Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: At War Again, Or Still, Or Maybe Just Beginning - Defining What "Going To War" Means

"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."

Cabale News ServiceMarch 21 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: At War Again, Or Still, Or Maybe Just Beginning - Defining What "Going To War" Means

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In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.

Due to time constraints just a brief listing of the news items this morning.

» The West is at war with Libya. Details, and more in the commentary.

» The backlash to that is beginning in the region, which had, for the most part, supported a no-fly zone, but an air invasion by the West was not expected or welcome... Except perhaps by leaders of Middle East and North African countries who wear suits, not turbans.

» In Yemen 50 people have been killed in street protests and one of the generals of the Yemeni army has 'defected' to the demonstrators. Expect the Yemeni government to fall, despite alleged compromises by the government, if not supported by the West. Also in Bahrain, the use of live fire by Saudi 'peacekeepers' killing a number of civilians has caused a continuation and exacerbation of the protests there.

» If that wasn't enough, Sarah Palin is in Israel making critical statements about president Obama's foreign policy.

Meanwhile, president Obama is in Buenos Aires and will go to Chile and El Salvador later. These are countries that despite America's best efforts to retain their strongman dictators recently moved towards functioning Democracies. The Republicans think he should be here and are being quite vocal about it even as Congress is on recess despite the three wars, a US economic crisis, and a nuclear meltdown in a long-time ally's country endangering the global environment. They will be celebrating Easter, when Jesus rose, and this commenter must say, Jesus is going to be quite angry when he sees them.

» The Zen saying: "When there is nothing you can do, do nothing" will not suffice - In Japan where the nuclear plants are throwing radioactive debris into the air and technicians have been withdrawn.

» There has been incredibly bad weather on the West Coast of the United States, causing power outages, automobile wrecks, and general mayhem. There were winds along the Central Coast of California in excess of 60mph. The wet and unsettled weather is expected to last into next week.


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