Monday, October 25, 2010
October 25 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: CRAP(s)! The Police And Victimless Crime As A Tool In Social Management
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In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
The nation and world are still going over the 400,000 WikiLeak'd communiques in our war on Iraq even as WikiLeaks says it will dump 15,000 more documents from our invasion of Afghanistan, which will include US State Department memos discussing Afghan government corruption and reliability. It turns out that the Iranian government sends the Afghan government $1 million dollars a year in 'discretionary funds'. Afghanistan's president Karzai defends that... More.
From the 400,000 item leak it's interesting to note that there IS another lie that had been told about our war on Iraq.
When General Tommy Franks said: "We don't do body counts..." src He WAS lying.
Wikileaks Iraq war logs: every death mapped
"The Wikileaks Iraq war logs provide us with a unique picture of every death in Iraq.
These are those events mapped using Google Fusion tables."
When the Hand Cursor points at a red dot, click once for the specifics of that particular death.
Go To The Guardian (UK) For More
The Somali pirates are changing tactics because the maritime shipping nations are putting their Navies in the region to prevent ship seizures an hostage taking So the pirates of the Somali coast have sailed South... to Madagascar where they have proceeded to capture twenty ships and taken forty hostages. Now the governments have to relocate some VERY EXPENSIVE military assets. If the do, it will leave the Gulf of Aden exposed and change the entire naval deployment structure of the Western Indian Ocean.
The Cholera outbreak in Haiti continues to take it's toll. If it gets into the Port-au-Prince water supply, there are well over a million people at risk.
The last dash - President Obama is in Rhode Island and will stop in Maryland later today in the run up to the US elections. There are huge amounts of money being spent by both parties to win you over to their candidates.
In OTHER News:
From Reuters to Rense...
The US cuts loose with some funds for Pakistan's military and SAYS there ARE controls over where the money goes:
US unveils $2bn military aid planMeanwhile... unintended consequences of our war on Afghanistan... It's gone Nuclear throughout the region and all along the Himalayan ridge. There is High level Radiation over Lahore India and other densely populated places:
Saturday, 23 October 2010
AP - The United States has laid out a five-year, $2bn (£1.3bn) military aid package for Pakistan, and has pressed the Islamabad government to step up the fight against extremists there and in neighbouring Afghanistan.
The Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, announced the plan at the end of the latest round of US-Pakistani strategic talks.
The new aid package will not benefit Pakistani military units suspected of human rights abuses. The Obama administration has already cut off aid to some Pakistani units over concerns they may have been involved in abuses that include extrajudicial killings and torture. Reuters
Downwind Airflow Maps Of US DU War On Afghanistan
Hi Jeff - Here are two maps by Peter Eyre (former UK Naval Intel, and weatherman) that he just sent to me for DOWN WIND air flow at three altitudes - Low, Medium and High - for Afghanistan, India and Australia.
In regard to "lies" of the sort told that were quoted at the top of today's news, it would be prudent to note they don't just lie about wars...
"MATTHEW HINTON / THE TIMES-PICAYUNE A boat travels through oil that was spotted in West Bay just west of the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River Friday October 22, 2010." In FullHad Enough?
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Monday, October 25, 2010
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