Thursday, September 9, 2010
September 09 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Ain't Gonna Study War No More - The Dalai Lama Funds A REAL American Higher Education
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In The News:
Thanks to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the commentary and news audio files this morning.
Obama's economics package delivered yesterday looks like something the Republicans should be offering the US businesses community and indeed Obama takes the Republicans to task about how they're more interested in bashing him than legislating for the good of the nation Details
The nutcase 'pastor' in Gainesville Florida who intends to have a public Qu'ran burning on Sept 12 has been asked not to by the US military including General Petraeus, the president, the OTHER presidential candidates INCLUDING Sarah Palin (!!) and a host of others. But nutcases aren't known for heeding the rational thoughts of others, and he intends to do so despite those pleas. The German Spiegel ran an article yesterday about the good pastor being ejected from the country because his group is considered a cult practicing "spiritual abuse".
From the Spiegel Article:
"Let's just make one thing clear," the wannabe Koran-burners write on their blog. "A small church, in a small town, down a back road, burning copies of its own books, on its own property, is not responsible for the violent actions anyone may take in retaliation to our protest." [In Full]California's Supreme Court has denied a suit by the backers of Proposition 8 attempting to force the state's government to appeal the federal ruling against the proposition. That leaves it to the backers of the anti-equality in marriage proposition to finance a US Supreme Court battle with their own funds.
America's concept of flood relief in Pakistan - US drone strikes have killed eleven in North Waziristan even as everyone else in the country including the Pakistani military are quite busy supplying disaster relief in the wake of massive flooding throughout the country.
If you "don't want to study war no more" there's a place to go now. More in the commentary.
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Thursday, September 09, 2010
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