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May 28 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Memorial Day Musings On The U.S. Military - The 'National Guard'... All Of A Sudden Things Ain't What They Used To Be
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We'll know more in a couple of days. There will allegedly be new restrictions on oil leasing and drilling in the Bering Sea (breeding grounds for the last few Right Whales), Florida, and off the coast of Virginia has been put on hold. Will the US government really risk the economic mayhem of increased oil prices at home due to reduced domestic output and global oil markets?
Congress and the Senate have A LOT of things to do before they go on an extended Memorial Day Holiday - The Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal has cleared committee and it's ready do go to the House after the break. It's attached to the Defense Appropriations bill. Expect no action until September due to various "Poison Pills" attached.
For instance "COBRA", continuation of benefits for Americans with health insurance who are now unemployed, has been eliminated from the house version of the bill (not that it ever worked correctly) along with a provision to pay state medicare fees.
The authorization bill includes $33 BILLION for the Afghanistan surge with another $6 BILLION for the State department's "Government-In-A-Box" operations. The bill will total $48 BILLION dollars because there's some pork attached, including an alternative fuel engine for the F-35 not-built-yet-but-already-obsolete jet fighter which has already been tagged by the White House as veto-bait.
Speaking of Memorial Day... and Military Appropriations...
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