Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 28 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: They Called It "The Stanford Experiment" - The Police And 'Authority' In American Society

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Cabale News ServiceJuly 28 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: They Called It "The Stanford Experiment" - The Police And 'Authority' In American Society

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In The News: The facade of unity-of-government in the Iranian capital is crumbling. There is a push for an investigation by the Iranian Parliament into what happened to the post-election Green protesters imprisoned in Tehran, driven by the death of one of Iran's top conservative leader's children... the 25-year-old son of Dr. Abdul-Hossein Ruholamini, head of the prestigious Pasteur Institute, and a senior adviser to presidential candidate Mohsen Rezaei. The protest continue. More @ Iran's PRESS-TV

The Senate Finance Committee has emasculated the administration's health care plan. It has dumped the public option and eliminated the mandate that large businesses provide health care for employees. Nancy Pelosi may force a weekend session.

The burning question: "...whether the plans will be affordable to those who are currently uninsured."

The US government is planning to sell shares of General Motors (and Chrysler) to the public this fall.

The Space Shuttle Endeavour will undock from the International Space Station today in preparation for it's return to Earth. Televisions cameras were delivered as part of the payload and there will be now be digital live TV coverage of the operation onboard the ISS.

The Taliban has issued a code-of-conduct manual for it's fighters... 13 chapters and 67 articles. Details from Military.Com, AND al Jazzera... Meanwhile, the Karzai Afghan government has declared a ceasefire and truce with certain elements of the Talib in the Northwestern Opium growing country.

The current U.S. Depression IS NOT sinking all boats equally... Nationally, Black unemployment is expected to reach 16 percent, the Hispanic rate may rise to 13.3 percent, while the unemployment rate for out of work White folks is likely to reach 8.6 percent.
(Sacramento Bee, Full EPI/Economic Roundtable report is available via link onsite)

Speaking of race, and inequality, we got your 'citizenship' hangin'... US-ICE is starting to see a flood of lawsuits regarding their illegal detention of US citizens of color under 'Color of Authority'.
Citizens who have been wrongfully locked up in immigration jails can't reclaim the months or years they spent behind bars, but some of them are seeking restitution and suing the U.S. government.

Hundreds of U.S. citizens have been detained and, in some cases, deported by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, The Chronicle revealed in a special report Monday. Legal experts say the numbers have grown as immigration detention has tripled over the past dozen years to 33,000 inmates at a time.

Cesar Ramirez Lopez, a San Pablo truck driver, won a $10,000 settlement in 2007 after he was held for four days by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents even after his lawyer convinced ICE investigators that he was a citizen.

"When ICE came and detained me, I told the officer I was a citizen," said Ramirez Lopez, 25. "They told me they didn't want to hear it, that I was going to get deported."

Others - detained for months or years and in some cases even deported - are suing for much more. Among them are:

-- Pedro Guzman, a mentally disabled man born and raised in Southern California, who was deported in 2007 to Mexico, where he survived by eating out of garbage cans for three months while his frantic mother searched for him...
[In Full] (San Francisco Chronicle)

In light of that last story, and the subject of the commentary... More information about the Stanford Experiment, from wikipedia (links on site):

The Stanford prison experiment was a study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard. The experiment was conducted in 1971 by a team of researchers led by Psychology Professor Philip Zimbardo at Stanford University. Twenty-four undergraduates were selected out of 70 to play the roles of both guards and prisoners and live in a mock prison in the basement of the Stanford psychology building. Those selected were chosen for their lack of psychological issues, crime history, and medical disabilities, in order to obtain a representative sample. Roles were assigned based on a coin toss.[1]

Prisoners and guards rapidly adapted to their roles, stepping beyond the boundaries of what had been predicted and leading to dangerous and psychologically damaging situations. One-third of the guards were judged to have exhibited "genuine" sadistic tendencies, while many prisoners were emotionally traumatized and two had to be removed from the experiment early. After being confronted by Christina Maslach, a graduate student in psychology whom he was dating,[2] and realizing that he had been passively allowing unethical acts to be performed under his direct supervision, Zimbardo concluded that both prisoners and guards had become too grossly absorbed in their roles and terminated the experiment after six days.[3]

Ethical concerns surrounding the famous experiment often draw comparisons to the Milgram experiment, which was conducted in 1961 at Yale University by Stanley Milgram, Zimbardo's former college friend. Tom Peters and Robert H. Waterman Jr wrote in 1981 that the Milgram experiment and the Stanford prison experiment were frightening in their implications about the danger which lurks in the darker side of human nature.[4]
[In Full]


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Recorded & transcribed by Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves

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