Friday, March 18, 2011
March 18 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Crazy Like A Desert Fox - Gadaffi Caves Or What Good Is A No-Fly Zone If There Are No Flights
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128kbps MP3 9:47 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
» The United Nations, sans China and Russia which abstained, has approved a No-Fly Zone over Libya... I guess they decided to drop all pretenses since there is no such thing as JUST an "No Fly Zone" as the resolution also allows for ground troops. HOWEVER Muammar al-Gadaffi is smart, and immediately called a ceasefire, leaving the assembled invasion forces and air patrols with no rationale for involvement... unless they create a reason of course. More.
A Public Service Message From U.S. Labor Against War:
Democracy Won’t be Delivered by a No-fly Zone» In Japan the situation is NOT getting better as their emergency services struggle with the combined results of an immense earthquake, tsunami, and a terminally damaged nuclear power plant leaking radiation into the atmosphere. US assistance is on-scene but has been restricted by the US government from getting any closer than 50 miles from the damaged reactor.
"Within the social justice movements, it is natural for people to want to come to the aid of a beleaguered people seeking to overthrow an oppressive dictatorship. But good impulses alone are not a basis for making sound policy.
The greatest help we can provide to democratic forces around the world is to end the U.S. role as global cop, global bully and arms merchant to every autocrat, despot, tyrant and authoritarian regime that is willing to do our government’s bidding.
The resources our government now squanders playing super-power to the world should be invested in creating jobs, restoring the social safety net, and meeting the myriad needs of people here and around the world." (There's More)
Electricity has been restored to one of the reactors and there has been an attempt to get cooling water pumped in to cool the now-burning nuclear fuel rods. There have been explosions at two of the sites. There is Plutonium present as well due to one of the facility's dual-use as a reprocessing plant.
There is talk of burying the EX-nuclear power plant under a huge mound of dirt... Effectiveness in the long run absolutely unknown.
» » The Russians have just opened Chernobyl power plant to tourists 25 years after it's meltdown. You are not allowed to stay for long and there are still areas of the facility too hot to visit.
» The Senate passed the continuing resolution to keep the US government running for three more weeks. It is the sixth such resolution... as the Afghanistan war, which also costs about the same as the cuts that were made to pass the bill... $6 billion dollars a week, drags on.
» Meanwhile, the House voted to eliminate funding for National Public Radio yesterday... Whether it will actually happen remains to be seen. Whether it matters is another thing as "Only about 2 percent of NPR's budget comes from the federal government".
In OTHER current and upcoming news:
» Cruel and unusual treatment of WikiLeaks suspect
By Terry A. Kupers, Special to CNN
March 16, 2011 8:53 a.m. EDT
Editor's note: Terry A. Kupers is institute professor at The Wright Institute and author of "Prison Madness: The Mental Health Crisis Behind Bars and What We Must Do About It." He testifies as a psychiatric expert in court about prison conditions and the quality of correctional mental health care. He received the exemplary psychiatrist award from the National Alliance on Mental Illness in 2005, and the William Rossiter Award from the Forensic Mental Health Association of California in 2009.
(CNN) -- Army Pfc. Bradley Manning has been imprisoned in the Quantico Marine Corps Brig for nine months, suspected of giving highly classified State Department cables to the website WikiLeaks. He has not been tried, yet is kept in solitary confinement in a windowless room 23 hours a day and forced to sleep naked without pillows or blankets.
Human rights groups have condemned his treatment, and even State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley spoke out against it. Crowley has resigned, allegedly under pressure from the Obama administration. Defense officials say Manning is stripped of his clothes nightly to prevent him from committing suicide, yet his civilian lawyer says his client is at no risk.
The problem with the argument that Manning is being kept in long-term solitary confinement to prevent his suicide is that long-term solitary confinement causes suicide... [More @ CNN]
We are ALL Bradley Manning!
» remote-controlled drones bomb civilians in rural Pakistan … as whole villages are obliterated by 25 tons of bombs dropped in Afghanistan … as permanent bases are established in Iraq, already ravaged and torn apart by years of war and a corrupt and brutal regime set up by the U.S. … as torture at Guantanamo and Bagram prisons continue in our name...
Resist the War Machine!
TO ALL OF HUMANITY, WE SAY: U.S. wars & occupations are not in our name!
Stop These Wars Now!
Saturday March 19th: 12 noon at the White House.
Contact or call 866-973-4463 for more information.
The next day, this coming Sunday, we move on Quantico Military Brig for our visit with Bradley Manning... ...and we EXPECT him to be available... So 'Expect Us' Quantico.
» Quantico, VA - Support Accused Whistleblower Bradley Manning
Sunday March 20: Rally at 2pm (in Triangle, VA at intersection of Main Street and Route 1), then march to the gates of Quantico Marine Base, where Bradley is imprisoned.
Buy a bus ticket from DC to Quantico for the day online. Invite your friends via Facebook. More info.
More protests for Bradley Manning are happening around the country and around the world on March 20th.
Scroll down At DemocracyInAction to find a protest near you.
Global Bradley Manning Action Days in Support of Accused WikiLeaks Whistleblower
"The U.S. government is clearly signaling that murdering, raping, mutilating and assaulting are not nearly as serious as allegedly making available to the public documents that reveal embarrassing and/or criminal actions of senior government officials."
This coming Sunday, the day after mass protests and demonstrations around the United States marking still another anniversary of the yet unfinished war on Iraq and it's people, there will be a 'gathering' at Quantico Marine Brig in Virginia in support of Bradley Manning, who stands accused of leaking NON-CLASSIFIED military documents available to all intel analysts and officers in the Iraq theatre of operations. He has been imprisoned at Quantico brig under media reported inhumane conditions.
Senator Kerry has voiced concern and Congressman Dennis Kucinich, who has been stonewalled in his request for a meeting with Mr. Manning, has compared the incarceration conditions of the prisoner as equivalent to Abu Ghraib.
PJ Crowley, long time US government spokesman resigned by his own words when he referred in public comment to Manning's incarceration as “ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid.” just days ago.
"My recent comments … were intended to highlight the broader, even strategic impact of discreet actions undertaken by national security agencies every day and their impact on our global standing and leadership," he wrote. (src)
More at the Bradley Manning Support Network
On March 19-20, 2011, activist organizations and individuals will take to the streets to protest the U.S. government’s treatment of accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Army Private First Class Bradley Manning. Manning, 23, has been held in isolation for nearly 300 days, charged with releasing classified documents, including a video that shows American troops shooting and killing 11 people, including two Reuters employees, in 2007.For the more technically savvy, or those who despise "Stupid" and the people who would be so ... Visit Us: irc://, or fire up your IRC client and /join #opmanning at the above named server (alt server .ru)
Organizers are calling on supporters around the world to take public action to protest Manning’s inhumane treatment at the Quantico brig...
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Friday, March 18, 2011
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