Monday, June 21, 2010
June 21 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: What's Obama To Do With MMS And Other Mismanaged Agencies? Fire Everyone Whose Collar Isnt Blue
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In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
Things are NOT going well in Afghanistan. The planned Kandahar offensive is on hold, if it happens at all, as Hamid Karzai attempts to work out some sort of power sharing deal with the Taliban.
Where would they go? Seventeen Afghani Air Force personnel, brought to the US for training, went missing between January and now in Texas. Seven have been caught so far.
The Times Square bomber will be in court for the first time today on 10 federal charges ranging from terrorist acts to weapons charges and more.
Not only out of touch with the US Constitution, 'out of the loop' as well - The DOJ WILL challenge Arizona's immigration law and Secretary of State Clinton told an Ecuadorian audience without anyone notifying Arizona's governor first. It's just a matter of when and on what grounds.
President Obama broke ground at the 10,000th infrastructure project funded with Economic Stimulus money. (Ed. Hopefully it's more necessary than what my town did with theirs... paved a street that didn't need paving, perhaps keeping some highly paid union workers employed for a little while longer, and an international construction company, Granite Construction, in the 'black')
The UN wants 71 million dollars in humanitarian aid for Kyrgyzstan as the siege of Osh continues.
More news gleaned over the weekend:
...and they said that the Pot smoking Afghans couldn't shoot straight:
Sharp rise in Army deaths from small arms fire prompts inquiry into Taliban snipers
Commanders in Afghanistan are examining whether a sharp rise in troops being killed by gunfire is a sign that a better trained or equipped Taliban is targeting soldiers with snipers. [In Full]
Things aren't going well in Iraq either...
Thousands Protest Electricity Shortage in Iraq
One person was killed when the police opened fire on the demonstrators, who were throwing rocks at the provincial headquarters in Basra. [In Full]
Suicide blasts kill 26 at Iraqi state-sector bank
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Two suicide bombers detonated cars laden with explosives outside the Trade Bank of Iraq on Sunday, killing 26 people in the latest attack to raise concerns about the nation's stability after an inconclusive election. [In Full]
Standing Tall, but why is Congressman David Obey standing alone in congress about the Afghanistan War?
Obey’s Afghanistan: At Long Last, It’s Guns vs. Butter
This week, House Appropriations Committee Chair David Obey told the White House that he was going to sit on the Administration’s request for $33 billion more for pointless killing in Afghanistan until the White House acted on House Democratic demands to unlock federal money to aid the states in averting a wave of layoffs of teachers and other public employees.
Obey didn’t just link the two issues rhetorically; he linked them with the threat of effective action.
At last, at long last.
But why is David Obey standing alone? . . .
Perhaps, behind the scenes, the big Democratic constituency groups are pulling for Obey.
But you wouldn’t know it from any public manifestation. Why? This should be a “teachable moment,” an opportunity to mobilize the majority of America’s working families to push to redirect resources from futile wars of empire and the corporate welfare of the “base military budget” to human needs at home and abroad. Where is the public mobilization of the Democratic constituency groups?
If we could shorten the Afghanistan war by a month, that would free up the $10 billion that Obey is asking for domestic spending. Rep. Jim McGovern’s bill requiring a timetable for military redeployment from Afghanistan currently has 94 co-sponsors in the House (act here.) If McGovern’s bill became law, it would surely save the taxpayers at least $10 billion.
Why aren’t the big Democratic constituency groups aggressively backing the McGovern bill, demanding that it be attached to the war supplemental? [In Full]
Iran's Press-TV quotes a conservative Heritage Foundation expert on the corrupt state of the US economic and banking state.
"Crony capitalism reigns US economy"
Sun, 20 Jun 2010
A prominent US economic and banking expert has portrayed a grim outlook for the world's most powerful economy, saying the "crony capitalism" runs rampant in the US.
Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Gerald O'Driscoll, the former director of the Center for International Trade and Economics at the Heritage Foundation believes that a growing tide of fraud and corruption has surged in the current US financial system that is on the verge of becoming "an economy of liars" run by crony capitalists... [In Full]
And last, but certainly not least... North American News:
This year’s G20 economic conference protest in Toronto is shaping up to be the biggest ever... But you wouldn't know it if you follow the North American media!
It's Not A CO2 Generator! (It's A Carcinogen And Neurotoxin) - Meet The New Farm Chemical That's Supposed To Replace Methyl Bromide
The Strawberry growers of California and elsewhere in the US are planning to fumigate their crops with methyl iodide, a carcinogen and neurotoxin that can cause miscarriages and other medical problems. [In Full]
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Monday, June 21, 2010
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