"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."
August 31 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Change Comes To The Most Theft-Oriented Medical System In The World - It's NOT Just "Does The Health Care Bill's 'Public Option'" Matter... Does "Public Opinion" Matter To America's Politicians?
In The News: Note: Today, Da Buffalo has gone 'hog wild'. There are THREE videos for your informational viewing enjoyment.
There are seven major fires burning in California right now. Two in the Los Angeles area, outside of Auburn near the state capitol Sacramento 30-40 homes burn, one fire is burning in Yosemite, and more. There's a snowball's chance in a forest fire of controlling them all. Details. CalFire/CDF fire info here.
In Afghanistan there are now 300 or 301 dead Americans in our war on Afghanistan and the election results are still being counted amidst SEVEN THOUSAND COMPLAINTS, with six or seven hundred complaints of a serious enough nature to affect the outcome of what passes for 'electoral democracy in the country. Two thirds of the people in the country aren't going to 'buy' the results anyway. Also, the Taliban have assassinated the anti-terrorism police commander on his way home from work in the capital Kabul
Meanwhile, The U.S. Invades and Occupies Pakistan, and since unemployment in the US is hovering around 11 - 12 percent (of the people WHO ARE eligible for benefits), and not everyone has the physical or mental capability to be a foot Soldier trudging thru the hinterlands of Afghanistan, Waziristan, 'Themistan', to earn a government paycheck (if you stay alive...), it is notable there ARE other jobs available to help with the war effort in Central Asia since the "Rendon Plan" failed due to adverse publicity.
Pentagon Cancels Rendon Group Contract
The military newspaper Stars and Stripes is reporting the Pentagon is canceling its contract with the private public relations firm The Rendon Group to produce background profiles of journalists seeking to cover the war. One journalist profiled was Nir Rosen, who got a hold of his profile. The Rendon Group reported to the Pentagon that Rosen’s reporting in Afghanistan was “highly unfavorable to international efforts” and “mainly negative in tone, portraying the situation as hopeless and doomed to failure.” The Rendon Group profile also mentioned Rosen’s appearance on Democracy Now!, when he stated his belief that the war is unwinnable and that the US should withdraw. [In Full]
Listen Up Folks! The Pentagon has JUST the job for YOU! Apply here
The International Space Station and Space Shuttle Discovery were having docking problems due to a leak in the fine control thrusters (AKA "...fine-control vernier engines...") on the shuttle but they worked it with the main units, and now they have the Stephen Colbert Memorial Treadmill, AND a "Mouse Hotel".
Hi! I'm Razer Raygun. Welcome to Razed By Wolves, Just another BloggerBlog consisting of news and other media about local, national, and global events, and the people who, by their actions and words, create those events, making the world around us a more dangerous, nastier place to live.
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