off we are going to be, Boehner said during his trip... [More]
» FaceBook is under fire from a major internet security company for POSSIBLY 'leaking' your personal information to advertisers:
Facebook may have leaked your personal information: Symantec

May 11, 2011 12:46 AM ET

(Reuters) - Facebook users' personal information could have been accidentally leaked to third parties, in particular advertisers, over the past few years, Symantec Corp said in its official blog... [In Full @ Reuters]
This is Razer Raygun saying 'Happy Motoring America...' Enjoy it while you can.
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)


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