Monday, November 15, 2010
November 15 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: I Support Their (Afghanistan's Citizens) Right To Shoot At Outsiders Carrying Guns
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In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
In light of the commentary topic, we recommend starting here for current information on our empire-building effort in Afghanistan, and Auntie Imp has posted a piece on the Pilgrimage to Mecca, which happens this week, and WHY the Saudi authorities are so fearful of attacks on the event, required of all good Muslims, by al-Qaeda.
After the commentary, Alabama 3's "Vietnamistan", remixed by Skidmark Bob @ PoP dEFECT Radio
Now... the news:
It's gonna be a 'lip service' kind of week - The lame duck session of congress opens today and one of the issues to be discussed is Charles Rangel's foibles. Congressman Rangel is requesting a continuance of his congressional ethics trial until he procures a new lawyer. George W's tax cuts for the wealthy and whether they'll be extended, Unemployment Benefit extensions and perusing the new SALT treaty with Russia (The Pentagon's view, and that of R. James Woolsey, a long time Washington apparatchik) while the Democrats still hold power are also on the plate.
Good news from Burma/Myanmar... The Junta in charge since 1958 has released Aung San Suu Kyi. There are demonstrative shows of support in the street and she says she will continue to hound the entrenched military government of the country, which has the "Stench of American Hypocrisy" on it according to Paul Craig Roberts, and one of Aung's colleagues notes that the Junta is so entrenched they're not concerned with her threat to investigate the elections as she's promised because "... the generals felt secure because the elections were a foregone conclusion."
Meanwhile, Malaysian opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim declared the release of his friend Aung San Suu Kyi meaningless unless she's allowed to assume her role as the elected leader of Burma.
The French Prime Minister has been driven out of his position by popular mandate (but re-appointed by president Sarkozy who also moved his cabinet farther to the right) after cabinet re-shuffle in part caused by a worker/student revolt last month over government assured pensions. There are also worker revolt now or recently past in Greece, Ireland and Spain.
Randy 'Duke' Cunningham, a former congressman from San Diego currently doing time for taking bribes from defense contractors is filing an appeal saying that all those things the defense contractors gave him were "gifts".
...and just in case you think America is the only Western nation that allows criminals to occupy government offices, the Daily Mail, UK, notes: "France appoints its new Defence Secretary – a convicted criminal jailed for misusing public funds and banned from office for ten years" (more on that)
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Monday, November 15, 2010
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