Thursday, December 16, 2010
December 16 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The Omnibus Spending Bill - Ostensibly This Whole Fight Is Going To Be About Earmarks But
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128kbps MP3 18:32 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Twitter This Commentary Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[In light of the commentary... after the commentary, The O' Jays show some ♥love♥... of money... Courtesy of the respective artists.]
The Senate passed the tax break extension 81-19 and it's gone to the house, as the President pressures the congresscritters to finish it and get on with business. It adds $980 Billion dollars to the national debt and could be contentious among the 'tea-party' crowd. The Don't Ask Don't Tell standalone bill passed in the House and will go to the Senate where for the first time in 41 years the Defense Appropriations Bill was stalled.... over it's inclusion.
The Ninth Wave is going to be a 'wave of lard' - The US government runs out of authorization to spend money at midnight Saturday unless the Omnibus spending bill passes. The bill appropriates $1.1 Trillion dollars to run the basic functions of the US government for the period from now to the end of next September. It contains approximately 6390 earmarks totalling ONLY 8 billion dollars.
Update: "GOP will paralyze Senate floor with reading of omnibus"
(The) Republicans will paralyze the Senate floor for 50 hours by forcing clerks to read every single paragraph of the 1,924-page, $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill. In full @ The Hill
The Af-Pak policy review is due out today and there is allegedly good news... A wave of analysis by the media, 'experts' and pundits should begin shortly.
In THAT area of the world the good news sort of goes like this - In Yemen several of our diplomats travelling by armored truck went out to dinner at a 'safe' restaurant but when the locals blew up the armored truck, the diplomats were in the restaurant.
Julian Assange has been released on bail. The judge refused to keep him in jail until his January extradition hearing. He's required to stay in a 10 bedroom mansion with 600 acres where he is free to roam, except the restriction he must report to the police every evening.
Also in regard to Julian Assange...
"Assange Won Readers' Poll, But TIME Chooses Zuckerberg for Person of the Year"
The mainstream media bosses at TIME over-ride popular public demand, but who ever said corporations were democracies? (They're not. At best, they emulate the business version of a National Socialist state... and that... makes... them... Evil.)
...And Naomi Wolf makes the feral feminist case for the " pimping of feminism" by the country of Sweden in regard to their alleged rape charge against Julian Assange:
Naomi WolfAlso see Naomi's book: "The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot" (Wikipedia entry), "...a historical look at the rise of Fascism, outlining the 10 steps necessary for a Fascistic group (or government) to destroy the democratic character of a nation-state and subvert the social/political liberty previously exercised by its citizens."
December 15, 2010
Sweden's Serial Negligence in Prosecuting Rape Further Highlights the Politics Behind Julian Assange's Arrest
The fantasy is that somehow this treatment -- a global manhunt, solitary confinement in the Victorian cell that drove Oscar Wilde to suicidal despair within a matter of days, and now a bracelet tracking his movements -- is not atypical, because somehow Sweden must be a progressively hot-blooded but still progressively post-feminist paradise for sexual norms in which any woman in any context can bring the full force of the law against any man who oversteps any sexual boundary.
Well, I was in Norway in March of this year at a global gathering for women leaders on International Women's Day, and heard extensively from specialists in sex crime and victims' rights in Sweden. So I knew this position taken by the male-dominated US, British and Swedish media was, basically, horsesh-t.
But none of the media outlets hyperventilating now about how this global-manhunt/Bourne-identity-chase-scene-level treatment of a sex crime allegation originating in Sweden must be 'normative' has bothered to do any actual reporting of how rape -- let alone the far more ambiguous charges of Assange's accusers, which are not charges of rape but of a category called 'sex by surprise,' which has no analog elsewhere -- is actually prosecuted in Sweden... [Find Out How... Here]
In OTHER News:
Who: Veterans for Peace in conjunction with Stop These Wars and so many others...
What: Civil Disobedience at the White House
When: Right NOW!
Where: White House, Washington DC
More information on this action is available at
Veterans for Peace website
Asheville North Carolina's contingent:
Two local veterans journeying to Washington, D.C., for peace rally
Margaret Williams
December 12 2010
This will be the largest veteran-led civil resistance to the wars in recent history. On December 16, 2010, Veterans for Peace and other supporters will rally at Lafayette Park, then march in solidarity to the White House. They will refuse to leave the White House, demanding an immediate end to U.S. wars, whether conducted by occupation troops, drones, or proxy, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Palestine.
Two local veterans of Veterans for Peace Chapter 99 will be joining them in Washington, DC. Ken Ashe and Kim Carlyle intend to participate in this action of nonviolently refusing to leave the White House until arrested or dragged away... [In Full @ The Mounain Express]
Yowza! "U.N. Security Council ends key Iraq sanctions... Country is now free to develop a civilian nuclear program"
This should be the situation with Iran too... for the same reason. We want ther oil... Iran doesn't want to revert to developing nation status due to lack of domestic electric generatng capacity.
At least Iran is stable... see below the quote for more on that.
The U.N. Security Council voted Wednesday to lift key sanctions on Iraq, in a major step to restore the nation to the international standing it had before Saddam Hussein's 1990 invasion of Kuwait.Still more at this Google News Search For "Iraq Violence" (One week view)
The council lifted restrictions aimed at preventing Iraq from developing weapons of mass destruction, opening the way for Baghdad to eventually build civilian nuclear plants. It also ordered the dismantling next June of the U.N. programs that since 1995 have given foreign powers control over how Iraq has spent its huge oil revenue.
Iraqi leaders have chafed at the sanctions as an affront to their sovereignty, and have pressed for years for their removal.
"The adoption of these important resolutions marks the beginning of the end of the sanctions regime, and restrictions on Iraq's sovereignty, independence and recovery," Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told the council.
In addition, the council's action allowed the Obama administration to remind Americans that it is unwinding its relationship with an Iraq it hopes is moving toward stability seven years after the U.S.-led invasion that resulted in Hussein's ouster... [More @ The LA Times]
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Thursday, December 16, 2010
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