Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Cabale News Gets (E)mail - The Whys And Wherefores Of 'Where The F*ck Did You Get THAT Story?'

"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."

Cabale News ServiceJune 15 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Cabale News Service Gets (E)mail - The Whys And Wherefores Of 'Where The F*ck Did You Get THAT Story?'

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In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news & commentary audio files.

BP Safety - Courtesy of Austin ClineTonight will be the first speech by president Obama from the Oval Office. He will be announcing more details on his administration's energy policy, including what he's intending to do about "The Oil Industry" and other policies in regard to it like Carbon "Cap and Trade" (most likely a hoax, see Annie Lenoard's "The Story Of Cap and Trade"), while The Gusher in the Gulf continues to be at the top of the news with BP claiming it's capturing more of the oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill.

There is talk of bypassing the "Jones Act", which prohibits foreign vessels, including Royal Dutch Shell's 'skimming boats' from operating in US waters.

Never underestimate the tendency towards Ethnic Cleansing, Kyrgyzstan edition - Two hundred and fifty people have been killed and tens of thousands are fleeing after the recent collapse of the Kyrgyzstani government. The Uzbeks are being driven out of the country. Why do WE care? Kyrgyzstan is our best and currently operational hope for a military logistics route to the Afghanistan War. Other transportation options include the Kyber Pass ("Sniper Alley") or ...through Iran... right.

California... Fruits NUTS, and 'flakes' - 52 years old Gary Faulkner, a California construction worker (rough guess, an UNEMPLOYED construction worker) has been picked up in the Northern Tribal Area of Pakistan attempting to find Osama bin-Laden... to kill him. Faulkner's armament includes a gun, a dagger, a three foot sword. He told the Pakistani Frontier Police he'd been in and out of the region a number of times.

A showdown between Israel and Iran is looming as two Gaza relief ships sailing from Iran are expected to approach Irael's territorial waters Monday or Tuesday.

In California, the Prison Gulag Industry has been made safe for a little while as the supreme court issues an injunction against the release or relocation of 40,000 California state pisoners, some in facilities with 200% or more over-population according to the state's own standards. The rulings may come down before the Fourth of July.


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