Monday, February 14, 2011

February 14 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Notes On The 'Progression' Of 'Civilization' - Valentines Day In Italy

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Cabale News ServiceFebruary 14 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Notes On The 'Progression' Of 'Civilization' - Valentines Day In Italy

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In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.

Due To Time Constraints The News Synopsis Will Be Minimalist Today... Listen in for more.

The Egyptian army is dissolving the government and moving to remain in control for 6 months until promised elections. They have also moved to cut off the Mubarak regime and cronies attempt to loot the country's wealth. More.

In Algeria un-permitted protests have been shut down by a massive police presence, and Yemen is also experiencing street protests and unrest. Further:
A macabre joke making the rounds in Baghdad observes that if an Iraqi were to set himself on fire in a gesture of protest, as did the young Tunisian whose death sparked the Tunis uprising last month, Iraqis freezing without electricity in the winter chill would merely gather around to warm themselves...
Egyptian revolution sparks protest movement in democratic Iraq

The battle of next year's budget begins today with the distribution of the budget to all interested parties by the Obama administration. It includes cuts in education, defense, health and welfare...more.

Representative Gabrielle Giffords, shot in the head a little over a month ago is singing, speaking, and answering questions. She also handled a phone call from her astronaut husband. An incredible recovery

Today is Valentine's Day... dedicated to the Italian custom of sending anonymous note to lovers. Today 1 million women are marching for Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's ouster after it comes out that he was rather, unm, 'intimate' with a 17 year old girl, prostitutes of varying erotic capabilities, and Bunga Bunga's regularly. More in the commentary.

In OTHER News:

Courtsy of Facing South/Southern Studies:
U.S. defense contractors with the most at stake in Egypt

Egypt -- where a popular uprising that began last week seeks the end to President Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule -- is the second-largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid after Israel.

The Egyptian government receives about $2 billion a year from the United States, with most of that assistance going to its military. Last year the U.S. sent about $1.3 billion to Egypt's military compared to about $250 million in economic aid, and the Obama administration requested similar amounts for the 2011 fiscal year, as Britain's Telegraph reports.

The U.S. has long made the case that its unconditional funding for Egypt strengthens relations between the countries and provides benefits for the U.S. such as expedited processing for U.S. Navy warships sailing through the Suez Canal.

Indeed, one of the diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks noted that "President Mubarak and military leaders view our military assistance program as the cornerstone of our mil-mil relationship and consider the USD 1.3 billion annual FMS as 'untouchable compensation' for making and maintaining peace with Israel."

Last week White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the Obama administration would be reviewing its assistance to the Egyptian government based on events over the coming days.

Obviously any change in U.S. aid policy would have important ramifications for Egypt. But it could also have implications for the U.S. companies that contract with the Defense Department to provide good and services to the Egyptian military -- and for their workforces and communities.

Facing South reviewed the Department of Defense contract database over the past two years to see what deals are already in place, and discovered many contracts with connections to the South. The following are the 10 biggest contracts involving aid to Egypt in that period... [In Full @ Southern Studies]


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