Sunday, December 20, 2009

You Are Being Lied To, Part 2: US Department of Agriculture Edition


PakAlert Press annoys me sometimes because Razer doesn't "Do" apocalyptic thinking, but it's a valuable source of little known information, and this well-detailed article (sourced from Marketskeptics) is a harbinger of higher food prices to come.

Meanwhile many Americans continue to be under-or-unemployed, or working at McDonalds just to keep a roof over their heads and try to live on food bank food.... Food banks BTW that are experiencing a MASSIVE influx new 'customers' even as the US Agricultural-Industrial Complex can no longer produce enough food to provide the surplus those 'banks' require.
"All someone needs to do to know the world is headed is for food crisis is to stop reading USDA’s crop reports predicting a record soybean and corn harvests and listen to what else the USDA is saying.

Specifically, the USDA has declared half the counties in the Midwest to be primary disaster areas, including 274 counties in the last 30 days alone. These designations are based on the criteria of a minimum of 30 percent loss in the value of at least one crop in the county. The chart below shows counties declared primary disaster areas by the secretary of Agriculture and the president of the United States.

For a list of Secretarial disaster declarations, see here.

For a list of Presidential disaster declarations, see here.

The same USDA that is predicting record harvests is also declaring disaster areas across half the Midwest because of catastrophic crop losses!

To eliminate any doubt that this might be an innocent mistake, the USDA is even predicting record soybean harvests in the same states (Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Alabama) where it has declared virtually all counties to have experienced 30 percent production losses. It isn’t rocket scientist to realize something is horribly wrong."

Soy Production Disaster

Complete analysis, maps and charts @ MarketSkeptics

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