"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."
July 29 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Re-Defining The 'Relationship' - The New Federal Tribal Law & Order Act... Why Am I Automatically Suspicious?
In The News: Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news & commentary audio files.
The Arizona immigration law, SB 1070 just had the guts cut out of it by a federal judge. Details.
For the record, the judge put it this way:
“There is a substantial likelihood that officers will wrongfully arrest legal resident aliens under the new [law],” “By enforcing this statute, Arizona would impose a ‘distinct, unusual and extraordinary’ burden on legal resident aliens that only the federal government has the authority to impose.” [In Full @ The Hill]
Unintended consequences - Due to the lack of a California state budget the governor has ordered three days unpaid vacation a month further crippling an already infrastructure under-staffed state operations.
Robert Mueller, head of the FBI admits "An undisclosed number of FBI agents..." cheated on tests after training in procedures to legally conduct domestic surveillance operations.
The House Judiciary Committee will or will not hold hearings on Charles Rangel's ethics today.
The Deepwater Horizon spill is 'disappearing'. The "talking heads" responsible for public relations would have us believe it has evaporated at a higher rate than expected due to hot weather. Of course that means BP is considering bailing out of the cleanup... and NO ONE is mentioning the rotten under-seabed infrastructure which continues to leak into the Gulf of Mexico unabated.
...And finally, in Santa Cruz California, also known as "Silicon Beach" due to it's vacation-ready location just 'over the hill' from the Silicon Valley and San Jose, the LEGAL homeless camp-in at the county courthouse, known as "Peace Camp 2010" enters it's 24th night of legal sleep for travellers and the displaced workers of the city after a march to city hall the day before.
The city government, whom the sleep-in is targeting due to unconstitutional laws such as a total prohibition, (a "blanket ban" if you would) on sleeping outside at night, is sweating it out in an election cycle full of nightmare publicity aimed at showing the so-called 'progressive' city's government seamy authoritarian underbelly.
In a currently headlining desperate attempt, the city says the County courthouse steps are under the jurisdiction of the City's Parks and Recreation department, giving them jurisdiction to break up the camp-in.
But at this point, and to their credit, the Santa Cruz Police Department is not impressed with the dual-jurisdiction interpretation:
SANTA CRUZ -- The legal loophole that has allowed dozens of protesters to camp in front of the county courthouse for more than three weeks closed Wednesday when city and county officials determined the city's camping ban applied to the county property because it falls within city limits.
However, it remained unclear how the ordinance would be enforced.
"I think what they're going to do is notify all the folks and encourage them to move along," said county spokeswoman Dinah Phillips, who issued a statement Wednesday saying the city's no-camping ordinance would be enforced.
But sheriff's deputies were still formulating a response and city police said it's not their call.
"Why would we go? It's the county's property," Deputy Santa Cruz Police Chief Rick Martinez said. "We're not going to take action on our own on their property." [In Full]
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